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I just couldn't face school today


Posted : 11/24/2016 5:35 am

Hi, I'm Anisa and to keep a long story short, I have moderate acne scarring with a breakout on the left and right of my jawline. I usually try to conceal with light makeup but for some reason, my skin just looks so horrible today. I don't feel like I can talk to my mum about it because she suffered from adult acne and almost went on Accutane but her skin cleared completely before her consultation. But she still has scars which she could "fix" with microdermabrasion sessions.

So I usually can cope in school but this week has been difficult because I have random bumps that go away if I exfoliate but If I don't they show a lot under makeup. I just would not have been able to handle the weird looks and subtle stares that I would've got from teachers, random students and my fellow classmates today. I felt like this since last Saturday because I think my skin looks disgusting, I often ask myself whether or not I have any shame or dignity to be going out in public looking the way I do. Its horrible. People stare and I'm so so sensitive and I pick up on these things and they hurt ): I know after a few sessions (micro-derm) it'll be much better but I just couldn't get on the bus to go to school. I called my mum know she'd be angry but I just wanted to tell her that I wasn't going to school. But she got sooooooo angry like I was on my way back from the bus stop to my house and I was crying because of how she was. she knew there was something up with me this morning but i didn't tell her because I was just going to be strong at school but I couldn't anymore, I was too scared. but I'm scared to her how I really feel about my skin.


Posted : 11/24/2016 9:42 am

Dear Anisa, I know what you're going through! I have these "acne crises" about once a week, where, all of a sudden, acne seems to be the most pervasive and horrible thing in the world, and nothing else matters. I think you should tell your mom how you feel about your acne. It may seem awkward or embarrassing at first, but it's important that she knows how you feel. Besides, it seems she has had a similar problem, and may even give you some helpful medication advice. Other than that, DO NOT PANIC. I wrote a post about dealing with an acne crisis that I have posted below, and I think it may help you. Long story short: worrying about acne is not productive, and makes you feel bad, so why do it? Trust me, NO ONE in this entire world cares about YOUR acne as much as YOU do. You are your worst critic, so let go :)

