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How ya feelin' about your acne today?


Posted : 10/20/2014 7:35 pm

Skin is definitely getting worse lately. I've been using less BP though so that's definitely contributing to it. I'm wanting to stop BP because I'm paranoid about it making my skin more sensitive to the sun and causing sun damage. I'm already careful with the sun because of already being pale.... It sucks that most of the topical options out there (as far as I know) make your skin more photosensitive.

I had been emotionally managing my skin well lately - my skin hasn't been great but it wasn't getting to me. Today is the first day in a while where it is getting to me a bit and I just feel ugly. I'd love to stay home and not let anyone see me / have to face anyone but I've got things to do so I'll have to just deal with it.

Hope you're all doing well


Posted : 10/21/2014 5:02 pm

Skin is definitely getting worse lately. I've been using less BP though so that's definitely contributing to it. I'm wanting to stop BP because I'm paranoid about it making my skin more sensitive to the sun and causing sun damage. I'm already careful with the sun because of already being pale.... It sucks that most of the topical options out there (as far as I know) make your skin more photosensitive.

I had been emotionally managing my skin well lately - my skin hasn't been great but it wasn't getting to me. Today is the first day in a while where it is getting to me a bit and I just feel ugly. I'd love to stay home and not let anyone see me / have to face anyone but I've got things to do so I'll have to just deal with it.

Hope you're all doing well

Hey Lilly,

Don't lose your positivity! Just try to avoid mirrors and keep busy when you are feeling low about yourself. Being productive is usually the best antidote. That or watching great movies at home to take your mind off things :)

Lilly75 liked

Posted : 10/22/2014 1:22 pm

The state of my acne became much worse a few days ago, despite my healthy eating habits and strenuous exercise routines. And so I have just been washing up every morning and night while consuming several ClearZine pills, designed to eradicate the acne from the inside out.

The ClearZIne pills were actually doing wonders for my skin two weeks ago. It almost cleared everything up. However, I ran out and had to wait another week for the next shipment to come in, and by the time they came in my acne flared up again.

Fastforward a few days, today, it has gotten a little better, but I am not overall happy with the product and the general state of affairs. Luckily, I have an appointment with a dermatologist next week and so I have something to look forward to.

Sometimes my feelings about my acne become so negative and hate-filled I cannot take it, and extreme thoughts of self-violence aren't far from my mind...

But this is fine. It is all transitory, right?


Posted : 10/22/2014 7:22 pm

Well it looks like after months of no acne worries Im gradually starting to break out around my menstral cycle again so my derm bumped up my Spiro from 50mg to 75mg so I'm really hoping I don't get another IB :( I'll be staring the 75mg tomorrow.


Posted : 10/23/2014 5:25 am

October's one of the worst months for me skin, and now that it's getting colder, dryness kicks in as well! What i've noticed (which havent before), it's like acne epidemy here in Stockholm. I see many people (mostly girls and women) with really bad acne everyday. Most people have some flaws, or scars, or breakouts. I wonder what is happening with people's lifestyles, eating and sleeping habbits, seems like everyone is so into their smartphones (including me), stressed, busy, eating a lot of shitty foods... Never have i realized so many have acne in this city...


Posted : 10/25/2014 2:35 am

My skin is getting progressively better every day, and that is all I can really ask for. I am sick of having it, however. I am going to a party next week, and I want to be seen as attractive to the opposite sex. I am hoping to stir some hearts, that is for sure.


Posted : 10/25/2014 5:29 pm

I enjoy posting on this thread, because it does truly help some.

I feel pretty good about my face today! There are some noticeable bumps, but it is mostly just a little redness. The combination of different products is actually working.

I am using ClearZine acne pills, combined with some aloe soap to soothe the redness, and then the moisturizer from The Regimen. If this does not work, then I will start to use The Regimen as it is supposed to, but why stop something that is working? If improvement continues like this, then I should have completely clear skin in a week and a half.


Posted : 10/25/2014 11:06 pm

still super bummed out about this breakout. worst I've ever had. one disappears, two more show up next to it. it's insane and i'm not sure what to do about it, but a bunch of products arrived today so i hope they help. super excited to try jojoba oil and aha+ for the first time.

hoping it puts an end to this INSANE breakout. holy crap.


Posted : 10/26/2014 1:59 pm

not seeing results yet, had a few zits clear up yesterday but surprise... 3 more show up this morning. big and cystiic too. thinking i may just break down and go to a derm. getting real tired of this real fast.


Posted : 10/27/2014 8:31 am

Looking disgusting right now. Day before I need to look good, 3-4 new pimples appear ... Ah.


Posted : 10/27/2014 10:10 pm

I feel alright about my acne today. It has been clearing up for the most part. However, the problem is not acne at this point, but rather extreme drying. Ever since I used BP soap from the Regimen, my face has been shedding skin for two days straight. It is ridiculous. Ridiculous and painful.

My face looks like it was sunburned.


Posted : 10/28/2014 6:23 am

Ugh, so angry at myself... Got really drunk last saturday and not only did it ruin ballance in my stomach i worked for so long, but it also made my skin flat, dull, scars got sunken deep in, got a couple of breakouts... How could i have done this to myself :(


Posted : 10/28/2014 11:11 am

I feel really good today. The drying certainly ceased. It is still ever-present, but its effect have been mitigated by a moisturizer. However, I am trying to allow my skin to start producing its own lubrication now.


Posted : 10/28/2014 3:56 pm

most of the cysts have cleared up, but i'm still consistently breaking out around my jaw and chin. i've managed to clear up my cheeks, but i have two red marks that have been left behind from the massive breakout i had last week, so it still looks like i have slight acne there.

started using some of The Regimen's products 3 days ago, and i love the way the cleanser makes my face feel after washing, and the AHA completely cleared up two of the scars on my jaw in just two days.

also decided to suck up my fear of tretinoin/retin-a and began using it before bed, made me breakout in tiny whiteheads everywhere but i'm pretty sure that just means it's working.

hoping my new routine works. i'll see in a few weeks or so i guess. /sigh


Posted : 10/28/2014 8:41 pm

I'm day 4 into starting medication for my acne. So far, it's been okay! The only bad thing i'm dealing with is redness :( and a little bit of drying due to my BP wash, but other than that I am seeing improvement already on my forehead (: which is good enough for me at this point!


Posted : 10/29/2014 11:20 pm

Broke the first rule of acne care and messed with a pimple. Tried to lance and squeeze a zit which had no clear head. Now I'm left with a big red angry disgusting mess that keeps refilling with pus. When will I ever learn??!! AAARGH!!


Posted : 10/30/2014 1:59 pm

For the past three days my face has been reduced to a dry, red, flaking mess. My acne was pretty much completely clear before this point. But because of the sudden dryness I had to stop washing my face (because washing your face strips away moisture) and cake on moisturizer every few hours, and this has caused the acne to get worse. Just my luck!

I suppose it is a decent trade off. I would rather have a few pimples than a beet-red face covered in flaking, drying skin.


Posted : 10/30/2014 5:51 pm

so far my new routine is working. the tretinoin really seems to help, and The Regimen's cleanser has quickly become a favorite. it makes my skin feel amazing every time i wash it. still trying to figure out a way to incorporate jojoba and aha into my routine regularly, though. but so far so good. no new breakouts, all but 3 pimples have completely cleared up. only real downside is my skin is incredibly dry right now.


Posted : 10/30/2014 8:18 pm

well im feeling pretty cruddy, i heard someone say "wow that guy has pretty bad acne" when i was right there :( and it just makes me really sad. Anybody feel the same way?


Posted : 10/31/2014 12:32 am

~~~~sending everyone good vibes ~*~*~***~~~


Posted : 10/31/2014 4:48 pm

Honestly, why do people have to comment on it like that? Not everyone is going to be insecure about their acne-infested skin, but most are going to be. Some people do not realize the constant pain acne-sufferers go through when they are outside in the sunlight, dealing with people.

DAY 1 of a new regimen

I am starting a basic regimen just using basic hand soap and ClearZine acne pills. The BP from The Regimen screwed up my face so badly for four entire days, and so I am not going to go near that stuff again. Nuh uh. I think I can clear everything using a very basic routine.

As for how I feel today, I feel great. The dryness has mostly left my face, and my skin is at a normal color. I am going to a few parties tonight and my ex-girlfriend will be there. I am emotionally hurt by everything still, even though still have a thing going on between us. It is rather confusing. But that has nothing to do with this thread. I am just going to enjoy my Halloween with dear friends and alcohol!

lifeblows liked

Posted : 10/31/2014 11:51 pm

well im feeling pretty cruddy, i heard someone say "wow that guy has pretty bad acne" when i was right there and it just makes me really sad. Anybody feel the same way?

Sorry to hear that bro'. Must've felt horrible. As Marbleartist mentioned above, people have no idea what we go through.


Posted : 11/03/2014 6:21 am

I hate my acne today.

The whole office is going out to a Melbourne cup lunch and i can't make myself go because I am so ashamed about my acne.


I just come Across as anti social again but nobody understands what I go through when socialising. I feel so embarrassed about my skin that I can't maintain eye contact with people. But when people want to know why you aren't coming - there is no way you can tell the truth.


Well it's getting to the point that people have stopped asking me to things.


It's so unfair :(

lifeblows liked

Posted : 11/03/2014 10:35 pm

eughh. my face was doing so well, it was clearing up and i finally got my chin completely free of acne.... and suddenly i have a huge cystic breakout on the right side of my face. huge. like it's entirely red and swollen, and i have a whole bunch of closed pustules everywhere. ugh! i went to the doctor today and she prescribed me some antibiotics for hopefully it works. i'm really sick of getting close to clear skin, only to have a huge breakout the next day.


Posted : 11/04/2014 12:00 am

I feel alright about it all today. I met an incredible person. I am content.

Geeking liked