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Vitamin B5 Information


Posted : 03/13/2005 6:13 am

im taking 10 grams of b5, multi vitamin, b complex, and use an egg yolk mask on my face in the morning and night and I am almost clear! I love b5 its great!


Posted : 03/14/2005 12:12 am

I read earlier in this thread about the coenzyme-10 needed, and how b5 provides that. I have seen pill supplements of coenzyme-10 at GNC, so why not just get that?


Posted : 03/14/2005 11:45 am

is one centrum multivitamin enough to take with like 5g of b5 because im allergic to b complex


Posted : 03/17/2005 7:20 am


for every 3g, well almost 3g, i take 1 gram of biotin.






Posted : 03/19/2005 4:01 pm


This thread is crazy. I'm SO torn between trying b5 and not.

It seems like a miracle at times, but really bad at others.

I really need some help.

I'm thinking of using ONLY the b5Complete powder listed on [Removed]

this is what is says it has:

AAAA 100% ALL NATURAL Ingredients

AAAA 100% ALL NATURAL Flavoring

AAAA Tastes just like fruit punch

AAAA Eliminates vitamin aftertaste

AAAA Powerful B5/Pantethine Blend

AAAA Includes B-Complex Vitamins

AAAA Includes 1,000mg of Vitamin C

AAAA Includes 15mg of Biotin

AAAA Includes 50mg of OptiZinc

AAAA Purest ingredients available

AAAA Highest success rate (92.7%)



Posted : 03/20/2005 11:58 pm

Hey, B5 cleared my face up (2 years now), but I never had any body acne so I can't comment on that.


If I were you I'd just try any B5 vitamin supplements first (just google "pantothenic acid" and find some cheap 500mg capsules). They're a lot cheaper, you probably won't need 10g a day, and you'll get just as good results.


Don't worry about all the people warning about b-complex and biotin, etc. The fact is that the vast majority of B5 users only use B5, and still get good results without any side effects. Side effects from B5 are extremely rare, we just tend to hear more about them since those people are more apt to be vocal. What's more, the amount of biotin and b-complex in stuff like acne-miracle is probably to small to make any difference whatsoever....




Posted : 03/21/2005 12:07 am


Are you still taking B5? Have you been taking it continuously for 2 yrs?

Also, just because side effects might be "rare" (you have no way of knowing that btw), doesn't mean people shouldn't take precautions, because if you are the someone who experiences side effects, it doesn't matter how rare they might be.

I took 6g of B5 for 2 months. Worked like a charm. I cleared up in just over a month. Just about a week ago, I started getting stabbing stomach pains. I quit the B5 and they went right away. I've been off the B5 for a week. So far, I'm still clear.

My point is, you have to really listen to your body and be smart about it. There is no blanket statement that applies to everyone. I would suggest taking the b complex so your b vitamins aren't out of balance. People HAVE experienced side effects from taking b5 for a long time with no extra b supplementation. Why risk it.


Posted : 03/22/2005 2:07 pm


b5 certainly sounds wonderful, but I just want to add a note of caution, because too many seem to think that megadosing on it for long periods is perfectly fine.


High levels / Overdose / Toxicity / Negative Side Effects - Symptoms and/or Risk Factors:

Vitamin B5:

Edema, severe fatigue, joint pains, reduced protein metabolism, gastrointestinal symptoms, raised VLDL triglycerides, calcification, dehydration, depression.

I understand the need to find a cure, but just be aware of possible side effects and be careful.


Posted : 03/25/2005 4:27 pm



I still take a maintainence dose of b5, 500mg/day. My daily doses never exceeded 5g/day. It's true that I don't know for a fact how many people get side effects, but b5 is also prescibed for stress and arthritis, and even among mega-dosers the people getting side effects appear to be a small percent compared to the people seeing good results.


Also, while being informed is important, being paranoid is not. Being too scared to try a treatment that might really clear your skin is like being too afraid to get in a car because of car accidents. That type of attitude wont get you anywhere. None of the b5 side effects are that serious, you simply have to "listen to your body", as you said. If you feel you're developing a problem then stop, but don't let fear keep you from trying something in the first place.




I'm interested in where you found that data. B5 is actually used to combat depression and can increase metabolism. I feel that you're correct about avoiding mega-dosing for long periods of time, but I think that if b5 works for you, you shouldn't need to mega-dose for that long.


Posted : 03/25/2005 6:08 pm

I don't think people should be paranoid. I wasn't becaue I did a lot of reading beforehand. But I was AWARE that side effects were possible, so I was cautious, and I wasn't hypnotized by clear skin. I quit when I felt there was a problem. There are people on these boards who say "DON'T TAKE B5, IT WIL KILL YOU." and then there are people who say "TAKE B5, THERE IS NO RISK." Both are wrong.

I also think people should have an "exit strategy" for B5. I used b5 to jumpstart being clear and worked on diet modification while I was on it. I think it's awesome that you can maintain on 500g, and I may try a small dosage if I start to break out again, but not everyone will be so lucky and I don't think it is smart to remain on high dosages indefinitely.


Posted : 04/01/2005 12:23 am

Ok I am taking 6g of B5.... how does this regimen sound:


-4 pills 3 times a day-

-2 biotin pills for every 4 pills-

-2 b-50 complex a day-


Posted : 04/01/2005 4:01 pm

Ok I am taking 6g of B5.... how does this regimen sound:


-4 pills 3 times a day-

-2 biotin pills for every 4 pills-

-2 b-50 complex a day-






Posted : 04/02/2005 4:10 am

Each biotin capsule is 600 mcg.


What steps are you taking to make sure you stay clear?


Posted : 04/03/2005 3:40 pm

Each biotin capsule is 600 mcg.


What steps are you taking to make sure you stay clear?






Posted : 04/04/2005 5:11 pm

I've read the post and I'm ready to try b5 but there is no way I am gonna take 10 + pills a day. I'm in health science right now and i know that even water soluble vitamins can be harmful to your body when taken in large amounts. so i am going to try 500 mg a day (2 pills) to start out because my acne is very mild. Has anyone tried a low dose that works???


Posted : 04/05/2005 5:05 pm

Right now I'm trying a 6g regimen....not too many results to speak of though I've only been on this for about 3 and a half weeks.


So cjb, do you think that's a good amount of biotin?



Posted : 04/05/2005 6:59 pm

Right now I'm trying a 6g regimen....not too many results to speak of though I've only been on this for about 3 and a half weeks.


So cjb, do you think that's a good amount of biotin?






Posted : 04/09/2005 4:00 am

Hi, i've been taking vitamin b5 for a week now (10g) and i have absolutely no side effects what so ever, i stumbled accross this web site, is this true?






Posted : 04/11/2005 5:20 pm

Here's another b5 seller that might be worth checking out. I haven't tried their product myself, but despite what everyone says about "having the best b5 quality and purity!", b5 is b5 in my mind.

Anyway, this site actually offers time-release b5, which I haven't seen anywhere else. For those of you worried about mega-dosing, this may be the thing for you.


I have to say time-release sounds like good idea...


Posted : 04/12/2005 11:34 am


hi ive just orderd calcium pantothenate b5 to try and get rid of my acne. Ive ordered 400 x 500mg capsules, is this the same as b5 vitamin or pantothenic acid?? have i ordered the right stuff!?


Posted : 04/12/2005 11:56 am

hi ive just orderd calcium pantothenate b5 to try and get rid of my acne. Ive ordered 400 x 500mg capsules, is this the same as b5 vitamin or pantothenic acid?? have i ordered the right stuff!?






Posted : 04/13/2005 9:16 am

Thanks. Just received my order today so am starting asap. Ive order 250mg pills tho by accident so ill have to use these unitll i can get some 500mg. however, to take the recommended dosage this means taking eventually 40 pills a day! (which i am slightly cautious about) Im going to buy some from Holland and Barrat next time as its easily accessible to me.


Im really hoping these will work! i have mild-moderate acne and have tried everything. Im reluctant to go on accutane as in 3 months time im goin on holiday with my mates - ive heard on accutante you cant drink or be exsposed to the sun which is a bit rubbish if ur on hoiday. i also wear contact lenses and apparently it dryies your eyes out making you unable to wear them Having acne and wearing my glasses would be unbearable!, want to see if this will work first. .(if anyone has been on accutane and has any info on this id appreciate it as im going to see me derm again next month and i reckon he will suggest it to me) But before this i have tried erythromycin, oxytetracylin, minaclylcin, tetracylcin, salyic gel, zinyert, retin-a, numerus facial washes and i am currently on a combination of diantette and differin. this was prescribed by my derm in 2003 and seemed to be working for about a year but recently the effects have worn off and i have a breakout.


Was just wondering what you used before taking b5 and how b5 is working for you or anyone else out there?

how much did u take? how long did it take before you saw results? Is it still working now? sorry about all the questions but id just like as much info as poss!



(ill keep you posted how my progress is going!)


Posted : 04/14/2005 12:51 am

I'm taking the dive with this b5 experiment. It's gonna be costly though. Does anyone know of any places online that sells these b5 acid tablets/geltabs in bulk? If not in bulk, maybe cheap tablets? a website or something.....


right now i'm looking at 9 bucks for 100 capsules (500mg each). At full dosage, 20 capsules (10g)a day, i'll need 6 bottles a month.


I'm willing to spend at least a hundre dollars on testing this out, so I'm trying to buy at least 12 bottles with 100 bucks.


EDIt: did a little google search and found 200 capsules for 11.13 on


Is this a good deal? I'm looking for a gallon sized container of this, like 2000 capsules, preferably has a 250 capsule bottle for only 10 dollars and even cheaper b-100 complex pills. looks like im gonna load up with them.


Posted : 04/14/2005 3:37 am

For the B5 you can get the Powder version for more cheaper than capsules and they work out the same plus you don't have to choke down 20 pills a day rather than powder is just drinking it 3 times daily!!


Also b5 powder tastes real BAD but i saw in the stores they were having flavoured ones which i think is kewl!!


Posted : 04/14/2005 3:06 pm

That site I mentioned before ( ) actually has very good prices as far as B5 goes. Their pills are 1000mg time-release, and supposedly you only have to take 2 per day for normal acne.


As for the powder, supposedly it goes right to your blood and is very effective, but I prefer pills myself. I'm too lazy to mix up drinks for myself everyday, especially ones that taste bad (the protein drinks for working out are bad enough). Also, the powder doesn't like to dissolve very easily in water.
