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What Does Motivate You Again When You Are Really Down ?


Posted : 09/04/2015 12:16 pm

i have very severe acne scars all over my face for 10 years , some days i feel like all the world over my chest , what make me stand on my own feet again :

1- watching the shawshank redemption movie, i don't know why , but it has calming effect for my pain , it's define me " the real beauty of hope " .. get busy living or get busy dying !


2- going to isolated place on the beach at night . and forget myself in looking to moon and stars .


3- closing my eyes while listening to my favorite song " la mer " , and imagine myself in paris , having semi clear skin .

Nish11 and DeLovely liked

Posted : 09/04/2015 1:03 pm

Love, love "The Shawshank Redemption"!! :) One of my favorite movies and love the message of hope too!!!!


My favorite Scripture is: "I have strength for everything through Him who empowers me." Philippians 4:13

I have it posted at my desk at work and it helps me during my dark moments when everything seems impossible.


My son inspires me every day. He has autism and seeing how much harder he has to work and all the obstacles he's overcome without Really puts my own personal struggles in perspective.


Thanks for starting this great thread! :)

Nish11, pursuit of happyness, Lore91 and 1 people liked

Posted : 09/04/2015 5:49 pm



Posted : 09/08/2015 5:51 pm

Hope for a better tomorrow and good people motivate me to get back up again.


Please don't give up PursuitofHappyness. 10 years is a long time. I can understand your pain as I've had bad acne/scarring for about 6 years now. It has significantly affected my life, but I won't let it be the end of me. I hope you won't either.


"The only thing stronger than fear is hope."


Posted : 09/08/2015 7:26 pm

Games. Earlier this year I was suicidal and didn't leave the house for five months because of my skin. I started playing an mmo (online multiplayer game) and began to use voicechat to communicate with other players..


8 months latet I have met some of them in real life and consider them some of my closest friends. They got to know me through my personality and not my appearance.


Posted : 09/08/2015 7:37 pm

Games. Earlier this year I was suicidal and didn't leave the house for five months because of my skin. I started playing an mmo (online multiplayer game) and began to use voicechat to communicate with other players..


8 months latet I have met some of them in real life and consider them some of my closest friends. They got to know me through my personality and not my appearance.

If you ever are suicidal again, please talk to us (at least with me). I don't like people being suicidal.


Posted : 09/19/2015 11:03 pm

Love this thread :)


Dancing helps me the most. I feel really cool and larger-than-life, especially when I take part in battles or when I'm on stage. The movements of my body quickly override the scars on my face. Muay Thai too just makes me feel like an overall badass despite my flaws.


Hope to see more responses in this thread!


Posted : 09/20/2015 12:34 pm

This site helps me an awful lot. It I feel bad or have just broken out, browsing this site and seeing I'm not alone and threads like this which show how people deal with it help more than anything else.


Same with acne related youtube videos :)


And Alex, thank you for your post! I appreciate it :) I'm in a much better place right now, but who knows where I'll be in the future. Like I said, the support on this website is incredible!


Posted : 09/26/2015 12:12 pm

Spending time in nature helps me. Just observing things. Back when my dog was still alive he helped a lot. Petting him, talking with him, etc.
