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What To Do Once You Have A Big Bump/cyst/nodule?


Posted : 10/14/2012 9:02 pm

Hi there

So if you havent seen me post around here lately (which I have often lately lol) I'm a 28 year old female, with what I presume is hormonal acne. All on my chin/jawline area.


The bumps are almost always inflamed and rarely come to a head. They hang around forever. Sometimes they are itchy, sometimes hot, sometimes i can kinda feel my pulse in them (that sounds weird i know) Usually get 1-5 of them at any given time.


I dont eat gluten or dairy (except for a few cheats a month) I eat low amounts of processed sugar and alcohol and the only caffeine would be from small amounts in green tea.


I eat lots of good gut foods, sauerkraut, kimchi. I take b complex, d, omega 3, c, probiotic and just started saw palmetto a few days ago.


I do the regimen with cetaphil cleanser, dans bp and cetaphil moisturizer.


So now here's my question. Hopefully with all of the above it will start to help the severity and frequency of the acne, but what do you do when you do get one of these big inflamed bumps to help them go away faster?


Posted : 10/15/2012 7:30 am

Well, i havent had one in so long but I used to apply Ice. And or a topical antinflammatory like a dissolved plain aspirin.

fjshadowz liked

Posted : 10/15/2012 7:32 am

HELLO there ms vista i messaged u :)) have many question -.- pls help me .


Posted : 10/15/2012 8:28 am

Ice pack. Oregano oil. Indian Healing Clay masks. Tea Tree Oil.


Time. Try to forget about it. I know it's hard. :(


Also, get a lot of sleep. The more sleep I get, the faster my immune system seems to make them come to the surface.


Posted : 10/23/2012 10:49 pm

I have tried SO many spot treatments (i.e. honey, manuka honey, healing clay masks, ice pack, heat, benzoyl peroxide, salt water etc.) and what I find works best of all is oregano oil. However, you have to dilute it in some water. What I do is take 1 drop of pure essential oil of oregano oil and put it into 1 cup of filtered or distilled water. Then I shake it really well and take a Q-tip to dab some on the pimple. It literally stops pimples in their tracks. They start to get smaller and smaller and, after a few days, they're gone. It's so great! I really hope it works for you - good luck!


Posted : 10/24/2012 5:59 am

I never dilute mine. I just slap it on there full-strength and enjoy the burn. :) It feels so good and has never damaged my skin. I agree it's the best spot treatment. In fact it's one of the only spot treatments that seems to have any effect, other than the Indian clay. If only it wasn't so impossibly expensive.


Posted : 10/24/2012 10:03 am

me too, i just dab it on there with a q tip and it does work better than most
