Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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July 29, 2018
I love it.
Honestly , Lemon is a blessing to me , because rubbing a sliced lemon on your acne scar or pimple , reduces the darkness and makes the pimple pop faster . I had a lot of scars on my legs and it was embarrassing but using lemon faded them a lot. I truly recommend using lemon for any type of face lighting or acne reducing. Lemon and honey will get you right ;) Honey will make the skin glow , and lemon reduces scars and pimples. It's a win win , go AWF people :)
August 28, 2017
5 stars
5 stars from me. i've had bad redness from years of acne marks and in a short amount of time, lemon juice has really lighten up my skin / post acne marks & i feel a lot more confident as my skin looks sort of "normal" with no redness. im still learning about using lemon juice topically but i currently leave it on my skin over night. - if you want to try this treatment, i would do some research first. (some people recommend using it overnight, some say 10 mins max and others say use it three times a day ?) -i am unsure of the side effects so i might not use it as much now but iv'e read something about avoiding sunlight when using lemon juice?
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April 28, 2017
"we all have different skin types"
so i started getting acne when i had my first period so around 11 and half years old, i tried: Proactiv ,St ives ,charcoal ,Clearasli ,Neutroena and mutiple diy natural masks and nothing seem to give me the effect i wanted. Now i am 13 and currently in highschool. The things that really made a difference was Crystaderm and of course lemon juice , Both of these made a great impact on me and although i've only been using lemon juice for a couple of weeks i definitely see a difference with how my acne magically disapeared. One downside of both treatments is the short painful sting you can get if its an open wound but it just shows that when the sting stops the germs may have been cleaned out.
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October 24, 2017
wtf this is me a year ago jesus i didnt know i made an account ummmm this is weird
October 24, 2017
wtf this is me a year ago jesus i didnt know i made an account ummmm this is weird
October 24, 2017
wtf this is me a year ago jesus i didnt know i made an account ummmm this is weird
March 7, 2017
Mix it with pure raw honey
I mix it with pure raw honey so it won't sting and leave it on my face for 15-30 minutes. Raw honey helps with acne as well. If it doesn't work, reconsider your diet and make sure you're drinking enough water per day. Also, make sure that you're using a natural moisturizer. I use raw virgin coconut oil as a moisturizer -- and no, it does NOT clog my pores. However, coconut oil helped me get rid of my acne.
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October 6, 2016
Friend that I always come back to😉
I used to put lemon juice on my face when I had scars, and it helped perfectly. Sometimes it also help to dry out pimples and make them go away. However, I have forgotten about it and now since I got some hormonal acne and it left me scars I start use it again before I go to the bed and in the afternoon when I do my daily routine .. and I'm really satisfied. Recommend it;)
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October 27, 2016
How did u apply it? How long did u leave it on for?
July 14, 2016
Great Results
I have been using lemon juice for the past two days and I have gotten better results than any of the other products I have used. My face has been getting less and less acne and my acne scars have faded. This is what I do: -squeeze a lemon into a bowl -mix it with a little sugar -place a warm towel on your face to open you pores -using a cotton ball apply juice to all affected areas of face -wait 15 to 20 minutes -wash off with cold water to close pores -put on some kind of moisturizer (since lemon will dry skin causing a breakout) Use this method once every two days and don't keep doing it since it will irritate your skin causing more acne. On the days you don't do this apply other remedies like: honey, aloe vera gel, or (i prefer) Benzoyl peroxide -- but remember to always open up pores when applying these
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June 28, 2016
Omg! SO for the past 3 days I have been putting lemon juice(not pure lemon but thr lemon juice in a little lemon bottle from the store) and I've seen MAJOR improvement in this little bit of time. Honestly, when I first started I thought it wouldn't work as I've tried many things- aloe vera, medicine, prescription, certain face washes and creams, etc.- but it does indeed work. Now, I actually feel better about my skin and hoping it will work more without irritating my skin, although it does dry it. I've been applying this lemon juice with a CLEAN flat typical foundation brush (like a bigger paint brush) and leaving it on my face for 1 hour ish, sometimes longer, and washing it off in the shower. THEN in the shower I use a homemade face scrub- baking soda and water with a little bit of lemon! I use this like every other day because it may be a little Harsh. It exfoliates my skin at the same time and assists with lightening my scars. I'm excited for school this upcoming year because I know my skin will be better.
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August 3, 2016
Hi, I am trying to get rid of a scar by my mouth and I am using lemon juice to lighten it. Do you think I will see the same results? Thank You
April 14, 2016
Been using it off and on again throughout the months
Worked great just have to stop being lazy and put it on my skin. I have light African American skin, it works perfectly for me it cleans my skin and when it's on it makes me feel so refresh, I take it off after 30 min (I used to wear it all night but it's pretty uncomfortable.) I had a zit on my face just this week I mixed the lemons and milk put inside the microwave (just like 5 to 10 seconds make it warm.) Kept it on for 30 min washed it and that zit washed right off (I know gross right lol.) but it's gone completely clear it's amazing what a little lemon and milk can do. It worked for me but reading some of these comments it seems not to work for everyone maybe they didn't use it long enough. I don't have much breakout to begin with though just a few dark marks that aren't too noticeable just mainly doing this to lighten my skin a bit. I also put coco butter on my face afterwards feels great really does.
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December 9, 2015
Hello I'm seeing some good and bad reviews. Can I please get a descriptive answer to how this worked for you and how long? I've been struggling with acne for a year I got rid of it in May but the scars are still here I hate looking in the mirror so I wear makeup but makeup isn't permanent so can I please get some advice and your results !? Please
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December 11, 2015
How did you cure your acne may i ask? :) In my opinion, i would NOT use this. Try aloe vera instead. my red marks completely disappeared with 2 months of aloe use. However, lemon does work. Its just irritating. I used lemons on my scars and it got rid of the marks in 2 weeks, however, instead my skin became sensitive and i got more acne.
January 6, 2016
hey chloe, did you use natural aloe vera directly from the plant? or a cream from over the counter?
December 5, 2015
it really works, just be patient and use it regulary. it fades marks and works on mild acne too. wouldn't recommend for sensitive skin, since it can possibly burn it also don't dare to go on daylight sun with lemon on your face
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