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July 31, 2016
Helps discolouration and scarring
I bought this with a discount code (jordan) and the first day my skin got very irritated because i tried all the brush heads on my skin. I don't like the silicone brush because it makes my face red, but i love the other two. The first week I used it my skin got very dry, however this didn't bother me because it was only dry where i had acne (on my cheeks). I have a lot of scarring from cystic acne and this has just seemed to make my skin look better. Sometimes some of my scars bleed a little while washing my face, which I kind of think is a good thing because it means they can heal better. I suggest to use it with a foaming face wash or even just soap and not with an exfoliator with microbeads or other particles just because the brush exfoliates by itself. I spent €56 and I think it's definately worth it.