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Harsh things I get told about my acne/when I didn't wear makeup


Posted : 11/28/2017 5:24 pm

I'm 13, I do everything to stop my acne and maintain my skin even though it's still covered in spots so makeup is my barrier and without it I feel ugly and that's bad enough. However, it took me a lot of courage today to not wear any makeup at all (on my skin) and I get anxiety a lot and I was trying to keep my calm and avoiding mirrors so I can just pretend it looked alright. And the one time I looked in the mirror I was like omg it's a good skin day actually. Here's what people told me in the day 'did someone pour acid on your face' 'god I'm glad I don't have your skin' 'do you wash your face' 'god u must wear more makeup then we thought' 'are u sunburned in winter' (my skin was a little red due to the meds I'm taking but I didn't think it was that bad) never leaving the house without makeup again...


Posted : 11/29/2017 9:34 pm

Ugh. Fuck those people.


Posted : 11/30/2017 8:46 pm

I'm so sorry that happened to you :(
I'm  so sorry that you have to wear makeup everyday, at only 13.... kids those age can be really cruel.
I haven't even had the courage to go out without makeup in years. Even if it went badly, i think it was good you were able to go out! I hope one day you can feel comfortable going out bare faced again


Posted : 12/02/2017 3:00 am

Me too. Well done to you for posting. You will get support from this community so never feel alone. Are your parents/ siblings/ friends supporting you? Are you seeing a dermatologist and what meds have you tried? Keep strong sweetheart!! You are worth it!!!

acet liked

Posted : 01/18/2018 7:32 pm

Hi, how are you? Don't let them take away the life ahead of you. Remember that we are here for you and listen to whatever. *hugs*

acet liked

Posted : 01/19/2018 12:05 pm

It really sucks to have acne at your age because the vast majority of your peers most likely don't even understand what acne is. I remember being in middle school when kids would point at my forehead and ask, "Why do you have that big red dot on your face?" My sister also had terrible acne from 4th grade all the way into high school, and kids were so cruel to make fun of her skin, almost to the point where she didn't even want to leave the house anymore.

I understand what you're going through, believe me. It's even more difficult to see others with clear, smooth skin, which leaves you wondering why you're dealing with acne and other people aren't. I'm an adult now, and I'm still dealing with acne. Fortunately, there are great dermatologists out there who want to help. If you and your parents haven't asked your dermatologist about Accutane, I would definitely do that. It can help clear up so much acne that topical creams or antibiotics just can't fix.

Hang in there. You are beautiful with or without acne, no matter what others around you say.

Juwalker liked

Posted : 01/19/2018 6:36 pm

I believe there are special kinds of makeup that actually treat acne. Well, it could be worse. If you were a guy you would be forbidden to wear makeup 
