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Depressed... Avoid Leaving The House At All Costs.... I Hate This.


Posted : 03/24/2013 2:46 am

I have had acne since I was twelve years old and am now 22. I've always gotten my scars and red marks to fade but now its gotten out of control. It started in September on my honeymoon (thank god for clear skin on my wedding day!) I knew that I would break out in Cancun because of the humidity (I come from a very dry state) but the zits that came on my face didn't go away. I thought that with time my face would get better but I only started to break out worse and worse. My acne turned into terrible big red pitted scars (and I didn't even pick!) Every time I look in the mirror I want to cry. Finally after a couple months I went to the dermatologist I am on Finacea and Bactrim. I have done acne surgery twice and injections once (I swear they only scar my face...) Results are so slow... I don't want to leave my house, makeup doesn't cover my pitted deep scars and I am getting depressed. I get frustrated with my husband when he looks at me without makeup. I literally wash my face at night and hurry into bed so he doesn't have to see me. My husband is so kind and caring towards this but I just don't want him to see me like this. I feel horrible sad.png

Does anyone have any advice? I'm struggling trying to find makeup to cover my face, I want to find something to make these pitted scars go away, I never leave the house and I'm so depressed. sad.png Help!



Posted : 03/24/2013 6:44 am

What kind of treatments are you using at the moment to help your current acne?

As for the scarring, it does lighten with time. If it bothers you a lot, then I suggest using something with hydroquinone or tretinoin. Those two can make your skin sensitive to the sun, so apply sunblock when going out in the day.


Posted : 03/24/2013 7:12 pm

What is your acne like? (itchy, cystic, inflamed, blackheads, keratin plugs, pus, any of that?)

Where is it located on your body?

Do you have dandruff or hair loss?

What is your diet like? (Do you eat wheat, dairy, sugar?)

How long have you been on antibiotics/finacea?

How is your digestion?

What does your tongue look like?

Does acne severity change with seasons?

Do you currently use and topicals? Have you used topicals in the past? Do you use a cleanser?
