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Skinny People Get In Here.


Posted : 03/17/2013 1:08 am

really skinny people how do you maintain your weight while keeping acne off?

I'm 6 feet, my natural weight is around 130 lbs but currently I'm 170 lbs I eat a good amount of food 3000 to 4000 calories of whole foods, and excersice alot (2 to 3 hours a day), my acne is mild, but it seems like it's a constant struggle to keep the weight on. I feel very strong and fit at this weight but it seems like I'm constantly eating trying to get as many calories in and my skin is always bumpy due to the mild acne (use to have cystic before taking b5 and l-carnitine)

Give me some tips on how to maintain my weight, my diet consists of high carbs, high fats, and high proteins XD and tons of vegetables from whole foods.


Posted : 03/17/2013 1:37 am

It's a struggle for me too. I gained 20 pounds in the last year, but now I'm stuck at 140. I'm getting about 3000 calories a day, and it's a lot of work just to get that much because healthy food generally isn't high calorie food.

It looks like you eat a lot already, so maybe you should do less cardio? You wouldn't want to burn off all the calories that you work so hard to eat. Either that or just do shorter workouts. 2 to 3 hours every day is a lot of work, and burns a lot of calories.

For keeping acne off, you could try some more supplements. Probiotics helped my acne a lot after I broke out when I first started gaining weight. Zinc helps me as well. As long as you're not eating specific foods that cause acne for you, there's nothing you can really do with your diet for acne except eat less, but that goes against maintaining your weight.


Posted : 03/17/2013 5:24 am

Many people don't know this but sweating really helps keep acne off. SO sweat as much as possible by doing high intensity workouts. To be honest I don't think diet plays a role in acne because I have tried transfering from milk to soy to almond milk products and nothing changed! That is just my opinion based on the observations on myself, everyone is different.

Processed foods should of course be dumped away for they cause many health problems. I'm talking about the healthy foods that may or may not cause acne like dairy, nuts and sunflower/ olive / etc oils.


Posted : 03/17/2013 12:18 pm

I'm trying to gain weight

I'm 5'9 I weight 130 lb

I want at least 20 more pounds


I'm been stuck in 130 for the pass 2 years

I'm 22 male.


Posted : 03/17/2013 2:17 pm

I'm trying to gain weight

I'm 5'9 I weight 130 lb

I want at least 20 more pounds

I'm been stuck in 130 for the pass 2 years

I'm 22 male.

How many calories are you getting per day?


Posted : 03/17/2013 6:06 pm

Well the title certainly got my attention. I have yet to find a weight and acne link that really interested me, except that the most nutritious, fresh, and brightly color vegetable filled diets takes care of them both. If you want to talk about "skinny" people and how "lucky" they are, you should know that the worst acne suffers I've even seen in person are quite a bit on the thin/muscular side, so having both issues may be somewhat of a clue, but having just one of the issues might take a bit more tweaking around to figure out what you're sensitive to.

Most people in my family are partially obese or have slightly more weight than they prefer. I am the smallest and most mobile one of them all. They HAVE gone on diets before and HAVE lost their weight, but ironically when they felt pretty good about it they began feasting on things they shouldn't have far too OFTEN, so they gradually gained everything back. They're depressed about their weight every day yet refuse to do what works for them because "they had to walk around and prepare a lot of fresh food" or "they had to sleep too much" or they "didn't have time for their TV soap opera's", etc. etc. etc. If you ask me, we are all creatures of habit. When they broke the cycles that caused their weight loss, they unintentionally slipped back into their own habits even if they didn't mean to, and eventually their belts got tight again. They've all lost and gained weight at least 3-4 different times, but can't seem to loose their habits of not loading up on the sugary foods, which by the way, is a HUGE factor in the obese epidemic in this country here (1hr 30min movie):


See? Counting calories and fat are some of the most stupidest things I've ever heard of too! People who "claim" that they lost weight this way didn't check OTHER aspects as well, such that their foods aren't as sweet as most people prefer, or how much natural vitamins and minerals their other dishes had. If weight was just one sided, none of us would be having that issue.

I seem to be at what's considered "thin/normal". I've been 120 for the past 5 years or less, with an almost unnoticeable "tummy tuck" when I sit down, but gone when I stand up normally. I do loads and loads of work every single day both at work and home. Since I was 9 I've helped my family in the city, on the farm, in our forest preserves, and today maintain two different household standards/chores. I hate shopping for clothes, totally waste of time in my opinion, but the shirts I have all say "small" and the pants I have all say "0", "2", or "4", but some 2's are larger than the 4's depending on the brands... which I really don't pay attention to since I practically only shop at GoodWill, lol...

I usually snack throughout the day, I've rarely ever sat down and just feasted on something out of pure hunger. Most of my eating habits were developed by accident, I actually thought it was a terrible thing to eat constantly throughout the day (kind of was since I ended up having 12 cavities filled and 3 root canals done previously, lol). I was never a picky eater, I ate pretty much anything and everything, the only difference was that I never stuffed myself and was usually carrying 100 pounds of chores around 6-7 days a week. I'm also a caregiver, volunteer, and tutor, so food is hardly on my mind except that I need it to live. Most of my jobs and hobbies prefers me on my feet and constantly moving. I have slightly more muscular arms and back than most other women my age, so some of my weight may be skewed if you're just trying to see how much 'fat' I have. Make sure you're not muscular in other places too, or else you might me miss calculating your pure body fat.

There are just so many factors to consider with people who have a problem with weight that they leave out the logic of it all, so be careful:


Also, when it comes to my acne, I was full blown. I was literally WORSE than any other person in my entire high school. I was so bad my nurse pulled me out of class constantly just so she could put bandaids on my face and hand me kleenex for my randomly exploding cysts later on. I'd rather take extra weight than slimy, bleeding, bumpy, bacteria filled skin any day. However, many older women in my family are slightly obese and have severe acne themselves, but they often sit down most of the day and never sleep more than 3 hours without waking (bad REM sleep cycles).

One summer I twisted my knee and foot at the same time, so I sat down for quite a bit. I went all the way up to 137 in just 3 months, but gradually lost it before the winter, which is usually why I never refer to it in my health records. In fact if I hand't been bored and weight myself on the scale, I wouldn't have never noticed.


Posted : 03/17/2013 6:15 pm

I eat a lot I would say 3000


Posted : 03/18/2013 1:19 am

I eat a lot I would say 3000

Well gaining weight is all about how many extra calories you get. 3000 is kind of a lot, but if it doesn't make you gain weight, you have to either take in more calories or burn less calories, or both. If it doesn't break you out, peanut butter is a really convenient source of calories. I gained 15 pounds when I was eating it constantly, but don't eat too much because the high amount of fat can affect your digestion after a while.


Posted : 03/22/2013 5:04 pm

Increase the amount of fibre rich foods avocado, brown rice, oat meal etc. might help with both acne and weight.


Posted : 03/22/2013 5:40 pm

I agree with Binga.

Love avocados, eggs/omlettes, brown rice, quinoa (!!!), lean protein such as boneless/skinless chicken breasts, steak, sweet potatoes, and celery + peanut butter, bananas.


Posted : 03/31/2013 1:27 am

I eat a lot I would say 3000

Well gaining weight is all about how many extra calories you get. 3000 is kind of a lot, but if it doesn't make you gain weight, you have to either take in more calories or burn less calories, or both. If it doesn't break you out, peanut butter is a really convenient source of calories. I gained 15 pounds when I was eating it constantly, but don't eat too much because the high amount of fat can affect your digestion after a while.

Everybody don't listen to this advice, peanut butter is nasty shit full of omega 6's that will go straight into making cysts. Eat more, but excercise more as well,

if you eat without excercising your will spike insulin, increase triglycerides=acne

I'm trying to gain weight

I'm 5'9 I weight 130 lb

I want at least 20 more pounds

I'm been stuck in 130 for the pass 2 years

I'm 22 male.

hey stop counting calories, just eat what ever you want outside of nasty crap like dairy, sugar, fried foods, I would avoid nuts as well but that is what breaks me out.

Here is the trick if want to gain weight and not get acne: If you eat big you have to workout. Eat a lot after a good workout session, and I would also take a light 30 minute walk after that just for good measure. I found out that eating without excercising leads to acne the minimum amount of excerise before eating a big meal should be: 30 minutes of a brisk walk or 15 minutes of a light jog, or 2 minutes straight of bodyweight squats with 2 minutes straight of pushups. FINALLY eat tons of vegtables to get vitamins and minerals: kale, cucumber,tomato, brocoli, carrots, spinach as much as you can eat.
