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How Long Does It Take To See Results After Stopping Dairy?


Posted : 10/13/2012 4:48 pm

So i was clear for 1 week about 3 weeks ago. I had stopped taking accutane after being on it for 6 months 5 weeks ago. I didn't actually finish the treatment. My skin was dry up until recently.

I used to have severe acne back in febuary but i cured myself mostly through the gut diet and accutane, Im on the 3rd month of the gut diet now. I started eating fermented dairy again when i started the diet as it was a good source of probiotics. Because of this consumption of probiotics in the form of matured cheeses ect i got rid of my cystic acne, or so i believe. The problem is about a week ago, i started getting small spots again, i also noticed this must be because of my newly oily skin. I think the accutane stopped the oiliness but because i didn't finish the course the oiliness came back quickly, especially becuase of all the cheese i've been having. So i've stopped all dairy consumption now. I would like to know by which time the oiliness would have subsided?

I had a LOT of fermented dairy in the past couple of days.


p.s. can anyone suggest another source of probiotics other than saurkraut and capsules?


Posted : 10/13/2012 7:33 pm

Recently I binged a lot on fatty food including full fat milk. Im not going to describe exactly how much I binged but I binged so much its embarassing lol. My oily skin started to subside after about 2 days, and was gone after 3-4 days. For example when I stopped binging I did a 24hr fast, then only really ate apples for a day, then gradually increased my food intake daily. Doing intense cardio once/twice a day helped me sweat it out. I mean honestly, I was eating crazy amounts for about a week while exercising regularly, yet its only when I stopped exercising that the oilyness hit me.


For probiotics I started drinking Danone Actimel, just a supermarket yoghurt drink, after I fasted. How effective it is who knows, but I know I feel better.

Hutchdan liked

Posted : 10/16/2012 12:07 am

You can ferment loads of vegetables Hutchdan. There are many websites detailing how this is done, and many members that i'm sure could shed some light on the process. I've never tried it from home, but it seems easy enough

Hutchdan liked

Posted : 10/16/2012 4:46 pm

You can ferment loads of vegetables Hutchdan. There are many websites detailing how this is done, and many members that i'm sure could shed some light on the process. I've never tried it from home, but it seems easy enough


awesome sauce


Posted : 10/16/2012 5:48 pm

If you want probiotics through food, try kimchi.


Posted : 10/17/2012 7:44 am

Recently I binged a lot on fatty food including full fat milk. Im not going to describe exactly how much I binged but I binged so much its embarassing lol. My oily skin started to subside after about 2 days, and was gone after 3-4 days. For example when I stopped binging I did a 24hr fast, then only really ate apples for a day, then gradually increased my food intake daily. Doing intense cardio once/twice a day helped me sweat it out. I mean honestly, I was eating crazy amounts for about a week while exercising regularly, yet its only when I stopped exercising that the oilyness hit me.


For probiotics I started drinking Danone Actimel, just a supermarket yoghurt drink, after I fasted. How effective it is who knows, but I know I feel better.



Sweat what out? lol


Sweat is nothing but water. The term "sweating it out" is not accurate for any kind of detox or getting rid of a cold.


Sorry. it's a pet hate of mine and am on a mission to change the world lolol


Posted : 10/17/2012 9:43 pm

You can ferment loads of vegetables Hutchdan. There are many websites detailing how this is done, and many members that i'm sure could shed some light on the process. I've never tried it from home, but it seems easy enough



Yeah. Gingered carrots is a good one. We have recipes and techniques here in the pinned food thread.
