Nature's Way : Vitamin A

53 Reviews

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March 19, 2013


Cleared up bacne


Doesnt do anything for face

Do it if you have body acne.
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March 3, 2013


Reduced size of cystic pimples. Dried out pimples faster and healed quicker.


Skin became extremely dry. Need a good quality moisturizer and take fish oil as well.

My naturopath told me to take 50,000 I.U daily to help with my cystic acne. She also advised to skip on food that can cause inflammation (tomatoes/ potatoes/junk good/ sugar). I food liquid fish oil (lemon flavoured and ate lots of fish and veggies that are good for your skin (avocados/leafy greens). Also was told to get at least 30 minutes of sun on my face per day. My skin dried out a lot and it was very red and flaky but the size of my pimples drastically changed after 2 weeks. I am still on the pills and will be meeting with a dermatologist in a month to decide the best course of action. Overall tho I wished I had started this over a year ago when my acne started to get bad. I would recommend it to those who are looking for a solution. Stick to it tho and don't miss a dosage. I take 20,000 I.U in the morning, 10,000 with breakfast and 20,000 with dinner. Drink lots of water as well. Hope this helps someone out there.
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September 23, 2012





After years of trying countless other treatments (doxy, zinc, OTC & prescription treatments, chemical peels, natural remedies, TTO,etc) To my dismay, My dermatologist FINALLY recommended I try Accutane. (He was very anti Accutane). I was thrilled, that is, until I discovered my insurance wouldn't cover it and I couldn't afford treatment since I had bills/rent/tuition that I could barely afford to begin with. After thoroughly researching tons of acne boards and medical websites I came to the decision to start taking Vitamin A, as a substitute for Accutane. Although it's not advised, I've been taking "megadoses" of Vitamin A. (60,000 - 120,000 iu) per day and after just a couple weeks my skin looks TREMENDOUSLY better. I really wish I knew about this before. I am aware that there are MAJOR RISKS associated with toxicity levels of Vitamin A. So before anyone tries it, discuss it with your doctor, or at the very least do your own research.
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September 11, 2012



-Safer than accutane

-Reduces Oil Production Dramatically


-Be bery careful about Toxicity Level

First and foremost, I am 25, male, and I get cystc acne, very painful deep cysts on my forehead, usually very oilly skin. With that, I have taken everything, antibitoics, topicals, masks, every vitamin under the sun, you name it - I tried it.. My derm wanted me to take accutane, but I refused and decided to treat my acne holistically. Reading up on accutane, I decided Vitamin A might be a good place to start. It has to be in the form of Retinyl Palmitate, perferrably mixed with Beta Carotene. I am taking a 25,000iu Retinyl(10,000) Beta(15000). Be very, very careful with toxicity. It happened to me. Your liver will hurt, joints, head will POUND, eyes blurr, it is not fun. You have to be smart about this. Try one pill every other, or even every 3 days. Also, take Vitamin C and Zinc ( Airborne Chewable - Berry my fav :) ) Keep up your facial regimine, twice daily, light mosturizer only on the spots that need it, and salicylic acid spot treatment at bed time.
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May 23, 2012


Noticeable improvement in acne and complexion in a short amount of time. Relatively cheap (~$7.99 for a 250 softgel bottle) and easy to swallow. Scars have improved, no new breakouts. No noticeable side effects, yet.


Worrying about liver toxicity.

I tried this vitamin because I figured it was the only vitamin I hadn't tried for my acne. I had been taking zinc 50mg every now and then (and noticed that it also seemed to help) alongside a multivitamin (which contains about 530 mg vitamin A). The only big thing left to supplement that was known to help acne was vitamin A. I had been apprehensive since there are toxicity issues with this vitamin because it is fat soluble. I researched how much I could take without toxicity, and figured I wouldn't end up taking it all the time or in large amounts once my skin clears. I've been taking 2 (10,000IU) pills a day (spaced out), or one pill a day (depending if I remembered the second or if I ate something I knew had alot of beta-carotene or natural vitamin A in it). My scars and hyper-pigmentation are calming down. I haven't had any knew breakouts. I wish I had tried this sooner. I think this vitamin A is increasing the efficacy of my external skin care regime because my skin is obviously healing faster since using both the vitamin A and the Murad acne system. I read that taking zinc and vitamin C help to minimize the toxicity effects of vitamin A, so I have been taking both on an irregular basis alongside the vitamin A. I also read that taking vitamin A with fat increases absorption, so I take it alongside my fish oil supplements. I think my combination seems to be working =)
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February 2, 2012


-Supposedly good for skin


-I have yet to see results, months later
- Can be dangerous

Alright, well I have nothing to say about this. Vitamin A is supposed to be good for your skin and I have yet to see any results. I'm sad about it.
September 23, 2011


Cleared up skin.
Better complexion.
Wrinkle protection/improvement.
Scars fade.


If applied topically, can make skin painful and flakey.
Don't take too much.

I started applying this directly to my face to help combat signs of aging. (I'm 23 but I'm into preventative methods. An ounce of prevention...) I noticed that the acne that I did have on my chin started to shrink up over night. Pimples that were large and inflammed turned into small dots with one application. I was shocked and started taking it orally as well (16,000 IU a day). I also began to pop the Vitamin A pills and apply the oil onto pimples that had popped up. After about 3 months of using both internally and topically, I saw a huge improvement. At the moment I am completely acne free and have only had one breakout since then. The only problem is that if applied topically, your skin will become red and flake. And as with any treatment you need to make sure to use more sunscreen.
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February 26, 2011


-taken over time reduced oil production and amount of acne


-takes time
-be careful of how much you take

By derm instruction, i began taking this a few months ago and i can for sure say that it did improve my skin, but its not accutane so its not like im clear now. However, it doesnt hurt and its cheap so why not
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December 16, 2010


Cleared up my acne within two weeks


Could be dangerous long term-

I had to write about this because I've been having a difficult time with acne for years and I finally found something that has worked great for me. I have had moderate acne so I basically had acne just about all the time, but only 1-3 pimples at a time. Really frustrating because your skin cannot heal when it's always breaking out with new pimples! My husband bought me a bottle of vitamin A 10,000 IU after having mentioned that Accutane was my next attempt to try to get rid of my acne. After taking two pills a day for two weeks I noticed that I had no new breakouts since the begining of this treatment and what I had on my face had cleared up! I dropped down to one pill a day which was fine until the week prior to my period. Then I got a couple of breakouts, but after that week they cleared up again. I'm still acne free. My scars are still there, but they are fading slowly, but surely. I asked my doctor about taking Vitamin A daily and she said I would be ok to do so as long as I don't take 3 or more pills a day. She also mentioned that I'd have to stop taking the pill completely if I found myself to be pregnant. Hope this helps someone else as much as it did me :)
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July 7, 2010


Worked really fast
Healed any other blemishes I had
Pore size reducing
Reduces oil
Skin feels smoother


Smells slightly like fish when capsule is opened

I did not want to ingest this seeing all the possible hazards so every night after washing my face I break the capsule and use it as a moisturizer. It is helping keep my hormonal acne under control for now. My skin looks great and my pores are starting to look better as well. No more white heads on my jaw line. Any pimples I did have cleared up and healed really great.
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