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Need someone to talk


Posted : 05/15/2016 10:21 pm

I'm not even sure I'm doing this right as I've just signed up for this website. My acne has completely ruined my life, like a disease. I quit both my jobs, stopped seeing a guy Iliked so badly because I couldn't bare the thought of him seeing my skin and have completely isolated myself to my house. My days are a cycle of sadness, panic attacks, and regret. I don't go thru old pictures on my phone anymore because it makes me so sad to see how good my skin used to be. I've suffered from acne since I was about 13 but got it what I would consider under control at 17-18. I would still breakout from time to time but looking back at it it was seriously nothing. Within the past six months, since getting out of a relationship and moving to a new place my skin started to break out badly. Two months ago, after a chemical peel I thought would fix all my issues and I would finally be able to be bare faced in front of this new guy my skin has completely broken out. It isn't cystic but it is all over my cheek and the marks are very noticeable since I am pale. I keep very clean for the past two months, no meat, eggs, dairy, junk food, and recently no gluten. I was embarrassed to even see my mom on Mother's Day because my skin was in such a state but she was more concerned that I'd lost 15 Pounds. Not purposely but I realize that I'm basically starved with all the foods I've cut out. I want to try accutane but am worried because of my intense anxiety that I'll always think I'm having some horrible side effect. I'm in such a deep hole and I'm asking anyone to help. I have completely lost my life because of this.


Posted : 05/15/2016 11:30 pm

People say accutane causes depression, but I think the depression of having acne and not being able to treat it is far worse. Have you talked to a dermatologist?


Posted : 05/16/2016 1:09 am

So many dermatologist, and so many products. I was suggested it a year ago for very very mild acne and it didn't seem worth the side effects. I totally have to agree, I know that my depression is because of my acne and I genuinely feel that if it was clear I could live the life I wanted. Thank you for replying. Wasn't sure there was anyone out there.


Posted : 05/16/2016 8:58 am

Many people on this board are willing to help others out, thats the entire purpose of the site. Hows your acne right now? What products have you tried?


Posted : 05/16/2016 9:51 am

I feel you, and don't be afraid to write if you feel the need to speak with someone. Sometimes, it's nice to share thoughts. I'm very, very depressed myself sadly, and it just seems to be more bad on bad every single day. It's horrible.


Posted : 05/19/2016 1:53 pm

Will you post pics of your acne?


Posted : 05/24/2016 1:40 pm

Hi there. I'm sorry you're going through this. I was like that a few years ago starving myself and obsessing with foods. It did not help. In fact losing weight made my hormones worse.
I suggest you just cut out things that are known to be inflammatory like dairy sugar and only gluten IF you are allergic to it. Caffeine and alcohol are bad for some too. Don't obsess cause the stress outweighs any good you're doing.
I'd also get a total hormone analysis. Acne in adult women is mostly hormonal and birth control or Spiro may help a lot. Accutane should be last last on the list. My boyfriend took it 1 month and became suicidal. And if your acne is hormonal accutane won't cure it anyway.
i lost my job and still don't have one cause I have no confidence. I wish you the best . I really think you should find out about your hormones before considering accutane. And try not to stress over food. Its likely nothing you can control anyway unless you have specific allergies.
Hope you feel better!
