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How ya feelin' about your acne today?


Posted : 10/29/2012 5:39 pm

I just failed a test .....and I tried so hard....I feel as if that if I don't go to university, ill be a failure or dad shoved this idea down my throat since I was a kid....and idk what to do if I don't make the grades sad.png



You don't have to go to uni to be successful And you definitely won't be a 'failure' if you decide to not go to uni for whatever reason.

You can be successful in whatever you choose to do in life - and I really believe that what you do with your life - career-wise etc - should be something that you enjoy. So when you figure out what you want to be / do then find out what you need to do to get there. And uni isn't always the only option.


And don't worry about the test. It's in the past and you tried your best. Just learn from this experience - maybe it means starting study for that class even earlier for the next time you have a test.


But it's ok. Try not to dwell on it. Like I said, that's in the past - you can't change anything about it, - so try to learn from it and keep moving on :)


Posted : 10/29/2012 7:28 pm

feeling super depressed. my skin looks like shit because the weather is beginning to change and my skin is red and dry. it feels like once it gets really good and stable, my skin decides "hmm.. nope!" =((


Posted : 10/29/2012 8:30 pm

Had a pretty good day. The pimple I had developed on Thursday is gone. No scar thanks to my good ol friend aloe vera. So I'm back to clear skin. Spend all this weekend with my mom felt really nice, I used to not want to go out with my mom when I had acne. Now its nice to be able to go out and not be embarrassed. Got a test back today I passed with a B. I was a little nervous because I didn't do sowell on the last test. So it felt good. I just want to be happy and not let anything get me down. We have so much to be thankful for. :)


Posted : 10/29/2012 8:48 pm

Skin appears to be getting under control. Still working on a cyst-- not sure what it's going to do. If I'm lucky (50% chance) it'll just shrink back down!


Posted : 10/29/2012 9:40 pm

My skin is okay right now, but it's nothing to brag about. I have a big blemish on my cheek that's healing VERY slowly. Also might have some new small stuff on either side of my nose....god I just hate, hate, hate getting acne there, because it's such an annoying/noticeable spot for pimples.


Also just want to give a shout out to anyone that's dealing with Hurricane Sandy right now...stay safe and and best of luck, hopefully this storm will be over soon.


Posted : 10/29/2012 9:45 pm

My skin is okay right now, but it's nothing to brag about. I have a big blemish on my cheek that's healing VERY slowly. Also might have some new small stuff on either side of my nose....god I just hate, hate, hate getting acne there, because it's such an annoying/noticeable spot for pimples.


Also just want to give a shout out to anyone that's dealing with Hurricane Sandy right now...stay safe and and best of luck, hopefully this storm will be over soon.



Yeah ive been enjoying it here in NYC. Been crazy with the winds and flooding! Mother nature is awesome!

AbyBar liked

Posted : 10/29/2012 9:58 pm



Posted : 10/29/2012 10:45 pm

On 10/30/2012 at 8:45 AM, Murph89 said:
On 10/30/2012 at 8:40 AM, FlaggLives said:

My skin is okay right now, but it's nothing to brag about. I have a big blemish on my cheek that's healing VERY slowly. Also might have some new small stuff on either side of my nose....god I just hate, hate, hate getting acne there, because it's such an annoying/noticeable spot for pimples.

Also just want to give a shout out to anyone that's dealing with Hurricane Sandy right now...stay safe and and best of luck, hopefully this storm will be over soon.

Yeah ive been enjoying it here in NYC. Been crazy with the winds and flooding! Mother nature is awesome!

Be safe Murph

Ahhh ! Skin of mine why do you play these tricks on me ....One day you make feel as if "their is hope for you my child" the next "Nah not today you dont. "

It's going to drive me insane in the brain. HA-HA !

Have to keep living ! A few months or years from now i'll be laughing at my posts on this thread !

Be blessed everyone !


Posted : 10/30/2012 8:49 am

Its on my neck now. Arrgghhh... Even my sisters who are used to my acne commented how bad it is. This day is just sooooo long..


Posted : 10/30/2012 9:04 am

Its on my neck now. Arrgghhh... Even my sisters who are used to my acne commented how bad it is. This day is just sooooo long..



Don't worry it will get better. You have to reach rock bottom before you can start going up right? :)


Posted : 10/30/2012 4:26 pm

Dang it, I hate this pimple on my cheek. At first, it was very tiny , but was very painful, so I knew that area is infected. .. so I have 3 pimples in one... I hate those kind of pimples. I should expect like 3-4 little white heads next to each other. The good news is that they won't take long to heal.. I rarely get this kind of pimples.


Posted : 10/30/2012 10:54 pm

looks like this crap is slowly creeping back.. a few new pimples in sight. I'm applying TTO for the night to hopefully help speed the overall process up.

Goodnight world.


Posted : 10/31/2012 4:48 pm

Hi everyone, long time no... post.


So, after my surgery at the end of September, my face was clearer than it had been in ages. I'm not sure why.


Then I took morphine, acetaminophen and ibuprofen pills for 3 weeks, plus had to take antibiotics for a week and countered that with probiotics. On top of this, I contracted mono a week or two after the surgery. I started breaking out again. Nothing worse than usual, but still a little disheartening, and confusing since I didn't know which of these things was causing the breakouts.


A week or so ago I began taking St. John's Wort and I believe that seriously messed me up. I stopped taking it two days ago and I'm starting to recover, but geez... my face looked the worst it has in ages, and still looks awful. Or perhaps it was the mono finally sinking in, which made me exhausted yet also unable to sleep. Who knows.


Because everything was so confusing and it's so hard to pinpoint what the problem was, I decided to quit everything I was taking. All of the pain medication, the Milk Thistle, the Magnesium, the Glucomannan, everything.


But then I decided to buy Vitamin C, which seems promising. I have all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue, plus the mono's making it even worse. I also dug out my old bottle of Vitamin D3 and I'm going to start that again since winter's coming. My Zinc ran out but I may pick up some more of that. So I will be taking 3 seemingly safe supplements - C, D, and Zinc.


Last night I realized my face hasn't improved at all since 8 or 9 months ago when I both: started eating much healthier, and stopped using face washes. What I'm thinking is that the healthy eating only barely makes up for the lack of washing. So I'm going to start washing again and see what happens. I think I'll try Johnson's baby wash. If that doesn't seem to work I'll dig out my old Cetaphil. If that doesn't work I'll try this mostly natural, oil-based, home-made bar of soap I have. And if that doesn't work... well, shit. Let's just hope it does.


I'm also going to go to the sauna tonight to see if I can sweat out some of this forehead mess.


Wish me luck!


Posted : 10/31/2012 8:18 pm

Got myself a new juicer and did my first juice tonight. This thing is amazing. It was $100 shipped from amazon and is a really a high quality juicer.


I did carrots, beet, red bell pepper, green apple, cucumber, kale, and it tasted so amazing! Im going to make juice every morning before work and every night before bed.








Posted : 10/31/2012 9:45 pm

Think i am starting to get even more depressed about Acne. It is starting to clear up but when i was younger(12 years old) i didn't know anything about acne, people just told me not to touch my face so all i would do was look up at the shower and wash my face that way, unfortunately i had dry skin and that leaded to dead skin and since i still didn't know anything about dry or dead flaky skin i didn't do anything about it so now i am left with enlarged pores. I now exfoliate and use moisturizer but pores are holes and apparently once they get enlarged there is nothing i can do. But my face is still pretty red so hopefully when my face texture gets sorted out its doesn't look as bad.


Posted : 10/31/2012 11:41 pm

Skin isn't too bad :) and all the stress I've been under lately hasn't seemed to affect it -- probably jinxing myself now aren't I? Oh well :P




Got myself a new juicer and did my first juice tonight. This thing is amazing. It was $100 shipped from amazon and is a really a high quality juicer.


I did carrots, beet, red bell pepper, green apple, cucumber, kale, and it tasted so amazing! Im going to make juice every morning before work and every night before bed.









Murph that looks SO good!!! Yum!


Posted : 11/01/2012 3:48 pm

WOW ! I am shocked ! It's been a while since i've been content with myself. Despite that i still have acne lingering around i actually dont mind. I was watching a documentary this morning "Facing Death." Let me tell you its an eye opener. Its about elderly people with chronic illnesses basically prolonging their lives through machines (ventilators). The decision of life or death is placed on the family members and man oh man. Its such an emotional movie, brought me to the brink of tears. Made me appreciate life more.


I am so HAPPY today :) 🙂 so many smiles and hugs to share.

I specifically wrote in BOLD so that my msg could stick out ha-ha :D

Cherish every moment !


Posted : 11/01/2012 4:44 pm

It seems we are all experiencing positive things so I'll add to that. Well my skin has been getting better now that I don't use cleansers. I still use moisturizer but not a lot. I use green tea/epsom salt toner which has faded my marks by 60% already, and it's been 3 weeks since I started this routine. I get less less acne and my face just looks better and not red anymore. Oh yeah, I also use sulfur as a 10 minute mask about every 4 days and it helps a lot. So with the way things are going.. This might work to clear me up. But.. I have been eating a lot of crap food like McDonald's and Jack in the box. So Idk.. But either way I'm getting results after 2 weeks of hell so I'm happy. Work is going great, and I'll have to start going to class and stop sleeping in lol. Anyways, everyone have a good day/week.

AbyBar liked

Posted : 11/01/2012 8:16 pm

School is so hard :(. I want to be at peace with my grades!


Posted : 11/01/2012 9:57 pm

Got a big breakout recently, but I don't feel down at all. I know what caused it and I know how to avoid it. Been making massive gains in the weight room recently, been eating really clean. Little to no new acne in the past couple days. Good times ahead.


Posted : 11/01/2012 10:13 pm

i want a juicer like the one above! looks awesome! and I know it would be so good for me- both for my skin (face) and overall health. I'll seriously have to look into buying one soon. Maybe Christmas present to myself ;)


But on my acne... ehh. not the best, but def not the worst. here's to tomorrow!


Posted : 11/01/2012 10:39 pm

Was touching a big zit yesterday and now i have a cluster aroun it. *sigh* I REALLY have to stop touching my face. On the other hand the left side of my face is completely clear :)


Posted : 11/02/2012 12:04 am

i want a juicer like the one above! looks awesome! and I know it would be so good for me- both for my skin (face) and overall health. I'll seriously have to look into buying one soon. Maybe Christmas present to myself wink.png


But on my acne... ehh. not the best, but def not the worst. here's to tomorrow!



$100 dude shipped from amazon. Im obsessed with it. Ive already made 4 glasses of juice, and I just got it yesterday.


Posted : 11/02/2012 12:32 am

i want a juicer like the one above! looks awesome! and I know it would be so good for me- both for my skin (face) and overall health. I'll seriously have to look into buying one soon. Maybe Christmas present to myself wink.png


But on my acne... ehh. not the best, but def not the worst. here's to tomorrow!



haha I was thinking this myself - it's on my Christmas wishlist :P But I may be impatient and make it an early Christmas present


Posted : 11/02/2012 1:19 am

So I know I haven't been posting lately, but I've been thinking of you guys everyday and wondering how you're all doing! Just wanted to say that my skin has actually been doing really well the past few weeks. The last pimple I had was about 2 weeks ago and it only really lasted two days before it started to shrink down. Right now, my face is clear. I still get little bumps in my hugeeee pores, but those aren't noticeable so I don't really care. I switched over from Doxycycline to Solodyn (Minocycline) which I think has helped. I've also been using Epiduo at night, and my Clarisonic everyday in the shower. The Clarisonic has DEFINITELY helped....makes my face feel so soft and clean, and the marks I've gotten from pimples have basically disappeared.


I really hope everything continues to go well. I gotta say, it makes my day automatically better when I wake up, look in the mirror and see a clear face instead of a big pimple sprouting or something.
