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Diet Problems


Posted : 05/01/2013 12:02 pm

Does anybody else that still live with their parents find it hard to eat as healthily as you may want to? Since I still live under their roof I eat the meals that they cook and whilst they're not necessarily unhealthy, they're not as raw and simple as I'd like. If I had a choice I'd basically live off plain meat and vegetables...all day every day.

Other than getting a job and buying my own food, I'm not sure of any other ways I can get on a really raw, healthy diet. >_< I go on about making my own shampoo's and toothpaste from baking soda and eating a paleo/caveman diet and I just get weird looks from them.


Posted : 05/01/2013 12:19 pm

haha yeah story of my life, I do work so I do buy some of my own things but to be honest it gets eaten by everyone else >__< but unless I bought a whole grocery shop every week for myself I couldnt really go 'paleo' which i'd like to. Maybe try and go on the grocery shop with them and try and influence them (by influence I mean sneak stuff in the trolly lmao).


Posted : 05/01/2013 1:05 pm

Haha, I have done that in the past (often for much less healthier things than what I want now). I told my mum about the diet and she was all up for going on it too, but they always want to add crap to food like gravy granules and packet sauces. They don't understand that they're packed with shitty ingredients. When they bring back their so called 'healthy' foods they also have like 4 packets of biscuits that I can't resist to have with my 50 cups of tea a day...I need to get rid of temptations!


Posted : 05/01/2013 2:30 pm

my story!same pinch.

but they have taken me seriously and let me do my think)help me that is).

i avoid some stuff they have..its not fair if i make them stop everything just for me.

they have dairy,red meat(rare) plus chocolates or sweets.
