Nature's Cure : Two-Part Acne Treatment System for Males

88 Reviews

Natural homeopathic Tablets
antimoniumcrudum (antimonious sulfide) 12x, calendula officinalis (marigold) 6x,carbo vegetabilis (vegetable carbon) 30x, cimicifuga racemosa (blackcohosh) 30x, echinacea angustifolia (cone flower) 12x, graphites(graphite) 30x, hepar sulfuris calcareum (calcium sulfide) 24x,hydrastis canadensis (golden seal) 6x, juglans regia (walnut) 6x, ledumpalustre (wild rosemary) 12x, orchitinum (glandular) 12x, sarsaparilla(wild licorice) 12x, silicea (silica) 6x.

Vanishing Cream
Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl peroxide (5%).

Active Ingredients:
Antimonium Crudum (Antimonious Sulfide) 12X, Candida Albicans (Yeast) 12X, 30X, 60X, 200X, Carbo Vegetabilis (Vegetable Carbon) 30X, Cimicifuga Racemosa (Black Cohosh) 30X, Cistus Canadensis (Frost Weed) 30X, Echinacea Angustifolia (Cone Flower) 12X, Graphites (Graphite) 30X, Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum (Calcium Sulfide) 24X, Juglans Regia (Walnut) 6X, Kali Bromatum (Potassium Bromide) 12X, Ledum Palustre (Wild Rosemary) 12X, Oophorinum (Glandular) 12X, Silicea (Silica) 6X.

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, Magnesium Stearate. Vanishing Cream Active Ingredient Benzoyl Peroxide 5%…..Acne Treatment Inactive Ingredients Allantoin, Aloe Vera Concentrate, Carbomer 940, Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate, Diazolidinyl Urea, Disodium Edetate, Purified Water, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 31, 2009


The aloe vera helps with the dryness that can occur from using benzoyl peroxide.
Pills gradually cleared up my acne for good!


The pills taste like spoiled milk.

I've always had trouble with my acne even when going to a dermatologist. They'd prescribe me so many creams that just overdryed my skin and left it rough. And i don't have dry skin! So I gave this a shot and it really works! it will not work overnight. initially you will break out just a little. but hey you would have broke out anyway without it so i think it's worth it to see the end result. Anyway, it gradually started leaving my skin smoother and pimple free! And when i do get the occasional pimple they are very small and usually go away in about 3-4 days. I'm telling you this cream in the morning and pills (am/pm) along side with my handy dandy differin at night, has changed my life. I no longer have to worry about bad skin. I cannot tell you how good it feels to be worry free! Try this you won't regret it!
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September 1, 2008


I have been on this product for about a month now... it seems to have made a slite to moderate improvement... a spot where i was getting many pimples next to my chin seems to be all flat... and my face isnt as swollen and puffy!


For the first few weeks the vanishing cream made my face real dry. When i had a real big boil on my chin... now the boil is disapeared and a month later my skin isnt dry anymore... but it was so dry that i couldnt really smile!

I am 19 and every summer i seem to get bad acne... then during the winter my acne goes away... i was on tetricycline for a year and it seemed to not work this summer after i broke out real bad... so then i stopped using it and found this stuff in the store and got it... it seems to be working slightly for me! it says it takes 2 to 4 weeks to work and its been 4 weeks and my acne is improved!
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April 7, 2008


The good side is the pills do help and the cream isn't real drying. If you use alot then yes it will dry your face out.


Doesn't completley cure your acne but helps. Also the cream does discolor fabric some. Also Up the size of the cream. Sometimes it doesn't seem like enough for a month.

I've used Natures Cure since it came out. It's probabaly the only product out there i trust anymore. It isn't a complete cure, but hopefully will help.
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August 15, 2007


These are just sugar pills that people who hardly have any acne at all take. The only reason some people think its working is because they hardly have any acne and the benzoyl peroxide that comes with the pills takes care of their pimples.


After two weeks or so, you begin to get horrible acne that the pills do not clear up. My face was literally covered in pimples after a month on these pills. I stayed on the treatment for six weeks and my acne just kept getting worse and worse.

Do not buy this product. Listen to me when i tell you this. I have tried every treatment on the market, none of them work. I dont care what people claim, none of the treatments available over the counter or online will get rid of your acne. If you really want to get rid of your acne, you must go to a dermatologist or a doctor who can prescribe you some antibiotics. I have been on tetracycline for only a week, and i have not gotten a single new pimple. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!!!!!!!! IT WILL MAKE YOUR ACNE WORSE THAN IT ALREADY IS!!!!!
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November 14, 2011


works great!



had ance since 9th grade im in 11th now and it had cleared up because of this stuff
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August 18, 2009


it helps with my acne but doesn't completely cure it.


it dries my skin out

i use it and i definitely works.
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July 8, 2007


It Works! Literally over night, i saw a difference! Now after about a year, my face is completely clear. I'm so happy I came upon this product. I know it's cheesy, but It changed my life.


There really isn't any I can think of. I mean I've never experienced irritation or dryness.

It's just so simple to you use. I mean how easier can it get? Eat the tablet, and put on the cream. There's no "3-Step Process" to do, and its quick to use. I tries Proactive, and it did work but it took a long time, and it was really expensive. Nature's Cure works just the same if not better and is way cheaper.
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November 11, 2007


The pills work for a while. Cream is really good.


Like I said, the pills only work for a while. Minor irritation with cream use.

I used this as a last resort when my stress levels were skyrocketing. I noticed less acne with use of the pills, but after about two weeks my skin went back to normal. So that's when I began using the cream (I had had a bad experience with benzoyl peroxide which is why I was skeptical to use the cream in the first place.) It has worked somewhat, but for a person who has had the problem for a while, this was a good thing. There are less breakouts, but it does get a tad irritating after application.
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January 6, 2007


Not only cleared my skin, but evened my emotions and gave me more decisiveness, assertiveness, and ability to handle disappointments in other areas of my life. Guys are so lucky they run on testosterone (which this contains)!


Completely halted my monthly female cycle. If you're a girl, make SURE to take the version for females!! Otherwise, you might end up growing a beard and singing bass!

I'm a girl, and the store was out of the "For Females" version. I'd never heard of it before and somehow didn't notice the "For Males" line; I just thought the picture of the guy on the front was an interesting marketing ploy! In desperation, I took it for 3 weeks, and it definitely improved my complexion. I also noticed a big difference in how I handled things emotionally. I guyfriend I'd had a crush on for a year finally asked me out and we had a wonderful first date... but then he never called again! Normally, I would have been absolutely devastated by something like that and cried at least for a weekend, but I was able to think rationally about it and not fall apart. However, the male hormones in it had completely halted my normal monthly cycle and I was afraid of what else it might do -- make me sing bass? So I quit taking it; within 2 days, my normal monthly cycle returned, but for 4 days, I was an emotional wreck worse than anything I'd ever experienced!
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December 4, 2007


THis stuff was amazing


none !

ok ive tried everything, i was on tetracycline, neo medrol, pretty much tried everything then i tired this stuff and BAMM i was clear within a few days...magic! ive been having bad skin for 7 years now...I am 21 and this stuff produced the best results out of everything i tried ! GOD BLESS!
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