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Bacne Has Ruined Me (Long Post)


Posted : 06/25/2015 8:19 pm

im 17 years old. When I was a freshman in high school, I broke out with horrendous cystic bacne. My shirts would be stained with blood. I went through accuttane but my scars are terrible.


I don't know what to do.


I feel normal until i take my shirt off in the bathroom mirror. So many bumps and ruined skin all over my chest and back. I feel like I didn't deserve to have this happen to me..


I live in a town where everybody swims. I'm always invited, but I can't go. Nobody knows I have these scars. I feel like I would be judged and even outcasted by a lot of people if they saw what my back looks like. I find myself avoiding situations that may have to require me to take my shirt off. I hate living like this.


I had laser treatment on my back in an effort to help the scars. Didn't do much. There goes $2000 down the drain, as well as all my hope at ever being normal again. I just wanna swim with my friends. I can't help but tear up as I write this.


I just don't know what to do. I dread the day I have to take my shirt off and everybody is just disgusted at the sight of me. I've broken out on my chest recently also. Bacne has ruined me.



254fgjjk liked

Posted : 06/25/2015 11:09 pm

Hey youre not alone. I know how terrible having acne and scars can be but if youre around people who love they wont outcast you for it. I think you should give it a shot. Swimming and having fun with your friends might help you get your mind off of it opposed to staying at home dwelling on the situation. I also think that people are too worried about their own insecurities to notice anyone elses. I hope things get better


Posted : 06/26/2015 6:43 pm

First off, I'm a woman whose boyfriend has severe chest and back scarring as well and I don't even notice it. I'm serious. It's just part of his skin to me, nothing more. I looked at your pics and I would feel the same about yours. I totally get that it bothers you, but trust me, you see it worse than I do. Hopefully the female perspective helps.
