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Food Options When Travelling


Posted : 04/15/2013 12:25 am

Hi all,

I have been trying to follow an anti acne diet for last 3 weeks, and also found that citrus breaks me out in the process. I am really seeing big improvements, barely anymore cysts so yay to that and I do not want to break out now. I will be travelling for 4 days for my graduation ceremony. 2 of the 4 days I will have access to a kitchen and will cook. The other 2 days I need to eat out.

I am dairy, gluten, soy and citrus free and a vegetarian. Also no tomatoes in my diet!

If you have suggestions as to types of restaurants where I will have good options let me know. I could think of salads, omelettes with veggies and may be Thai food.

If the place I am travelling to matters it is Minneapolis.



Posted : 04/15/2013 4:38 am

i think we should discuss 'anti-acne food while travelling' in general.

something thats easy and accessible in any part of the world(excpt for if u r somewhere like iraq or kargil may be.=p)

i'm to travel this may.for abt 4-5 days.staying in a hotel but with many ppl around so i'll either have to just not eat whats ordered or carry something myself/order specially.

digestive biscuits or diabetic biscuits(oats ones without any sugar) are good.

walnuts or any other nuts(if u r not intolerant is good too).

thats for snacks.

for meals.

fruits should be good.fruit salad is a good option.

as for cooked meals..i think i'll take more time to figure out.

