
12 Reviews

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August 9, 2011


-Skin is left feeling smooth after treatment
-Uses heat and light to destroy bacteria
-Vacuum suction to unclog pores


-Not something I would use on its own

This is something that I decided to do to speed up my process of treating my acne. I'm currently taking monodox (doxycycline) and tretinoin. I'm on my second month on monodox and using the 0.05% tretinoin. I don't think I would have initially done Isolaz on it's own just because I've read mixed reviews on it, and for those who have tried it and it worked, they were all on medication and/or using a topical. I just had my second treatment today after about a month, I'm really enjoying my sessions. I go to Dr. Lisa Meils's office in Rochester Hills, MI and my esthitician, Cheryl, is awesome. She starts out by extracting any pimples, then cleanses my face, and ends by putting a hot towel on to open up my pores. She then uses the isolaz device, and what's great is that she'll go over problem areas two or three times. There is a little snap from the laser but it doesn't hurt. I would say if your face is a little sensitive, the suction from the vacuum might hurt just a little bit. She ends the whole treatment by cleansing the face, putting on the hot towel, and moisturizing my face. Afterwards, my skin feels so smooth and so clean. She thought it was a great idea that I was doing the treatments to speed up my healing process with the monodox and tretinoin. During my first treatment she spent quite a lot of time extracting pimples, but today I only had 3 which is amazing. I can't owe my success with treating my acne all to Isolaz, but it is definitely helping. She says that I'm healing beautifully and that I probably only need a few more treatments. I bought a package of six for $1445 which is expensive, but it's totally worth it. If you're in the area you should definitely go in for a consultation.
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