Drinking Water

48 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 8, 2015
Doesn't do a thing
I suffer from mild acne on my cheeks and I always drink water. I only drink juice/soda etc on special occasions . Yes water is good for you but it didn't do a thing for my acne or acne scars and I drink ALOT of water. Since I was a kid my mom stopped Giving me juice/soda so it kinda stuck to me. Many people are always telling me drink more water drink more water I literally have to take 2 liters of drinking water wherever I go because 1 liter isn't enough for me and I finish it fast. it does help with other things but not for my acne. It. Doesn't do a thing. Sorry for my poor grammar 😕
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August 30, 2015
Try a gallon or 4 litres a day, I drink four litres and seeing huge difference! It's been 3 days but one other thing, I also found the cause of my acne was milk so I've stopped drinking milk. Yours may b milk, should try it.
June 23, 2017
If you find out that 2liters isn't working for you try increasing your water intake