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Dessert Recipes and Ideas


Posted : 06/19/2011 1:28 pm

A gluten and dairy free chocolate chip cookie recipe. It calls for 1 cup of brown sugar and a ripe banana. That's pretty low sugar for a cookie recipe that involves nearly 3 cups of flours. I wonder if it can be reduced further and still hold together. Otherwise, try substitutes.


And a vegan gluten free carrot macaroon recipe:


Posted : 06/19/2011 1:33 pm

Frozen banana truffles. Skip the agave nectar, of course.


Frozen Banana Truffle Recipe


ingredients photo1 300x200Ingredients:


4 frozen bananas

1/2 tsp salt

2 tsp alcohol free vanilla

2 tbs tahini

4 tsp agave nectar




1/3 cup cocoa

1/2 cup shredded coconut, chopped fine

1/2 cup nuts, chopped fine


Chop the bananas into chunks. Beat all ingredients (not the toppings) in the mixer until smooth and creamy. Start with 2 tsp of agave and add more to taste, it will depend on how ripe your bananas are.


Separate the banana mixture into three containers and freeze until solid. I froze it one container and it took over 6 hours, but three containers should shorten the time.


ingredients 2 photo 300x200Spread the toppings out on three separate plates. Remove one container of the banana mixture at a time from the freezer, and shape into balls using a melon baller or mini ice cream scoop. Roll around in one of the toppings to coat. Place in mini cups and return to the freezer. Repeat with the other two containers and other two toppings. It is important to work quickly so that the truffles will hold their shape. If they are too soft when you shape them into balls, they will slouch in the freezer. I made the mistake of having just one container and the second half of my truffles were all slumped over in their cups (though still delicious).


Freeze the truffles until they are firm again, and keep frozen until ready to serve.


Posted : 06/22/2011 8:02 pm

Does anyone know a good recipe with no dairy and low sugar that would make a nice type of icing or cream that i could put on the chocolate cake in a cup? I tried it the other day, and it was a bit dry, it needs something else to make it delicious. thanks


Posted : 06/27/2011 9:48 am

Icing recipes thread, big with the coconut cream and coconut oil.


Kara individual packets of creamed coconut are just like icing and the perfect size for the cocoa cake in a cup recipe.




Posted : 06/27/2011 10:42 am

Spice and fruit combinations this is from a slide show on Serious Eats. I expected it to be better thand this, but here's a few that I thought people might emulate.


I was expecting things more like pairing spices and herbs with fresh, raw or slightly cooked fruit. Like my tip of sprinkling Chinese 5-spice powder on grilled or briefly sauteed peaches or nectarines. Or on raw mango. Or cinnamon on apples sauteed in butter. Or combos like watermelon and basil.



Peppercorns with Mango: Mangoes are luscious, juicy emblems of summer. They're also one of the few edible carriers of toluene, a chemical in paint thinners that give the fruit a slight turpentine-y flavor. Black peppercorns (and, for bonus points, long pepper berries) turn this chemical quirk to a flavor advantage, emphasizing its harsh bite as a spicy compliment to the fruit's full-bodied sweetness. It's an especially powerful combination in ice cream, savory compotes for meat, and toppings for desserts.


Winter Notes on Summer Impressions: Traditionally wintry herbs pair quite nicely with summer fruits. Thyme and citrus is the most famous combination; try peaches with rosemary or strawberries with sage.


Winter Spices with Cooked Fruit: As often as not, I use winter spices with my baked and roasted fruit, such as star anise, allspice, and nutmeg. For example: a plum cobbler with star anise and ginger.


Posted : 08/09/2011 10:08 pm

Pie/tart crust recipe that I thought could easily be adapted using nuts or seeds in place of the rice crispies. Fill with fresh fruit. Use low sugar dark chocolate, of course.


Crispy chocolate pie crust


1/2 Cup butter

1 cup chocolate chips or chopped/grated chocolate

2 1/2 cups rice crispies


Melt butter and chocolate in sauce pan over low heat, double boiler or microwave in brief increments. however you like to do it.


Stir in cereal, nuts or seeds or whatever until evenly coated.


When cool enough to handle, press into lightly buttered pie/tart pans.


Chill for at least 30 minutes before filling.


This recipe will make a crust for a 9-inch pie plate.


Posted : 09/09/2011 7:59 pm

A vegan gluten free carrot macaroon recipe: /"" target="_blank">




Posted : 12/06/2011 12:32 pm

Thank you very much for these!


Posted : 01/06/2012 4:07 pm



1/2 can (~6oz) of organic canned pumpkin (I personally use less. Unless you like a strong pumpkin flavor, 1/4 - 1/3 can is probably enough)

1 can (~12oz) organic full-fat coconut milk

Pinch each of cinnamon, nutmeg, and all spice (I also added ginger and cloves and added more than a "pinch")

1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract - maybe a bit more

2 tsp sugar (I used maple syrup and stevia to sweeten it instead)

1/4 tsp sea salt

4 tbsp almond butter

1oz unsweetened 100% chocolate (chopped up for topping)




Mix all ingredients except for almond butter and chocolate together in a bowl. Add to your ice cream maker and begin stirring. Continue occasionally stirring mixture every 30s or so until mixture reaches a firm consistency (about 10min). Remove the mixer and stir in almond butter.


Serve topped with cinnamon and chocolate chunks.


Posted : 02/18/2012 5:07 pm

Has anyone seen the "No Pudge" brand of brownie mix? It doesn't have a lot of ingredients listed, no hydrogenated oils, etc., and you can made individual servings with a little yogurt and just pop in the microwave. Probably not a good thing to have around (and it does contain gluten as well as having to add dairy) but it does make a fun treat here and there. :)


Posted : 02/19/2012 1:17 pm

Are all these recipes acne friendly?


Posted : 02/23/2012 2:49 am

Bliss Balls:



-Handful of rasins chopped (or any dried fruit)

-Handful of unsweetened coconut flakes

-Tablespoon of honey (or maple syrup, agave.. etc)

-Handful of almond flour (or any wheat free flour)

-Tablespoon of Almond Butter (or any nut butter)

-1 piece grated 85% coco chocolate (or any kind of chocolate/leave out)

-2 tablespoons Virgin Coconut Oil

-1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or almond extract, lemon extract..)



Put all ingredients in a bowl and mash together

Make round balls with hands and then roll in left over coconut flakes

Put in the fridge and enjoy whenever!


These are amazingly good and can be made with lot's of substitutions depending on the flavor you were wanting. Real fruit instead of dried would also taste amazing, as would chopped up nuts or seeds. Omit the chocolate if you are worried about it breaking you out. Cinnamon would be a good substitute because it is anti inflammatory.


Posted : 03/05/2012 12:42 pm

'Baklava' made with slices of pears instead of the phylo dough. Also, has reduced honey. I believe baklava is usually drenched in honey. And I would think apples would work just as well. And probably other things.


Oh, and it isn't baked so it doesn't reduce nutrients or harm fats in the nuts.




Recipe: Fresh Pear Baklava



Alleregen info/recipe info

: This recipe contains nuts.


This recipe can vegan/vegetarian if using coconut oil instead of butter.



  • 1 pear

  • ~1/4 C. nuts* (a mix of macadamias, almonds, pistachios and walnuts is nice).

  • 1 tsp. coconut oil or butter/ghee

  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice

  • 1 tsp. vanilla

  • a drizzle of raw local honey

  • cinnamon extra, to sift on top

  • optional: yoghurt or home-made vanilla ice cream (to serve)



A few tips on finding healthier nuts and seeds & preparing them

: Nuts and seeds can be made easier to digest to by

or soaking and then drying them in a dehydrator.

. Ive always found the freshest nuts are at farmers markets, but wherever nuts are solds often (meaning the batch of nuts is not sitting around for months and weeks) can be a good indicator as to how fresh it is. Also if you taste a nut such as a walnut it shouldnt taste bitter this is an indication the fats in the nuts are randcid (they have oxidized).


How to



Make the pear pastry slices


Using a mandolin carefully slice a whole pear length ways to produce a lot of thin pear slices. They will act as the pastry. Line up the pear pastry together and cut the pastry in half so you have two mounds of pastry (i.e. for two serves). Set these aside.


Now make the filling


Chop the nuts into very small pieces. In a pan heat the coconut oil/butter/ghee add the nuts, cinnamon, lemon juice and vanilla and cook for a 1 minute or so. Take this off the heat.


Now to arrange the Fresh Pear Baklava


Take each slice of pear add a bit of the nut mixture, then another slice of pear on top of that and so on. Do this for both lot of pear slices.


Serve with a bit of left over nut mixture (if there is any) and a drizzle of honey & serve with yoghurt or home-made vanilla ice cream.




Posted : 03/09/2012 11:40 am

Bliss Balls:



-Handful of rasins chopped (or any dried fruit)

-Handful of unsweetened coconut flakes

-Tablespoon of honey (or maple syrup, agave.. etc)

-Handful of almond flour (or any wheat free flour)

-Tablespoon of Almond Butter (or any nut butter)

-1 piece grated 85% coco chocolate (or any kind of chocolate/leave out)

-2 tablespoons Virgin Coconut Oil

-1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or almond extract, lemon extract..)



I just made these, more or less. Tons of substitutions and I wasn't so accurate as to use handfuls or tablespoons. I used shredded carrot, dried currants, some of my cooked 'cereal' which today was buckwheat/oat groats/coconut, some cacao nibs, sunflower seeds, ground flax seed and dried coconut in place of the flour. No honey as the ingredients are sweet enough. I've eaten over half of it like cookie dough and cookie dough eating has never been my habit.


I think when you stir in a spoonful of nut butter, whatever you do can't help but be delicious. I bet you can put spinach in them.

alexisc liked

Posted : 03/12/2012 1:54 pm

I also just made the coconut carrot macaroons mentioned elsewhere in this thread. They aren't worth the effort and expense, not when you compare them to those just stir handfuls of stuff together no-bake 'bliss balls.' Also, they wouldn't hold together perhaps due to my substitutions of coconut oil and coconut flour. I had to add an egg.


Next time, I'm going to make them less fruity and more chocolatey by making them primarily out of the cooked 'cereal' plus coconut, seeds, nibs, and cocoa powder.


I use almond butter, but I wonder if there's a less flavorful nut or seed butter that could be used to stick things together but that doesn't dominate the flavor? Like if I wanted them to taste like coconut.


Posted : 03/12/2012 2:07 pm

I use almond butter, but I wonder if there's a less flavorful nut or seed butter that could be used to stick things together but that doesn't dominate the flavor? Like if I wanted them to taste like coconut.


Have you tried macadamia butter? It's rich but yet, mild in flavor. This makes me want to go get some now--haven't used it in a while!!


Posted : 03/15/2012 9:31 am

Here's a recipe to fill some of the previously posted nut/seed or chocolate based crusts. You might also be able to substitute greek yogurt, goat cheese or other such fermented product or one of those pureed cashew 'cheese' recipes.


Recipe: Blueberry-ricotta tart


Recipe courtesy of Whole Living magazine



  • 1 1/4 cups part-skim ricotta
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon plus 2 more tablespoons honey
  • 2 cups blueberries





Puree part-skim ricotta with 1/4 teaspoon salt, cinnamon, and 1 tablespoon honey. Spread into cooled shell. Stir 2 tablespoons honey gently into blueberries and arrange on top of tart. Chill for 2 hours.



Posted : 03/17/2012 7:08 pm

Deep Fried Oreos


  • Heat oil in deep-fryer to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  • Whisk together the egg, milk, and 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil in a bowl until smooth. Stir in the pancake mix until no dry lumps remain. Dip the cookies into the batter one at a time, and carefully place into the hot frying oil. Fry only 4 or 5 at a time to avoid overcrowding the deep fryer. Cook until the cookies are golden-brown, about 2 minutes. Drain on a paper towel-lined plate before serving.




    Haha! No! I'm just kidding.


    My friends were eating deep fried oreos earlier. I ate an apple.


    On a more serious note - I really appreciate all of the recipes listed in this thread. I'm going to have try them out biggrin.png.


    Posted : 04/23/2012 12:57 pm


    Coconut & Raw Cacao Pudding

    Vegan, Raw-inspired

    Add to blender:

    1 1/2 cups coconut milk (not "lite")

    1/2 cup water

    1/2 cup Chia Seed meal (I grind the seeds in my coffee grinder. 1/4 cup seeds is equal to about 1/2 cup meal)

    3 tbsp Hemp Seeds

    3.5 tbsp Raw Cacao Powder

    4 tbsp coconut sugar

    1 tsp vanilla extract


    Refrigerate about 8 hours.

    Makes about 3 servings.

    Take the pudding out of the fridge and throw it into the ice cream machine for about 10 minutes”Awesome ice cream! Fruit on top and it's like a banana split :-)


    Posted : 05/10/2012 5:38 pm

    Primal recipe blog. This link goes straight to the treats



    Posted : 07/31/2012 9:58 am

    This is an altered recipe for Tim Tams, which I guess is a very popular British thing. It's complicated, but I think just the basic cookie without the chocolate layers and coating sound good. If you do the chocolate layers, use only low sugar high cacao dark chocolate. Skip the milk.


    Healthier Tim Tams from


    1. Chocolate, almond and date biscuits:


    • 100g almonds, ground (you could also use the equivalent of coconut flour or a sprouted grain or sprouted almond flour)
    • 2 tbsp. cocoa powder
    • 75g dates, pitted & chopped into tiny pieces
    • 1 tbsp. butter/ghee (or coconut oil), chilled
    • 1 egg (or 1 tbsp. chia seeds that have been soaked in 2 tbsp. water. note: this variation will be give the biscuits a bit of a crunchy, chewier texture)
    • 2 tbsp. maple syrup
    • butter or coconut oil to grease the tray

      Tools you will need: A square or rectangle tray (I used the back of a square tin), spoons and a knife.

      How to:

      1. Pre-heat the oven to 160 degrees C (320 F) (my oven was fan-forced). Grease your tray with butter or coconut oil.
      2. In a bowl, combine the almonds and cocoa powder. Stir in the the date pieces and add the chilled butter. Using your hands, mix in the butter evening until the mixture resembles crumbs.
      3. Beat the egg and add it to the mixture almond. Stir in the maple syrup.
      4. Spread the mixture onto the tray. When I spread the mixture onto the tray, it had roughly ~1/2 mm thickness. Score the biscuits into an even number of rectangle shapes: the biscuits themselves were around 1.5 inches wide by 2.5 inches length (in a rectangle shape), which made around 16 biscuits (to make 8 whole tim tams- 2 halves for each biscuit) (I had to make them in two batches as they didnt all fit on the tray). But make as many or as few as you would like.
      5. Bake them in the oven for around 10 minutes or until lightly brown and they look dry and cooked. Remove them off the tray when they are still warm and leave to cool.

      2. Chocolate ganache layer: (please note this seemed to make a bit too much ganache, so you may like to 1/2 this amount).



      • 150ml full fat cream (or coconut cream or coconut butter)
      • 50g dark chocolate
      • 50g milk chocolate

        How to:
        1. In a pot heat the cream (or coconut cream or coconut butter) and chocolate on low heat and whisk it until the chocolate is fully dissolved into the cream. Leave to cool then put the ganache in the fridge to chill.
        2. When the ganache is chilled and slightly thickened, take out a whisk or electric mixture and whisk the mixture until it is thick and mousse-like.
        3. In half of the biscuits spread about 1 tsp of the ganache evenly on each biscuit and then put the other biscuit on top.
        4. Put the biscuits in a plate, cover (with an upside down bowl etc.) and leave in the fridge to chill.

        3. Chocolate layer:


        [*] 190 dark or milk chocolate, chopped


        How to:

      [*]Place the chocolate in a saucepan, put on low heat and stir to melt the chocolate.

      [*]Now take out the biscuits from the fridge. Dip them in the chocolate to completely cover all sides of the biscuits. Put them back on the plate. Cover all the biscuits with the chocolate. Then place the biscuits on the fridge to set.



      If you have any trouble with this recipe, please let me know!


    Posted : 08/02/2012 12:01 am

    Damn, so many different types of ingredients, don't have much money to buy em. I'll just stick to my casual fruit smoothie with nuts and yogurt mix.


    Posted : 12/06/2012 3:00 pm

    Super rich French chocolate cake made with prunes. No flour except for prepping the pan, but you should be able to use cocoa powder.




    Chocolate-Prune Cake

    One 9-inch (23 cm) cake, 10 to 12 servings


    Feel free to swap out another dried fruit for the prunes (sometimes called dried plums), such as figs, cherries, or apricots, although do give the prunes a try they have a wonderful affinity to dark chocolate. You can also use another liquor, such as port, red wine, or bourbon. For those avoiding alcohol, black tea makes a good substitute, especially one thats flavored with black currants.

    For the prunes:

    6 ounces (170 g) pitted prunes, diced in small pieces

    1/3 cup (80 ml) rum, or another liquor (see headnote)

    1 tablespoon sugar

    For the cake:

    12 ounces (340 g) bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped

    12 tablespoons (6 ounces, 170 g) unsalted butter, cubed

    6 large eggs, separated

    large pinch of salt

    3 tablespoons sugar

    Additional soft butter and flour, or cocoa powder, for preparing the pan


    1. Simmer the prunes with the rum and 1 tablespoon of sugar in a small saucepan for a few minutes, until most of the liquid is absorbed. Remove from heat, cover, and let stand until cool.

    2. To make the cake, preheat the oven to 325F (165C).

    3. Butter a 9-inch (23cm) springform pan. Dust the inside with flour or cocoa powder, and tap out any excess.

    4. In a large bowl set over a pan of simmering water, melt the chocolate and butter, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and stir in the prunes and any liquid left in the pan.

    5. Stir the egg yolks into the chocolate mixture.

    6. In a separate bowl, or using a stand mixer, whip the egg whites with the salt until they begin to hold soft peaks. Continue whipping, adding the 3 tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon at a time, until the whites hold their shape when you lift the whip.

    7. Fold one-third of the beaten egg whites into the chocolate mixture thoroughly, then fold in the remaining egg whites just until no streaks of whites are visible. Dont overfold.

    8. Bake the cake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until the cake feels set close to the edges of the pan but the center is still rather soft to the touch and moist-looking. Let cool.



    Posted : 02/21/2013 1:41 pm

    Dairy Free

    Mexican Chia Coconut Pudding

    Ridiculously simple to make and fun to eat, this chia coconut puddingcould also be prepared with almond milk.


    4 tablespoons chia seeds
    1 cup coconut milk
    1 tablespoon honey or agave nectar
    In a bowl, combine seeds with coconut milk. Whisk every 5 minutes to prevent clumping. After 30 minutes, stir in the honey or agave nectar. This will have the consistency of tapioca pudding, and can be eaten immediately or refrigerated to serve cold. Makes 1 cup.

    But try reducing the sweetener. the coconut might be sweet enough. Or add some raisins.

    Chia Fruit Gelatin

    Chia's natural ability to gel makes it perfect for vegans or anyone else adverse to using commercial gelatins made with animal hooves. Use any kind of fruit juice, including those that aren't available in packaged gelatin powder flavors, like pomegranate and cranberry. This chia fruit gelatin is not as thick as gels made with commercial gelatin powders, and is good on its own or as a topping for yogurt or pay de queso. Its appearance reminds me of the bubble tea I always get in Chinatown when I visit my sister in New York.


    • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
    • 1 cup fruit juice (sweetened to taste, if desired)

    Mix the seeds with the juice in a bowl, whisking to prevent the seeds from clumping. After a couple of minutes, whisk again.

    Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, while the seeds absorb the liquid. Use immediately, or refrigerate until needed. Makes 1 cup.


    Posted : 03/13/2013 6:34 pm

    This recipe is incredibly delicious!!! Plus, it'll keep in the fridge for a while. You could even freeze some if you wanted to. I recommend visiting the webpage, because there are helpful pictures showing the process of these being made (plus another recipe for a dark chocolate version). Also, you do not have to use the full cup of sugar. I used the full cup of honey but only a 1/3 cup of sugar (you could also use coconut crystals, which are low-glycemic, rather than rapadura), and it still came out amazing!! I bought the cocoa butter on Amazon. This is pricey to make, but it's also very rich and should last quite a while. Enjoy!!! smile.png

    Cashew-Almond Raw œMilk Chocolate Bars

    by Angela Leed from The Live Green Smoothie Diet


    • 1 cup melted raw cacao butter
    • 1 cup raw cashews
    • 1 cup raw honey
    • 1 cup raw cacao powder
    • 1 cup rapadura (unprocessed granulated cane sugar)
    • 1 cup raw almonds, loosely chopped
    • 1/2 teaspoon quality natural salt
    • 2 teaspoons organic vanilla extract
    • 2 teaspoons organic almond extract

    Melt the cacao butter on the stove. Remove as soon as melted. (I approximate the measurement of the cacao butter while it is cold by placing cut up chunks in a measuring container, then I do the final measurement when melted. If you need to melt some more, it™s no problem ” it melts quickly but doesn™t solidify quickly.)

    Blend the cashews and the honey in a food processor or blender (I do it in my Blendtec blender) until smooth.

    Measure remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Add the cashew-honey mixture and mix loosely, then pour in the melted cacao butter and combine well.

    Press into 13X9X2 pan or dish and place in refrigerator or freezer til firm. Slice into small pieces (it™s rich¦ obviously) and remove into sealed container. Keep in cool place, such as fridge.

    fyry liked