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Acne ruining my life


Posted : 07/23/2016 2:10 am

So I'm supposed to fly and visit my dad tommorow and I only see him once every 2 years. Last time I seen him I was 14 and I had mild acne, but not too bad. Now my acne has gotten so servere I force myself to not go outside or talk to anyone or any of my friends, I barely leave my room because I'm scared of being seen. I know I can't see my father looking like this and before you say "he's your dad he won't judge you or care" that's not the part in worried about. He's supposed to take me to a lot of places like 6 flags and some carnivals, but as I said before, I cannot be seen in public. This is an issue that literally makes me want to not see him anymore and I'd rather have someone kill me or just stay in my room for my entire life. I'm thinking of buying some concealer which would help me out a lot but I have no money and I'm scared to ask my guardian to buy it because I don't think she'll understand the situation I'm in, plus I don't know her well so that's not happening. Could someone give me advice or just hire someone to kill me in my sleep?


Posted : 07/23/2016 7:18 pm

Heeeeyyy chilll, just explain to your care taker your problems and tell them you will pay them back. go see your dad i mean its your dad , you said you don't seem him that often well you will regret it if you dont. plus roller costars o man i want to go lol but tell your dad you want to go at night, it will be alot better good luck.


Posted : 07/25/2016 11:37 am

I know how you feel... you know, don't force anything, If you don't want to visit him, then don't do it, stay at home, but relaxe then, read a book, don't blame yourself that you didn't go, because this will make you feel even worse.
But you're young, your acne WILL go away, don't let acne determine how you feel, your body is not your enemy, even if it feels like it right now. Maybe you should go to your father, just act like you don't have acne at all, because if you seem confident, people won't see anything else. If you're not comfortable going out, which I can totally relate, then ask your father if he's okay with doing something else.


Posted : 09/04/2016 12:37 pm

Don't believe people who tell you 'your acne will go away' I've had acne since I was a teenager and I'm now in my 30's. Diet, medication and dermatologists haven't helped and it has ruined my life. Anyone who tells you that a cream or an antibiotic will help is lying to you. Your genetics mean you are going to suffer from acne for your whole life so get used to it. The only thing that will stop the acne for people like us is death.


Posted : 09/06/2016 10:08 pm

If anyone is seriously considering death over acne please please please I urge you to seek help.... Dont just say "get used to it" and live a life full of hatted towards your face. Do not let acne take control of your life like it did with me. My HATRED got so bad that I attempted suicide in the 7th grade over acne that supposedly ruined my life forever. I felt that I couldnt go outside, that my acne stopped me from having a future, that I was going to die alone, that strangers would be nauseated by my face, and I couldnt look at my own FAMILY without feeling ashamed... It was awful. Please do not end up like me and have to be transported to a psychaitric hospital just because of the overwhelming fear that you have. Talk to someone outside of the internet about your disgust towards your face if you feel like death is better than acne.

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Posted : 09/14/2016 3:17 am

Acne is ruining my life too. I go to sleep hoping it will look better in the morning but it doesnt. I dont know what to do with it, my skin is extremely sensitive and dry, but if i use a moisturizer it breaks out. I sinceriously hate acne! I mean it has no purpose! Why does it exist?!


Posted : 09/14/2016 6:13 am

On 9/4/2016 at 6:37 PM, Tyuchaf84 said:

Don't believe people who tell you 'your acne will go away' I've had acne since I was a teenager and I'm now in my 30's. Diet, medication and dermatologists haven't helped and it has ruined my life. Anyone who tells you that a cream or an antibiotic will help is lying to you. Your genetics mean you are going to suffer from acne for your whole life so get used to it. The only thing that will stop the acne for people like us is death.

Not true at all, it hasn't worked for you but has for millions of people out there.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 09/15/2016 1:56 pm

No it hasn't


Posted : 09/15/2016 2:03 pm

yes it have ,

DeLovely liked

Posted : 09/15/2016 3:27 pm

No it hasn't. It goes away for a short while but it will always come back eventually. Like I said earlier.....the only cure is death. The sooner the better.


Posted : 09/15/2016 3:33 pm

It's depressing and bullshit that's what it is

Tyuchaf84 liked

Posted : 10/09/2016 7:18 am

On 9/15/2016 at 4:27 PM, Tyuchaf84 said:

No it hasn't. It goes away for a short while but it will always come back eventually. Like I said earlier.....the only cure is death. The sooner the better.

SIMPLY NOT TRUE. Don't listen to pessimistic people who have nothing productive to add to the conversation. I had acne for ten years, and I have been completely clear for over five years now.

Jazzguy liked

Posted : 10/10/2016 5:52 pm

Hey Smehd, sorry to hear you feeling so bad about your acne.  It was a while ago when you made this post so I hope you went to see your Dad and opened up to tell him your problems.  I hope you told your guardian about your feelings as well and you're getting some help.  The carers in your life should want to help you to be happy but you've got to let them know what's going on for you!  If they don't help keep telling anyone who'll listen until someone does!  There are medications that help and you may have to try a few to find the one that works best but you will get there. 
There are a lot of caring people here on the org who have been through similar acne experiences so you can lean on us |.  Also if you feel you need to reach out to someone else check out some of the support options that are available listed in this forum

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