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Posted : 11/17/2013 12:53 pm

hello well ive had acne since I was about 8/9 well I got my first spot when I was 8 now I'm 13 2 months intill 14 and im tired of acne! Ive tired everything, creams from doctors (didnt help) creams from shops and now im using sudocrem I think it works abit I don't know! i use makeup because I cant look at how disgusting my skin is, i used to pop my spots for like 3 years and last year I realized it isnt good and now i have marks. I had some spots on the side of my head and I swear I didn't pop them and now there indented into my skin!!! I'm so so so fed up, I cry mostly every night because what I look like! I have a overbite as well so im tired of my teeth as well! I have 2 sistes and there drop dead gorgeous and im the ugly one! Im so fed up with acne now, i self harm but I think about it please help me? Why am in so ugly why am I the ugly one? Is this depression?


Posted : 11/17/2013 2:11 pm )


Posted : 11/17/2013 10:28 pm

I wouldn't necessarily say you have depression. I feel like being upset about having acne is normal. We aren't supposed to like it. With that said, acne does not make you ugly. Facial structure and your other features make you attractive. Try to find something that you like about yourself i.e. have a nice body, have a good smile, pretty eyes etc. Realize that acne isn't forever. There is a treatment out there for everyone, it just takes a lot of time and patience to find the right one. The depression you feel is probably just temporary. However, if you feel bad enough, maybe visit a counselor? They help a lot of people going through a rough time. Depression is also treatable and also temporary (under most circumstances), so don't give up!


Posted : 11/18/2013 11:45 am

hello well ive had acne since I was about 8/9 well I got my first spot when I was 8 now I'm 13 2 months intill 14 and im tired of acne! Ive tired everything, creams from doctors (didnt help) creams from shops and now im using sudocrem I think it works abit I don't know! i use makeup because I cant look at how disgusting my skin is, i used to pop my spots for like 3 years and last year I realized it isnt good and now i have marks. I had some spots on the side of my head and I swear I didn't pop them and now there indented into my skin!!! I'm so so so fed up, I cry mostly every night because what I look like! I have a overbite as well so im tired of my teeth as well! I have 2 sistes and there drop dead gorgeous and im the ugly one! Im so fed up with acne now, i self harm but I think about it please help me? Why am in so ugly why am I the ugly one? Is this depression?

I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time with your acne and feeling comfortable with yourself. It can be a really traumatic experience and being in high school is never easy, especially if there are reasons to feel different from others. I urge you to seek help about the impulses to self harm. I'm 27 and have had self-injurious behavior since i was a little older than you. It's not actually an effective coping mechanism, though it can feel like it may get you through the day. If you can talk to your guidance counselor or if there is a school social worker, or even a teacher you can trust, it might do you a lot of good to talk to someone.

I'm not sure you have depression, but that's not to say that being a teenager isn't a brutal experience, but remember it's temporary.


Posted : 11/19/2013 12:36 am

Moved to emotional & psychological effects forum.


Posted : 11/19/2013 2:51 am

Its quite a revelation to see that these threads are following a trend of younger and younger people noticing acne at ages 10 and younger. I remember reading a study on how puberty and adolescence is starting earlier and lasting longer than it ever has dating back to the 1920's. Acne was unheard of before your mid teens.

This study speculated that an increase in processed foods (leading to poor dietary choices), and added hormones given to animals in their feed therefore causing effects in humans such as early menarche and thelarche in women is a possible contributor. I start to believe this more and more i see these ages pop up.. so young.

To the OP,

Superficially, you have an affliction, a problem, with your skin like most of us. It started at an early age and it has not gotten any better as you have stated which i am sorry for. However, on the inside you are the same as everyone else. Nothing about you or someone else makes you a lesser person this is where the true beauty lies, on the inside in your heart, mind, body, and soul. This is where you must muster your courage to tell yourself that the superficial issues on the outside will not control you; if you cannot talk positive of yourself and realize your true beauty then acne will lead you by the hand down a dark, gloomy road of sadness and despair. Do not let it. Talk positive about yourself; treat yourself well- you are someone special, someone that is loved, a real person with real potential. You are not ugly. Acne is ugly, its a problem that plagues many many people not just you. Its not the physical effects that it does, but the emotional damage it causes people and changes them if they let it run their lives that makes it ugly. So, do yourself a favor and not call your self ugly.

Are you depressed? Its possible that you are on that beginning road.. I can understand too why you would feel this way. Because you feel you are alone and cannot understand why this is happening when you just wish to fit in and have friends, to find your identity and do your own thing. This isn't always possible because of the people around you. Well, I can say with confidence you are not alone.

What comes next is very important. This is talking with someone to help you physically and emotionally to manage the overwhelming stress that acne brings upon peoples lives. Everyone needs a good support system to cope. It helps to voice your frustrations to someone who will be there for you no matter what. From here, try to help your self by being your own detective: what makes it worse, or better. This helps in treating acne by knowing the triggers therefore avoiding them. Practice not touching your face often, wash your hands after doing things i.e bathroom (every time), be clean, do not dwell looking at a mirror a long time, and if you visit a doctor make sure to follow the instructions correctly and be consistent. Results will not appear if you cannot follow the directions or expect it to work immediately. Treatments sometimes take months. As a young teen this is hard to fathom, but you must be patient. When you feel down and exhausted you need to not fight alone. You need to talk to someone. We all need help as there is no going it alone all the way. Thats what this community is for.

Do not take the words of others that are not nice to heart; remember you are beautiful.


Posted : 11/19/2013 8:20 pm

Its quite a revelation to see that these threads are following a trend of younger and younger people noticing acne at ages 10 and younger. I remember reading a study on how puberty and adolescence is starting earlier and lasting longer than it ever has dating back to the 1920's. Acne was unheard of before your mid teens.

This study speculated that an increase in processed foods (leading to poor dietary choices), and added hormones given to animals in their feed therefore causing effects in humans such as early menarche and thelarche in women is a possible contributor. I start to believe this more and more i see these ages pop up.. so young.

To the OP,

Superficially, you have an affliction, a problem, with your skin like most of us. It started at an early age and it has not gotten any better as you have stated which i am sorry for. However, on the inside you are the same as everyone else. Nothing about you or someone else makes you a lesser person this is where the true beauty lies, on the inside in your heart, mind, body, and soul. This is where you must muster your courage to tell yourself that the superficial issues on the outside will not control you; if you cannot talk positive of yourself and realize your true beauty then acne will lead you by the hand down a dark, gloomy road of sadness and despair. Do not let it. Talk positive about yourself; treat yourself well- you are someone special, someone that is loved, a real person with real potential. You are not ugly. Acne is ugly, its a problem that plagues many many people not just you. Its not the physical effects that it does, but the emotional damage it causes people and changes them if they let it run their lives that makes it ugly. So, do yourself a favor and not call your self ugly.

Are you depressed? Its possible that you are on that beginning road.. I can understand too why you would feel this way. Because you feel you are alone and cannot understand why this is happening when you just wish to fit in and have friends, to find your identity and do your own thing. This isn't always possible because of the people around you. Well, I can say with confidence you are not alone.

What comes next is very important. This is talking with someone to help you physically and emotionally to manage the overwhelming stress that acne brings upon peoples lives. Everyone needs a good support system to cope. It helps to voice your frustrations to someone who will be there for you no matter what. From here, try to help your self by being your own detective: what makes it worse, or better. This helps in treating acne by knowing the triggers therefore avoiding them. Practice not touching your face often, wash your hands after doing things i.e bathroom (every time), be clean, do not dwell looking at a mirror a long time, and if you visit a doctor make sure to follow the instructions correctly and be consistent. Results will not appear if you cannot follow the directions or expect it to work immediately. Treatments sometimes take months. As a young teen this is hard to fathom, but you must be patient. When you feel down and exhausted you need to not fight alone. You need to talk to someone. We all need help as there is no going it alone all the way. Thats what this community is for.

Do not take the words of others that are not nice to heart; remember you are beautiful.

+1. The eyes are truly the window to the soul. I can still get girls, with my severe acne because of my eyes. Everyone gets a vibe of what you think about and how you feel. I personally don't want/ cant handle a girlfriend looking the way I do now; some psychological issue.

I never get as much as glance if I have a negative, unhappy, unmotivated, angry, etc mindset. Just saying. :)


Posted : 11/23/2013 12:15 am

Tbh from my experience just try not to be by yourself ! (As in locking yourself in yr room) Once you start to go out and notice everybody it really isn't that bad. Also I'm not necessarily sure but I feel like you just have mild acne. Basically, just try not to obsess about it nd relax! , because the more you do the more people will notice. this is coming from a 16 yr old guy who use to used to have straight As, social life, nd a girlfriend until acne fucked me up. (Lol excuse my language) I started to obsess, and not go out, miss school, and eventually caught on to depression. I'm currently feeling better so yeah, don't worry. Keep yourself active! I hope this made you feel somewhat better !
