Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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September 2, 2008


its easy, works fast, works well.


stinks like pee :|, it stings for the first few minutes, you cant tell anyone, and afterwards when you wash it off, you still kinda smell like pee :|

i read the reveiws on here about three days ago, and i thought to myself, maybe this could work. my school starts in 3 days and my face looks horrid. i decided on day that i was just going to do it. that was yesterday. i did it again about 15 minutes ago. first, i do my last pee of the day and i catch some of it in a shot glass (gross i know. but its my own shot glass, haha). i pull my hair back, dip a q-tip into the shot glass and before i can chicken out, i run the pee diped q-tip on my fore head where i have the most problem with my skin, and my chin. i wait about 10-15 minutes and then wash my face and apply my already perscribed Differin. i woke up yesterday and looked in the mirror to see if anything happend, and my face looked SOOOO much better. so dont chicken out, JUST DO IT! im going to continue this for the next week and i am POSITIVE my skin will be perfect :D
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August 29, 2008


-its FREEE (sort of):D
-au naturel =p


-its... warm O____O;
-a slightly funky smell
-really really hard to get over T.T;

i have small bumps on my forehead and alot of black heads; i can never seem to get rid of them- which drives me NUTS. i cant really say anything about the product yet, since ive only used it once; but i'll definitly be back for another review aft a few more uses. so far... i THINK it evened out the skin tone on my forhead, but im not sure :S my bumps feela bit.. bumpier? lol
August 27, 2008


Cleared my face in 4 days!


It's pee...

I've had really bad acne for years, but nothing has ever worked well for me: benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, proactiv, tetracycline, clindamycin, azelaic acid and retin-a all failed. Less than a week after starting to use urine, my face is 95% clear and rising. I have had ZERO new pimples since I started, and red marks from old pimples are fading faster than ever before. It took me several weeks to work up the courage to try it, but I'm glad I did. Yea, it's gross, but it's totally worth it. I use it every night for 15 minutes, then rinse it off.
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August 20, 2008


It works really quickly
It is free
It is easily accessible obviously


Socially stigmatized
Sort of a weird thing to get over, but once you take the plunge it seems less and less weird.

I know a lot of people will scorn those who do this, and most won't bring themselves to do it, but if you're considering it, DO IT! I have mild acne, just a bunch of bumps on my forehead, and they are SO much more even in only four days. I think in a week or two they will be all gone. Just a few applications morning and night :)
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August 11, 2008


works at first. moisturizes face well. reduces inflammation.


stops working after a while. it smells like pee.

it's worth a try
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August 11, 2008


Simple, FREE, quick, WORKS WELL, almost always available


Only do it at night at your house, when you know you won't be around anyone for at least ten minutes.

I, like everyone else, and anyone who reads this (most likely) was very skeptical about trying this out. My acne isn't terrible but my skin had an ugly redness, which sort of ruined my gorgeous golden-tanned face. So i went balls out and rubbed urine all over my face like R. Kelly's ladies would. And literally immediately after applying it you can see the acne withering away. Only leave it on for like fifteen minutes then wash your face. However, be warned of asparagus! All in all, i love pee on my face!
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August 10, 2008


Clears up my acne almost completely. After two days my skin was noticeably clearer. Even my nose (formerly the blackhead capital of the planet) is clearing up well.


Minor odor. Something most people would not be accepting of.

This absolutely works. I'm very pissed off, because I used to think something like this would work back in highschool. Nobody would be willing to try it so noone would know. I thought I was crazy then but I really wish I would have had the courage to try it back then. I would have been right and acne free for several years now, instead of just two weeks.
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August 4, 2008


Clears acne quicker then anything else, keeps a good tone, cheap, lots of it (hopefully), reduces redness greatley, doesnt bleach face, BEST SOLUTION OF ALL TIME.



this sh*t works big time. Nothings worked like this. I believe this IS the miracle cure. Its been 3 days and ive gone from a 40% clear face to 96% clear face. White heads and blackheads are a total thing of the past. Big pimples will take a full 2-3 days no big. Regular pimples clear real real well. SO EASY TO JUST USE Use folded toilet paper or cotton balls/pads and just pee on them and then rub it on ur acne prone areas
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July 30, 2008


it works....finally


its pee but i found that if you drink lots of water and pee white, it doesnt smell that bad!!

try it, ull get used to it!!!
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July 28, 2008


It clear up you acne in a weeks if you put it on you fave 3 times a day also its free lol :)


Its Pee but you will get used to it over time

Just try it and you wont be sorry
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