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How Can I Escape From This Bad Feeling?


Posted : 06/26/2015 4:12 am

I used to be a good looking, active girl and I also study well.I enjoyed to make people arround me happy. But, acne made me become a "bad" girl. When I was in 2nd year of uni, cystic acne came. It didn't bother me at that time but my face became worse. i listened to every thing that people around me talk because at that time, i don't care much about myseft and I was confident of my appearance. unfortunately, these advices like " putting ginger, lemon on the cys and it will disappear,..." made my acne worse than ever.

I started to have a basic skincare routine a year ago. And, my old acne is heal while my new big cys with no head still appear.

I keep myseft to be happy with what i look right now, but it is too hard. Looking at the mirror everyday make me sick. People around me ( my brother- in- law, my ant,...) always make fun of me, like when they see a cleanser ad, they always laugh at me and tell me that i must buy these things to get clear face! OMG, I really want to tell them that I wash my face everyday.

These days, I feel very stress, not only because of cys but also of my job. My colleagues always ask me to do every thing and tell me to take responsiblities for their acts. I have tons of problems even I always try my best. I'm sick and tired of travelling everyday under the sun ( my jobs required). It make my skin worse.

I don't have anyone to tell and share my story. how can acne turn me into this thing: ugly stupid girl?????

254fgjjk liked

Posted : 06/26/2015 6:30 pm

First off, those people making fun of you are terrible. They don't understand how bad acne can hurt. Secondly, I want to urge you to change your thinking. You say you USED to be the good looking girl? Honey, why on earth should some red bumps on our face make us any less attractive? Our eyes are still there, our lips, our humor, our souls, our skin color, etc. ALL of those things add up to beauty, not just bumps. I struggle with the same thing, but you are STILL a gorgeous girl simply because you're a miracle of life that is unique and wonderful.


Posted : 06/26/2015 8:48 pm

@jensweetone: Thanks you so much for give me motivation ( i'm not good at English T.T). I think that people around me are not that terrible, just because they don't think much about what they say can hurt me. May be I was too obsessed by their talking. when we meet, They always say that " In the past, you were so pretty, but now..."

Reading your comment make me realise that I should keep my thinking optimist instead of being depressed everyday. Acne can't be better if I always think of it :)


Posted : 06/26/2015 9:21 pm

I'm so sorry that your family treats you that way. They must feel really bad about themselves to do some thing like that. People treat other people that way when they are insecure. I hope that you can get back to feeling good about yourself and not let your outside appearance control your happiness. I know it's easier said than done but life is to short. You have to stand up for yourself and not let people treat you bad.


Posted : 06/28/2015 8:58 pm

I'm so sorry that your family treats you that way. They must feel really bad about themselves to do some thing like that. People treat other people that way when they are insecure. I hope that you can get back to feeling good about yourself and not let your outside appearance control your happiness. I know it's easier said than done but life is to short. You have to stand up for yourself and not let people treat you bad.

Thank you so much mel :D I am keeping myseft out of depression and try to be happy as much as i can. I realised that I must not regret for anything because i tried my best. No one is perfect, although people around me don't have acne but they still have their bad and ugly side.
