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My Struggle with Teenage Acne (Male)


Posted : 11/24/2017 10:14 am

I have been struggling with acne for the last 3 to 4 years. What started off as a cyst on the nose developed into something I had never seen before. While before my acne would take over my life, I enjoyed life. I had tons of friends and I had great self esteem. Over the past few years however, I noticed my acne start to spread to my cheeks, temples, chin, jawline, forehead and nose. With new cysts popping up on a daily basis, I noticed it spreaded to my back, chest, shoulders and arms. While the acne on my arms are moderate, everywhere else has big pustules and the occasional cyst. It covers my whole face now. I have tried many OTC products from salicylic acid to oatmeal soap but to no avail. Recently I bought Dan's regimen which did stop the growth of some pustules but left me with horrible post inflammatory hyperpigmentation all over my face. It's so bad that I am ashamed to go outside during the day and will only leave the house during the night. I graduated but I am embarrassed to go to the university for the fear that people will stare at my face and get disgusted. I cannot hide it now and it has destroyed my social life and my self esteem. What's funny to me is that none of my family members had this. My parents, brother, cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents barely had acne, and if they had it, they told me it was mild. I am the only one with the most severe form of acne and it baffles me. Growing up with acne, I've been taunted countless times by my friends, family members and strangers and although they don't understand how much it those words hurts, it leaves me feeling ashamed and depressed everytime. I hate to admit, but a problem such as acne, has destroyed me. I can't remember the last time I had a conversation with someone without avoiding eye contact. I'm all alone and I feel hopeless and some nights when I drink alone in the dark, I think about how my life would have been if I had not had acne at all. It would have been so much different; so much better. But there is a part of me that still has some hope. I have grown tired of the OTC products that promises something but never delivers. I know there will be those that say "Just go to the dermatologist!" I live in a developing countries where everything is limited. There are no certified dermatologists here and I have to do this all on my own. I have hope though, that one day, I will outgrow my acne and although that day is unknown, I have faith that it is soon. I'm 18, and I have struggled with acne since the age of 15. I know there are people out there who have out grown acne. So for those who struggle with acne out there, just know that you are not alone. People like me are also struggling with you and are praying that one day this curse will end.


Posted : 11/24/2017 5:49 pm

Bless you. It is such a struggle with acne but you will outgrow it and in the meantime need to do what you can to manage and minimise the symptoms. My husband had acne quite severely as a young man on his face, neck, back and chest and although he has the occasional spot now his skin is so much improved. Still oily but he doesn't get hardly any spots. He gradually improved from 20 years of age onwards. What otc products have you tried?
Just remember you are not alone either. We are all in this together and will support you whenever you need us. Take care.
Wesfitz99 liked

Posted : 11/30/2017 9:24 pm

On 11/25/2017 at 10:49 AM, Juwalker said:
Bless you. It is such a struggle with acne but you will outgrow it and in the meantime need to do what you can to manage and minimise the symptoms. My husband had acne quite severely as a young man on his face, neck, back and chest and although he has the  occasional spot now his skin is so much improved. Still oily but he doesn't get hardly any spots. He gradually  improved from 20  years of age onwards. What otc products have you tried?
Just remember you are not alone either. We are all in this together and will support you whenever you need us. Take care. 

I've tried oatmeal soap, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide (Dan's), tea tree oil, indian healing clay, aloe vera and various other face washes. Right now I am just using a regular face wash from Spa Mystique. Thanks for your comment. :)


Posted : 12/01/2017 5:20 pm

In terms of otc medication benzoylperoxide worked best for me. How was it for you?


Posted : 12/02/2017 12:19 am

Whike it did clear up most of the acne, I was left with terrible post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It feels like they last forever. Although some say it's fading, it is fading very, very slowly. Marks from September are still there but fading very slowly.

Juwalker liked

Posted : 12/02/2017 2:42 am

Yes you defo need to be patient with waiting for marks to fade. It takes time, but the younger you are the more likely your skin will recover. Hang in there.


Posted : 12/21/2017 9:21 am

Thanks for your kind words. Right now i am really breaking out badly around my mouth area and my jawline. It's embarrassing but hopefully it goes away. I'm leaving for the states in a couple of months and hopefully the change in climate and lifestyle will improve my acne. Fingers crossed tho. 

Juwalker liked

Posted : 12/21/2017 11:27 pm

Get a prescription of antibiotics. My condition is exactly as yours. My marks also are talking too long to fade. And diet can control your acne.
Mostly avoid sugary , oily and dairy foods and you will notice great improvement.
But i wish i had strength to deal with this depression.


Posted : 01/16/2018 4:44 pm

Sweet boy, my son is also 18 and living an acne nightmare. It is so hard to be brave every day and feel like you are being stared at or judged by others. Remember that you are a strong soul who has already shown more courage than most people will in a lifetime. Focus on your inner beauty and every day wake up a warrior ready to advocate for your own health and be your own navigator of skin care. So many experts out there and mixed messages and pollutants in our water and food--who knows what causes the skin to rebel, but know you are not alone! This is not your fault. You didn't choose this fight, but you will be strong and a badass and you will not quit! You belong to an important club--surviving this will make you fear little else in life.

After doing more research and spending more money than I want to think about, we are currently using this place: You may want to send them an email to see if they can help at all with your condition. They do long distance consultations.

Big hug!

no links to other sites like these please


Posted : 01/17/2018 7:55 am


I am a long time member here. I have forgottenthe details of my old account so posting from a new account.
I first visited here in 2001/2002 when this webpage was in it's fledglingstages so i can say i have over a lot of experience with acne. You say you are 17 so i was here when you were just a baby, or even may be before you were born. Man i feel old lol.
I first got acne at 13 and it didn't leave until i was 30 and i am now almost 34.
Between the ages of 18 to 22 i was hugely depressed about my acne. At my lowest i did not leave my house for a whole month, i was in a very dark place. It cost me friendships and a relationshipwith my girlfriend at the time.
I hated the person who i had become.
Shortly after this period i got mentally better. My acne remained but i was able to function and to go out into the world.
So what changed? I took stock of my life and everything good in it. A loving family, a roofover my head, i knew when my next meal would be, good friends, good education. I realised that myacne isn't what was making me feel crap or stopping me from living. The acne was just a physical scapegoatof my insecurities that were always there. Only now i had something to blame it on rather than facing my demons.
I am not taking away the psychologicalimpact acne can have. We very much live in society that demands perfection but still the real issue wasn't my acne, it was my lack of self worth.
I say screw being perfect, lets evolve man, lets be 1% better than we were yesterday, lets make the earth move and the ground shake. Your acne does not define you, it does not influence your intelligence not does it make you a good or bad person.
The key thing that i did was to accept my acne. I could treat it and i had good success with the acne .org regimen but doing that twice a day was a pain in the ass. It got to a point i stopped caring and started living.
It will be okay. You will be okay, but let me ask you this. If you had 6 months to live would you sit there worrying about it or go an make every second count? When you think about it a long those lines, acne doesn't seem so bad all of a sudden.
I really hope that you feel better and you find a way that works for you. You can do this. Good luck.