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My Acne Stops Me From Living My Life


Posted : 02/06/2015 12:16 am

I've never written on one of these things before but I Just need to vent. I'm 21 years old and still suffering with cystic acne. It is so unbelievably debilitating I can't even begin to explain. It's taken over my is literally all I can think about. I'm always trying to gage whether the lighting will accentuate my acne, if I can find excuses to avoid friends and social's exhausting. I've tried eating for better skin but essentially had an eating disorder....I don't know what to do anymore. I've seen the dermatologist but it didn't help. I feel like everyone else has flawless skin or just minor acne issues. It honestly makes me feel like an absolute monster. I feel like no one could ever love me and I don't really blame them. I am actually disgusting. the thing that drives me the most crazy is I'm in the prime of my life but can't enjoy any aspect of it because I'm always worried about my skin. Can someone please help.


Posted : 02/07/2015 10:28 am

Hi Olym,
Wow, I feel like this was me 10 years ago writing this post. I know exactly the feeling of isolation and especially frustration at how everyone else has either perfect skin or minor issues that aren't even a big deal, compared to how bad my skin was.
And the prime of my life is the part that really jumped out. I was in my mid-twenties, living in a beautiful place (San Diego) with lots of beautiful women around and felt so self-conscious talking to them, wondering what they thought about how I looked. I even wore makeup to cover myself up (and yes, I'm a guy). Always worrying about the lighting and how obvious not only my skin issues but also the makeup.
I was able to cure myself through diet & lifestyle, but it wasn't easy. It took a lot of tweaking until I finally got things right - in the end it was consistency that really worked for me, nothing happened overnight. There is a lot more knowledge and tools out there now, so if you're committed you can really turn things around relatively quickly.
I applaud you for posting on this site - you never know what kind of help & support you might get.
In the end it is really only a few changes in your diet / lifestyle that will have the biggest impact, but it can take a long time to figure those out. I've read just about every book, tried tons of holistic stuff, and know what works for me - I would be happy to share with you.
For me acne was my greatest blessing because I changed my lifestyle so much that I look and feel better than most people my age. But it really sucked and I totally know what you're going through.
Feel free to reach out to send me a personal message if you want to discuss in more detail
You are totally on the right track asking for help and by planting that seed I know you'll turn things around.

Posted : 02/07/2015 8:23 pm

Thank you so much for your response timbuddy. I'm definitely trying the diet and lifestyle approach. The part about acne being your greatest blessing gave me a lot of hope, so thank you for that. I was thinking of drying the Dr. McDougall styled diet, with low fat and high plant based foods. Have you tried this? Did it work for you? Thanks again for the response.
