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Depressed 🙁


Posted : 11/06/2013 12:04 pm

Hey guys and girls

Simply put, I'm depressed. really not feeling good about my life at the moment and in general. I just turned 29, I'm single, I live at home, I hate my dad, I'm tired of my job, most of my friends are in relationships or married, I'm lonely, bored, always tired, unmotivated, and can't find the energy to face my problems once and for all.

I can't seem to think straight, my mind is so scattered. My senses are dull and weak. I don't get excited about anything. What used to turn me on like crazy just seems pointless and superficial.

I'm loosing my Acne is basically ok but I still think about it alot and fear breakouts. I have zero peace of mind, always worrying about how people view and judge me. I hate my reflection in the mirror. I look...strange and ugly. My eyes are dull and bored looking. My body is falling apart, my joints are sore all over, esp my legs. terrible circulation.

I feel like no one cares about me. I feel so unloved, like if I die, no one's life will really be affected. I'm never in the present moment. always thinking about the past, wishing I could go back to 2005 or wishing I did things differently with my life or blaming things on my parents, esp my dad, which is why I hate him now. or I'm worrying about the future. Will I ever meet a girl that's into me? I'm not even into me, so why would anyone else be? Am I destined to be alone? do I even deserve happiness at all? Will I ever learn to accept myself or is this like a curse? Am I just screwed? should I just stop trying?

very very sad with my life now :(:(:(:(


Posted : 11/06/2013 12:49 pm

Hey LL3

I'm sorry you are feeling so depressed. You are your own unique person. YOU are special and you were born into this world for a reason. And you would be missed. My nr.1 Rule in life is "What other people think of me is none of my business!".

Don't worry about what others think of you. It won't change how you feel about yourself..

The Love has to come from the inside.

You have to find ways to accept and love yourself unconditionally. (No one else ever will).

Most people are so worried about themselves and their own (image, life) trust me they don't give others to much of their time. (thoughts)

I had a ruff upcoming and I hear you loud and clear when you say you hate your dad. I lived through it (but with both of my parents.) The HATE you feel for others will destroy you in the end. You have to do the work my friend. When I finally let go of all the hate. (Rape, Abuse , Absent Parents) things started falling in place for me. It took me 17years. You have to remember no matter what has been done to you by others; in the depth of your soul you are still this amazing, perfect human being that God created. Nothing and No one can change that; you have all the potential in the World. (You are the only one holding yourself back).

-Try to get out. Go for walks (Good for your circulation).

-Do something good everyday for someone else. (Could be giving a compliment to a stranger) . It'll come back to you one way or the other.

-Stay away from the mirror (And if you do..look at your best features)

-You have to address the issues you have with your father and work through it.

Females like guys more for their confidence than their looks. (work on that!)

Just know that you are loved and that you will make it through this. YOU deserve to be happy!!!



Posted : 11/06/2013 1:54 pm

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so down. I had a similar experience, with different circumstances effecting my happiness, but i found that antidepressants really allowed me to have the space to deal with some of the things that I felt were causing my depressing and anxiety. I'm only giving you my opinion (not medical advise). If you have a doctor that is understanding, or a mental health professional you could speak too, talk therapy has also been instrumental in making changes in my life. I use a gestalt therapist and I've made a lot of progress.

Best of luck to you and remember to take care of yourself.


Posted : 11/06/2013 3:35 pm

I feel your pain.. I turned 28 on October . tried so many things Accutane , smoothbeam laser, creams, and spirol . im allergic to antibiotics found that out to my first derm visit when I was given tetracycline . I'm also depressed here I am 28 and still have not found something that works for me. running out of hope.. I think turning 28 really hit me never thought I would still be dealing with acne as an adult.. thought I was going to grow out of it . guess not... : (

you can find someone that will date you and not care about ur skin. my boyfriend has clear skin and does not care that I have acne.

bottom line is even though we are running out of hope and are low and depressed me must find the courage to keep on going.

and yeah we have it harder than some people but we are only given one life to live and we must try to live it the best we can.

depressed or not we must get up and continue life .

I wish you the best and know ur not the only one


Posted : 11/06/2013 11:32 pm

Thanks to all who replied. I called a hotline earlier today and shared my feelings with a professional. It helped alot to know someone's listening. I cried alot and I felt better. It's like all this emotion was trapped inside and I was afraid to let it out. but i finally did. and i feel like there's hope. I am moving out of the house, waking up at 9am everyday to go to the gym, no more sleeping in, even though I don't start work till 3pm, less time in the mirror -more time being me, worry free, being productive. A lot of my misery has been cause by laziness, and what happens when I am not productive? - I start thinking too much about negative shit, which cause negative emotions, which causes negative circumstances.

I just need to break the cycle, which is not easy. but I can do it. I've done it before, and I can do it again.

So I'm loosing some hair....many men are bald..doesn't mean they can't be happy. It's all about how you view yourself, then you'll project that energy outwards...and perhaps attract women?

I've been feeling louzy about myself and that's the energy I've been putting out. Naturally, women aren't attracted to a man who has negative views about himself. Why would they or anyone? It only makes sense. It's all energy and it starts from inside. I know that...I just need to put it in action.

I can afford a place of my own. Why not move out? so...I am. I'll have more freedom, confidence, etc.

Nothing holding me back but me. period.

forgive my rambling. I truly had a breakthrough today and it happened partially because of my post here and your responses, including lily who private messaged me :) thankyou :)
