The Perricone Prescription

10 Reviews

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August 12, 2014
I attended Perricone rx seminars in esthetics training. The invaluable information within his books has stayed with me and informed my entire skincare routine, from acne to wrinkles, demonstrating how they go hand in hand and the inflammation correlation. What would Nick do? Over the years, the vitamins he recommends have gotten cheaper and more familiar to the consumer at large, and the information within still holds true.
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August 10, 2011


MY SKIN IS ALMOST COMPLETELY CLEAR!!! It's only been a week and my skin is freaking glowing this beautiful orangish red tent, I only have 4 spots right now, and no new spots! My skin no longer itches and my spots are healing so quickly, im loving this! Nothing has ever worked like this for me.


I love sugar and fatty foods I can't eat. =( I love to party and I can't do that a lot either because alcohol converts to sugars as well.

I have tried so much stuff on my skin and the results never lasted for 11 years. I knew my acne was hormonal so I cut out the dairy, white bread, and sugar, but I still had breakouts. I actually saw perricone on dr.oz's show and he was talking about anti-inflammatory foods which I never looked into. After watching the show I quickly looked up the top 10 anti-inflammatory foods. I also looked up others and every day now I drink green tea and eat blueberries(2 of the top 10). I also incorporate fish into my diet twice a week(wild salmon and tuna). Please look up anti-inflammatory foods guys, I promise you they will work! I eat anywhere from 4 to 6 anti-inflammatory foods a day now and my skin is clearing up so quickly, it's only been a week! Everyone has noticed, people are actually asking me what did I do with my acne. lol If you want the glow eat oranges, carrots, and strawberries! I hope this work for you guys as well as it's working for me.
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March 3, 2011


Delivers everything it promises!, completly cleared all acne, also made me more energetic


Diet may be hard for some people.

I've always gone the nutritional route when it comes to health, including skin. I'm 17 and 2 years ago I eliminated all animal products in my diet besides fish. I noticed that when I gave up diary products my cystic acne completley went away, however I still had bad acne, just not the cystic kind. Then I heard that a raw food diet cleared up many peoples acne, so I tried that but was agrivated because I really wasn't seeing any results. Why was it that I could eat such a healthy diet and yet still have all this acne?! One day I was at my library and I saw this book called "The Clear Skin Prescription". I thought "What could this book tell me that I haven't already done?" but I decided to pick it up anyway. The diet was not hard for me to follow as I was almost already on it-except for one big thing: Fruit. Being a raw, grain free vegan (exept for fish) I naturally ate a lot of fruit, what I didn't realize was that all the natural sugar in the fruit was causing inflammation and therefore breaking me out. There are few fruits that are not inflammatory. But now the fruits I eat are grapefruit and berries as they are anti-inflammatory. Also wild alaskin salmon IS A MIRACLE. I would eat it and litterally see my acne scars fading WITHIN A DAY! After about a week on this diet (though i didn't eat yogurt or eggs), all my acne was completly gone or resolving. Not only that, but my acne scars were fading! This diet truly delivers everthing it promises!
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June 24, 2009


inflammation started going away after the second day, no more pustules, had 3 cysts and they were gone by the 3rd day! My skin is clearing up nicely.


If you slip up, you'll probably get a small breakout

This will work if your acne is caused by a hormone imbalance or insulin issues (what caused mine.. slim girl with PCOD).If it stems from a bacterial issue, or food allergy that may be why it didn't work for you (he includes a lot of eggs which are high on the allergen list) If you are vegan or don't want to eat so much fish, you can take pharmaceutical grade fish oil 3 x a day, and sub out the fish for almonds, tree nuts, seeds, or beans. As long as you keep it low glycemic and eat protein with each meal, it is simple :). I had already been gluten/dairy free and on a mostly raw and whole foods diet for 7 years, but I still had acne..(Ate too much fruit and rice noodles, brown rice) at 28! I wish I knew years that eating this way would make such a drastic improvement :) This is a great alternative to women that feel that the pill is the only way to get rid of their hormonal acne.. I found this out when mine returned 4 months after going off after being on for 7 years..
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September 20, 2007


This system does work! My skin looked different in a matter of DAYS.


Very rigorous, if you have a taste for good foods, hard to stay on this diet. Just use Perricone topical kits, they work great.

Hard to stay on. I love to eat good foods. Can't stay on this bland diet.
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