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My acne is my biggest complex


Posted : 08/23/2016 2:40 am

Basically im 18 and i suffer from the worst back acne (mainly just dark pigmentation scarring) occasionally actual pimples. But it literally covers every inch of my back. My neck acne and face acne doesnt bother me much but i also get acne on my butt and my chest and shoulders and arms. Because of it i havent worn any bathing suits but i do feel brave enough to wear crop tops and shorts but if the front of shirt shows a lot of my chest i use makeup to cover the acne as best as i can. Because of this im reluctant to get physical with my boyfriend. Ive talked to him about the back and face acne and he told me it really didnt matter to him but i didnt mention the chest which i think is my most embarrassing part, i just wanted to know if guys get really turned off by it because i hate gettingundressed and seeing it myself. Some days its bad and others its not but its definitely caused some ugly scarring pigmentation as well. And ive just grown emotionally distressed by this everytime i see my body and wish i could find something to at least stop the acne, i can live with the scars.


Posted : 08/23/2016 3:43 am

Your boyfriend doesn't care, you're just being insecure about it. This is completely normal, so don't feel bad about it. Go to a dermatologist and go on a treatment program.

Your boyfriend loves you, and trust me, he doesn't care.

Elle.F liked

Posted : 08/23/2016 7:26 am

I think you just need to make the leap and get used to him seeing you that way - acne, scars and all. The biggest hurdle is the first time/first few times. The fact that you have brought up your insecurity with him is already a good thing. When I started breaking out really bad, I was super embarrassed to let anyone see my skin without make-up, or at all for that matter (I cancelled a lot of plans and avoided seeing people). I was so self-conscious and was making myself super stressed about the whole thing. But then I just decided I needed to make a change because it was becoming too much of a weight on my shoulders - It was literally giving me anxiety when I was on the way to see people!

So, I just started not wearing make-up around people more and more, and I even brought up how I was feeling with a few people which really helped. At first you will likely feel SUPER self-conscious, but it's like a big hurdle you just need to leap over. Once you get comfortable with your bf seeing your bare skin and your acne & scars, and once you see that it's not going to change his perception of you, then you will start to relax and feel more comfortable.
