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Family Members Pointing Out/ Making Fun Of My Acne.


Posted : 07/23/2015 7:34 am

My family (mum/ siblings/ cousins/ aunties etc) make fun of my skin and they're always pointing out my acne.

Obviously I know I have acne, but why pick out other peoples flaws!


I got acne at the age of 13. It started when I decided to put this oily moisturiser on my face and the next day was also a family event and I broke out in loads of red pimples! My family were shocked and asked me what had happened. So ever since then I've been getting acne ( I turned 18 this year) I am the only one in the family that has had terrible skin for so long!


My family actually thought something was wrong with me. I mean so many times in family gatherings they have treated me like I have a disease. Even my mum has started treating me like crap, probably bc of embarrassment and she doesn't have a daughter that is pretty and has clear skin. I mean my siblings and mum openly call me ugly/ spot face and say I've ruined my skin. They say they feel sick looking at me. But I can't help having it. When I dress up and try to feel good and ask someone how I look they make this face and don't know what to say. So I just say okay just tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad does my acne look and even after making myself feel and look good they always say 9/10.


There is so so much more I can write about this topic sadly :( it's just so hard to explain in writing. I'll try and stop waffling on now. My point is my acne has ruined so many things such as confidence/ self- esteem. I believe there is so much more to a person that their looks and acne, but it's difficult for some to see through that.


Posted : 07/23/2015 10:28 am


Topic moved to emotional and psychological effects of acne forum


Posted : 07/23/2015 10:31 am

Your family members are jack asses. They are sick and it is no reflection on who you are as a person. People that do that are very insecure so take note.


Acne is not fun and it is not pretty but like somethings in life, it is our cross to bare. Keep your head up and know that you are wonderfully made, acne and all.


Posted : 07/23/2015 4:25 pm

They probably don't know that it's not your fault and are insulting you as a way to get you to "get it together" and realize how bad it looks. Or, they've gotten used to treating you like shit, so they use you as a punching bag so they can vent and feel better about themselves.

Either way, they're assholes.


Posted : 07/24/2015 6:41 pm


I agree with melloman and leelowe. I'm really sorry that they've been treating you this way ever since you first experienced acne..which...of course is not your fault. If you have moments when you feel good that's awesome, please don't ask them for second opinions, if you can. they are emotionally abusive. I know it's hard because we tend to let family get away with the worst behavior just because they're related to us but it' s not ok. it's a dangerous downward spiral to your mental health if you continue to value their opinions... on anything relating to your appearance or worth.

myr876 liked

Posted : 07/25/2015 12:31 pm

This is horrible, I'm sorry you have to go through this. I'm so thankful I have a supportive family...


Hearing stories like this makes me so mad that people can be so horrible! You should point out something they're uncomfortable with, like their weight, and see how they like it..

myr876 liked

Posted : 07/25/2015 10:10 pm

I've had similar experiences like you as well. When I was in middle school my acne was at its worst . My cousins use to call me pizza face , moon crater , etc. They would also just stare at me and look at me in disgust . Obviously this brought my self esteem down tremendously.


It sucks and I know you are emotionally hurt, but don't let them get to you. They are ignorant and instead of making fun of you they should be supporting you . You are going to get through this just don't give up !

leelowe1 and myr876 liked

Posted : 07/26/2015 5:48 am

I'm so sorry that you have to go through that. Having acne already takes its toll, and having such family members is like rubbing salt on wounds. I've had cousins who did that too and I stopped seeing them often, which made me feel a whole lot better. But in a case where you can't just avoid them, it's much more difficult. Yeah, so many choose to define people by their acne and don't see beyond that. As long as you know that you are worth so much more, you have the upper hand because they will throw hurtful words around but your self-worth will act as a shield against them. Once we've accepted our flaws, no one can use them against us.


Don't give up! And know that you will always have support here.

myr876 and Lore91 liked

Posted : 07/30/2015 11:43 am


I've been there too. Not from my parents, but from an aunt who ALWAYS felt the need to voice her opinion about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to do with me! Told me I needed to style my eyebrows differently, cut off my long hair, wear different clothes, etc. She was quite critical of her daughter as well, but DAMN! Yes it got old. My family is estranged from her now, and it took some truly hideous, baffling actions on her part for us to cease all communication with her and for me to realize how much of a miserable human being SHE is to have critiqued everything to do with me.


My sister-in-law and mother-in-law are highly critical, as well. While they haven't pointed out my acne -- to my face -- I am well aware they notice every zit and every crater, because here recently they've zeroed in on my niece and are always making comments about her acne and weight. She's 15. While I'm not sure it affects her when they make comments, I internally cringe every time they do. Unfortunately my in-laws have started selling Rodan and Fields and I KNEW that somehow they were going to push their products in my face. It happened just the other night at my husband's birthday get-together...only it was my NIECE who showed me her before and after picture...guess she was trying to hawk the products for them. Smh. I just sat there and didn't say anything, but oh the thoughts that went through my head.

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