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Physcological Affects Of Unrepairable Scars


Posted : 06/24/2013 7:25 pm

Firstly, I guess it's important to state that this is more of a way of getting it off my chest, as opposed to anything a shade more constructive - something I'm sure a lot of people can appreciate. You really can't put value on the strange comfort of both letting something ugly out of your mind, and having people understand it.

I never had a problem with acne. Literally, ever. I coasted through my teens, early 20's, without even a single spot or even blemish. But for some reason that all changed when I hit 24, I think mostly physcological, I was going through a really tough time and I developed this irrational, compulsive obsessive skin picking disorder. I abused my skin mercilessly for years, ironically in the quest to achieve perfection I ended up screwing up my looks because I could not stop squeezing, picking, inspecting, and so on.

Now I'm past that - at least, mostly - but I'm left with terrible skin - particularly and mostly on my nose, an area which is notoriously difficult to treat. My nose is like orange peel; bad and uneven texture, wrinkled, large pores, and several bad ice picks - and I can't stop killing myself over the fact that my skin was never that bad to begin with, it's like I threw away a winning lotto ticket! I wouldn't mind if it was anywhere else - forehead, cheeks, wherever - but the nose, the focus and epicentre of the face, just kills me. I hate it so much, I look in the mirror and it's like the rest of my face melts away into a blind spot and all I can see is my nose. I feel so indescribably hideous; almost worthless and certainly unworthy of attention from the opposite sex. I know I don't need to rationalize any of this given the target audience!

The nose is a notoriously difficult area to treat successfully, and while there are options, I simply can't afford ANY of them, save the DIY jobs like Dermarolling, Needling, Copper Peptides and so on. I've been trying them to date, with varying success, but I would give anything in the known world to just have the nose I used to have years ago back. This is actually consuming my life!

Anyway, if you've read this far, thanks, it's appreciated.


Posted : 06/24/2013 9:14 pm

I feel so indescribably hideous; almost worthless and certainly unworthy of attention from the opposite sex. I know I don't need to rationalize any of this given the target audience!

I know how this feels, my problem area is my chin though it's finally starting to clear (thank goodness), but I'm left with a few scars and lots of PIH. I know it's hugely cliche but I genuinely do think people value things about a person other than their looks, scars or acne or whatever, even though I know for a person who suffers from these things it's hard or impossible to believe. From your photo, you look like an attractive guy anyway!

I always think of Laurence Fishburne, who has lots of acne scars on his face, and I still think he's a talented and good looking guy, scars or not.
I hope you can find some solution for dealing with your nose, because I know how hard it can be when all you can think about is one part of your face and in the end it just starts to affect everything.

Posted : 06/25/2013 11:47 am

It also feels very agonizing to look in the mirror and see the scars that we haven't even inflicted on ourselves by picking and to discover scars that we never knew we had before...:(


Posted : 06/25/2013 12:29 pm

You seem to have immaculate skin in your picture.However if the nose scarring bothers you so much then why don't you start saving money for getting a laser? or similar procedures like that.


Posted : 06/27/2013 9:47 pm

Firstly, I guess it's important to state that this is more of a way of getting it off my chest, as opposed to anything a shade more constructive - something I'm sure a lot of people can appreciate. You really can't put value on the strange comfort of both letting something ugly out of your mind, and having people understand it.

I never had a problem with acne. Literally, ever. I coasted through my teens, early 20's, without even a single spot or even blemish. But for some reason that all changed when I hit 24, I think mostly physcological, I was going through a really tough time and I developed this irrational, compulsive obsessive skin picking disorder. I abused my skin mercilessly for years, ironically in the quest to achieve perfection I ended up screwing up my looks because I could not stop squeezing, picking, inspecting, and so on.

Now I'm past that - at least, mostly - but I'm left with terrible skin - particularly and mostly on my nose, an area which is notoriously difficult to treat. My nose is like orange peel; bad and uneven texture, wrinkled, large pores, and several bad ice picks - and I can't stop killing myself over the fact that my skin was never that bad to begin with, it's like I threw away a winning lotto ticket! I wouldn't mind if it was anywhere else - forehead, cheeks, wherever - but the nose, the focus and epicentre of the face, just kills me. I hate it so much, I look in the mirror and it's like the rest of my face melts away into a blind spot and all I can see is my nose. I feel so indescribably hideous; almost worthless and certainly unworthy of attention from the opposite sex. I know I don't need to rationalize any of this given the target audience!

The nose is a notoriously difficult area to treat successfully, and while there are options, I simply can't afford ANY of them, save the DIY jobs like Dermarolling, Needling, Copper Peptides and so on. I've been trying them to date, with varying success, but I would give anything in the known world to just have the nose I used to have years ago back. This is actually consuming my life!

Anyway, if you've read this far, thanks, it's appreciated.

I know EXACTLY how you feel! I had gorgeous skin with no breakouts ever up until I was 29 and it was all downhill from there. I'm in my 30's now and still suffering from cystic acne. Luckily the cysts are small but I'm a picker. It has left scars on the area on both sides of my lips but that's not what bothers me. I picked at a cyst that was in my smile line and it left 2 icepicks which connect and looks like a line scar which looks like a wrinkle. Just like you, when I look in the mirror, everything melts on my face and all I see is that damn scar. It sucks, I know but I have gotten to that point where I am just plain exhausted about worrying about that stupid scar. In 20 years, my face will be full of wrinkles and I won't be able to tell where the hell that scar is.

Hey, have you ever used something like a pore minimizer on your nose? I bought one from Clinque (discontinued now) and it totally covered up my pores and some icepicks and makes my nose look so smooth and poreless. I only use it when I'm going to a party or reunion or something. Trying conserve since it has been discontinued but there are other brands. Just a thought. It might help make your nose look smooth. It blends with your skin so nobody can tell you are wearing that stuff.

Don't let this consume your life. In 30 years, you're going to look back and wish your nose looked as good as it looks now.

WishClean liked

Posted : 07/03/2013 11:59 am

I totally agree with what Dermarolling girl posted....when you are old, you won't even worry about the scars and skin texture, you'll have bigger problems to worry about.

But for some practical advice, I would recommend a hylauronic acid and B5 serum, as well as products with enzymes (exfoliants, moisturizers, toners etc). Use products that have as few ingredients as possible because there are less chances of preservatives and parabens.


Posted : 07/11/2013 2:07 pm

I have pathetic scarring on my right side of the face.I hate it.And it's not healing :( .They say "time heals all scars" .But it seems the saying doesn't holds true for me.
