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Vitamin B5 Information


Posted : 11/21/2004 2:26 am

so ud still be takin b5 with this or just this alone??






Posted : 11/21/2004 7:52 am

I'm currently taking Tetracycyline, but am considering starting the B5 treatment outlined in this thread.


I was just wondering if this is allowed, and whether or not the B5 will interact in some way with the antibiotic?


Also, I figured - the 'initial breakout' from B5 would be eased by the antibiotic if I carried on taking that at the same time, or is that just my flawed logic?


Also - I've read in many places on the internet about B5's ability to help combat yeast, does anybody know if this is really the case? I've been taking the tetracycline for a while, with yeast overgrowth a common side effect. If B5 could help with that as well, I'm definitely going to order some tonight! biggrin.gif


Thanks for any help.


Posted : 11/25/2004 9:55 am

how does taking 20 tablets of any type of vitamin help u?? surely thats abit extreme?

im also on tetracycline but this is the 1st iv heard about this B5 stuff.


Posted : 11/25/2004 9:59 am

If anyone actually reads this and has an answer for me I would REALLY appreciate it.


Ok, so my question is this: I am about to start my third package of Diane-35 (its birth control in case some of you didn't know) and so far I haven't seen results (not surprising of course since its only been 2 months). But I want to try B5. I'm just wondering if I should give the Diane-35 a longer time to kick in to see if it works or if I should just go ahead and start B5 say...around the time I'm about to start my fourth package of BC...? Can I take the Pill with that supplement? Maybe not at the same time but just together in general? I don't know whether to start taking it sooner rather than later. confused.gif






Posted : 12/04/2004 6:16 pm

Hello, I had finished reading this thread yesterday, so i've desided to try B5, i went to the nutrition store today and bought what i thought was vitamine B5(pantothenic acid), but when i came home i saw it was D-pantothenic acid, and that D is bothering me a lot =|.



It Is D-pantothenic acid


Swiss Natural Sources

TImed Release


Thank You In Advance


Posted : 12/04/2004 7:04 pm

I think i've found the answer to my question lol.gif


B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is one of the …œB? vitamins, and chemically is considered to be an extended amino acid. Itžs biologically active form is D-pantothenic acid (dextro-rotatory isomer), though in nature the …œD? form and the non-vitamin …œL? form are usually found together.


Thnanks anyways.

for all the usefull info smile.gif


Posted : 12/05/2004 9:41 am

hi, just read through the whole thread.


Anyway i started on B5 on tuesday @ 10g a day. (I have the evolution x stuff).


Anyway i had pretty mild acne, the past 2 months it had been coming back a bit more than usual so i thought i would try B5. Infact i have been on B5 about 1 1/2 years ago, i was taking only 6g a day though. Im sure it did work, but for some reason I can not remmeber i stopped taking it.


Anyway yesturday evening i came home from a day out and was pretty freaked out when i looked in the mirror. On both sides of my upper cheeks are big patches of spots (all under the skin). I imagine about 5-6 on each side, it looks pretty nasty.


I am just hoping this is an initial outbreak type thing that i have heard about.


I am really considering calling in at work ill, i really dont want to go in like this! Its probably the worst its been in over a year..


I just really hope it clears up fast and that it starts to work, especially for xmas time (which is why i started it last week).


Posted : 12/05/2004 5:56 pm

Hi again everybody. As far as i can see many of you guy do use B5, everybody uses different products....and few posts up i've noticed this link [Removed], can any of you comment this particulas supplier? the price is great 15$ for half a kilo style_emoticons/ (500mg)

Thank you in advance.


Posted : 12/06/2004 10:22 am

well ive called in work sick, for two days...


my face is gotten even worse. I really dont know whether i should continue to take B5 becuase it seems to be making it much, much worse. Its never been this bad ever since i took roacutane in 2001.


Posted : 12/08/2004 11:03 am

I just started taking B5 yesterday, and i really hope this works because i'm starting to feel hopeless. My skin is so sensitive that i can't use BP or SA or any chemicals so that leaves me with very few choices. I have a few questions about B5 though that maybe someone can help me with. (i'm sorry if these have already been asked)


1) I have sensitive skin, sometime dry on it's own. Will B5 work for me or will it irritate my dry/sensitive skin?


2) I've read that it makes you loose weight. Is this true because I'm 20 and I only weigh 105lbs so i can't really afford to loose any.


I'd be so thankful if anyone could answer my questions. My skin looks the worst it has ever looked in my life right now and i don't know why, so could use all the help i could get!!




Posted : 12/08/2004 11:26 am

Oh yeah, one more question:


Is there an initial breakout when u take B5?


Posted : 12/10/2004 2:00 pm

YES THERE IS! MY forhead was alway my probem area and it broke out HORRIBLLLY! I MEAN bad. Thing was too I was relocating with my job and i was going to be in a hotel I work for budget rent a car as a CSR. I had ppl coming up to me everywhere introducing themselves to me. I felt like a monster with about 10 active whithead on my forhead and that was due to b5. It brought everything to the surface. after the first 2 bottles I had only 1 zit on my forhead. I know for a fact b5 was purging my pores because I was breaking out on my cheek area which is rare for me. My mom was even like omg kurt your breaking out on your cheeks now. I was like yeah ,yeah its just purging my pores my skin will be clear within 3 months. What do you know im about a quater way through the thrid bottle and mY SKIN IS CLEARR.


Posted : 12/10/2004 5:55 pm

Ive stopped using B5. To be honest I wish I hadnt bothered - i only took it for a week and a half, but it seemed to be doing more worse than good. After a few days I had a huge outbreak, which has gone down now but i am left with loads of red marks across my cheeks and chin. I was probably getting a few new spots a week, but after the outbreak i had like 20 spots.


I would like to have tried it for longer, but i just can't risk having big outbreaks like that again - makes me feel really bad when it happens, and i even called in sick for 2 days.


Was also a little worried with stuff about hair falling out, and things like that.


I think i will just try and improve my diet and see what that does.


Plus the fact its gonna cost me about 40 quid a month to conitnue using B5.


Posted : 12/15/2004 9:46 am

hi there,

i just read your post and i could not help but writing to you! my name is Shannon and I am 21 years old. I have been on the B5 treatment for 76 days and i can definitely tell you that it has changed my skin for SO GOOD!!! Let me first back up and tell you that before I went on the B5, I tried ZenMed and it made my face the worst it has ever been in my life. As a result, i went to the derm for help cause my face was that bad...i will have to show you pics, but anyway, i HATE antibiotics becuase they are so not good to use long term since they kill the bad and GOOD bacteria in your body that your body needs so much. And besides that, your body can become immune to them and they will stop working entirely. So after a few months on it, i wanted to come off, because I am really into treating things naturally to benefit the body. And the other thing is that acne is a result of something not quite right in your body...there is an imbalance somewhere...and people are so stupid sometimes that they stay in antibioitics for so dont have acne because of lack of have acne cause there is an internal imbalance going on that needs to be fixed. anyway, i went to a naturopath after i came off the antibioitcis on my own, because my face went crazy and i mean i had the worst acne on my chin in my entire life!! And the reason I later realized is because my body had no good bacteria left in my system to fight off the bad bacteria...the reason antiboitocs work is they kill the back bacteria, so to see constant results, u have to stay on them long term...which is essentially bad for your bod....when i came off the good bacteria was wiped out, so therefore my face broke out TERRIBLY...i went to the natoropath and he told me he had read about the benefits of B5...and im sure you have read about them if you were on the [Removed] website....and I have been on teh Evolution-X pills since september 30th, and my health has completely improved!!! i am staying on the 10g for prob another month or so then im goin to slowly decrease the dosage...i dont know what your body is like, but before I was on the B5, i had very irregular periods that were not realy close to 28 days...since goign on the b5, the past two months i have had periods at 26 days !! I also take a probiotic to keep replenishin the good bacteria in my system...i take primal defense twice a day too. And I will honeslty say, currently, i have one zit on my face on my chin....everything else is clear and there are some red marks on my chin because of how bad my acne was before....the B5 takes time but it works...i had some breakouts at first as it had to push all the bad stuff out of my pores that was alrady there!! and its sooooooooooooo good for your body. I realy hope this telling you, B5 is one a big reason people have acne...since it aids in hormone balancing and food metabolizing. Accutane is not the reason pepole have dont get acne from lack of accutane, but you DO get acne from a lack of B5...and im telling you, i have PLENTY of friends who have been on accutane only to see results go back to the way they were a year later, and the acne came back. If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask on here....sorry this is so long....GOOD LUCK!!



Posted : 12/16/2004 3:40 am

its call "pantothenic acid 500mg". i found it at the vitamin shoppe in long island, ny for $18.58.


Posted : 12/17/2004 12:27 pm

B5... Sounds pretty good, and after reading this entire thread pretty much from start to finish, I also want to try it. However, although most people seem convinced that the only side effects are dryness of skin and stomach growling, there seems to be very little concern regarding the long term safety of the stuff. Someone mentioned that for all we know, it could cause cancer or some sort of bone disease - i think that's a very good point! Although I sincerely doubt that it's gonna cause cancer (I'm not saying in any way, shape or form that it's going to kill you!), is anyone aware of any long term complications?


Invariably, when a drug (I'm aware this isn't a "drug" as such), is taken by a cohort of people and somewhat astonishing results are seen, there are side effects or complications. It's a very new treatment taken at a very high dosage for efficacy - I'd be VERY wary of what it's doing to your body.



Posted : 12/18/2004 10:17 am

Just wondering- how many here are aware of what happened with B6 a while ago?

It was thought that it was useful for a certain condition [not entirely sure right now what for] in fairly high doses, and was thought to be very safe.

But it turned out that people on it for extended periods of time (years) at a dose higher than the recommended amount not uncommonly developed neurological problems (degeneration of nerves). Consequently, they introduced legislation saying that doses above 50mg/tablet can't be sold without approval of a pharmacist (UK) and that it shouldn't be taken long term blah blah blah.


Not trying to worry anyone out there, but doesn't this sorta stuff bother you guys? I know that it's UNLIKELY that this would happen with B5... but i really want to know more about it - have there been any studies as to it's safety???????


Posted : 12/18/2004 5:57 pm

I started taking 10g of b5 a day in April of 2004 (You can find some of my posts in the first few pages of this thread).I lowered the dosage to 3g a day in July and for the past 2 months I have been taking 1g or less every day.From my experience I can tell you that I have so far had no negative side effects and my face has been quite clear.Ironically the worst breakouts I had were when I was on 10g of b5 a day and those breakouts would last for about a week before clearing up.Now I am just keeping a steady regimine of bp at night and watching what I eat (no chocolate or coffee for me sad.gif ).


Posted : 12/18/2004 11:28 pm



Has anyone persisted with a lower dose of B5? I REALLY want to try B5 as my acne has become sooo bad recently, and i've had just about enough. I'm quite worried, though, about the long term potential side effects (you never would've guessed that from my previous posts, would you!?) and I'm sure that a lower dose would clear acne too, considering that there's no way the body could firstly take in 10g through intestines, and clearly doesn't use it all!


So: anyone tried low dose b5?


Also - Anyone concerned about the high dose of calcium that you get with b5 supplements?


Posted : 12/19/2004 11:22 am

Just read a few posts on this forum:


Something about hair thinning/loss - i know it could well be coincidental etc, but worth considering...


Posted : 12/20/2004 1:33 pm

B5 and not-so-oily skin. Worth it? Anyone tried?


Posted : 12/21/2004 3:44 pm

I'm going to start with the Acne Miracle B5 program today or tommorow whenever my order comes in. I REALLY hope this helps to clear me up for good. I ordered all the topicals and the B5 Fruit Punch drink. Sounds like it's going to be good stuff. I hope it works! Anyone else tried the Acne Miracle products?



Posted : 12/21/2004 8:35 pm

also about to start b5 treatment, though i'm determined to do it on a low 2-4g/day dose, as im confident that the huge excess (10g) is unnecessary! Having said that, i wouldnt be surprised if i caved and started 10g....



Posted : 01/01/2005 7:20 pm

hello everyone. This is my first time posting on this site so bear with me. I see most people are either on b5 or interested in starting it so i figured this would be that place to post this. I am currently on evolution x b5 taking 10g a day. I just started my first bottle a few days ago i thought my face was clearing up but i just started breaking out again. It seems that when i was my face even with just water it gets dry and then my face getts really oily. I have noticed alot more white heads and not big ones most are just little. So i dont know if i should just stop washing it or keep washing and use a moisturizer. Or possibley lower the amount of b5 that i take. I asked the evolution x people and they told me to keep the 10g a day and just dont wash my face as often or even at all for that matter. so i havent been washing my face for like the past 3 days and its starting to look a little better but still getting new active white heads. If its one thing i know about my acne is that if i dry my face out even a little bit it breaks out. And if i dont wash at all it still breaks out. or could this still be the inital break out from the b5. i have a hard time finding the balance between the 2. so any info and what to wash with and a good regimen that will go with b5 would be helpfull. thanks





Posted : 01/04/2005 4:10 am

Hi. My name is Myron Black, and I'm new to this forum. I have been reading over this B5 thread and noticed that a lot of people have gotten results from using it. I'm contemplating using B5 orally, but I'm weary about overdosing on it. Has anyone used B5 topically? If so, what were the results?
