: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 2, 2012


No more melia
Clear, clean skin


It burns, but not really bad.
I've bleached lots of towels and the collar on a pair of pajamas. You can buy BP-resistant towels now so that's a nice thing.

I love this product! I have always had, and I mean ALWAYS, melia (little white, raised "pimples") on the sides of my nose. I would scrub and scub to try to get rid of them, but it would always come back right away. I haven't had any melia since I started using this product! It's so liberating. (My dad has it too so I guess it's genetic.) The product also cleared up my skin overall. I don't get breakouts. I have nice, clear, clean-looking skin. I highly recommend it.
February 18, 2012


The tube lasts FOREVER
Easy to apply
Good value


Slightly drying
Can bleach your clothes if you're not careful

I've been following Dan's regimen for six months now and I couldn't be happier. First I use Cetaphil facial cleanser for all skin types (not the one for sensitive skin... ironically that one broke me out baaad!) or Purpose liquid cleanser. Then I follow it up with the BP acne treatment. After it's all dry, I use Cetaphil lotion during the day and the AHA lotion at night. I have seen an incredible difference in my skin! I still get a few breakouts here and there, but they clear up a lot faster! The tube has lasted me 3-4 months! I paid 20 dollars (including shipping), which is a great value. Just make sure you let the BP treatment dry before getting dressed or it WILL bleach your clothes! It also drys out your skin a bit, but if you follow it up with lotion it shouldn't be an issue.
February 12, 2012


Clears skin
Not heavy
Glides easily
Great value


At first is very drying

I used proactiv's repairing lotion for years but hated how it smelled and how heavy it was, not to mention that is was very expensive. This is much lighter and has no fragrance. It glides very nicely and has improved my skin greatly. I don't put this all over my face because I only break out on the lower half of my face. I also use it as a spot treatment during the day and it works great!
February 9, 2012


Dries quicker than "regimen" says. It works. No acne in 2.5 weeks!!!


Dries skin, but the jojoba oil and moisturizer applied liberally fix that problem.

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January 24, 2012


Incredible product!!!!!!! Effective and quick working!!!!! I've been using it for a few weeks and my face is already clear from pimples. I hope this effect last 'cause it's GREAT!!!!


The basic dryness, nothing that the moisturizer can't resolve. At first the moisturizer kind of hurt my skin a little bit, I felt it a little strong, but right now it doesn't. I think my face was just getting used to it. The BP and the moisturizer really take a little long to dru out, so be patient.

The product is great, you must use it following every single instruction. Do not touch your skin!! Specially if its starting to dry up, cause you will hurt it. It takes a little longer to complete the whole procedure every day, so I recommend that you GET UP EARLY and do your regimen following every instruction. The whole treatkent is so worth it!!!
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January 23, 2012


- Goes on smooth
- You can feel it working
- A little can go a long way


- A little drying but some moisturizer will help

Worth every penny, This product will get rid of any acne if you stick with it!
January 13, 2012


clears skin
goes on smoothly
feels good when you lather it on


dries your skin really badly
takes time
irritated the corners of my mouth and darkened my mouth area for a while
have to keep using it

i didn't start having acne 'til my junior year of high school when i moved from california to massachusetts. i initially thought i started breaking out because of climate change. i've always had really clear/flawless skin and was one of those people who would stress over one or 2 pimples. i started using many various products which made me break out even more and i eventually developed terrible acne, all over. dark red/purple marks all over my cheeks and forehead. bumps on my chin. i freeeaaked out. i would never look people in the eye because my skin was so bad. i heard about and gave it a shot. within a month, it cleared the bumps on my face but i still had dark purple cysts on my cheeks, these didn't clear up til the 4th month of using benzoyl peroxide. i was pretty clear but still not satisfied because i had acne scars left on my right cheek. so i used ambi fade cream in hopes to clear it.....WAS A BIG MISTAKE. i put it all over my face and a couple days later, new pimples formed. so i suggest you really dont add in products. i was clear for a bit and eventually stopped using benzoyl because i ran out and didn't feel like ordering more. i began wearing makeup and well now im breaking out again. my fault. so now im back where i started. benzoyl really does help. You should consistently use it for results. At first your face will feel terrible and dry/flaky, you're going to hate it. I always got irritation around the corners of my mouth and it would darken my skin but eventually heal once my acne healed. So be patient, it really does work. I would say it takes a good 4 months if you have cysts and deep red marks like i did and if you never used this product before. Since I've used it in the past, it clears my skin faster when i get breakouts. The deep red scars took about 8 months to clear, so please be patient and don't pick at your skin.
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January 10, 2012


Goes on smooth, you can feel it working. Its different than any other acne product ive tried, its much better than Pro activs BP cream. I like that its a gel because it feels so much better.


At first it really dries you out, but i would rather deal with a little dry skin than acne.

It works better than any BP out there. Its definitely worth the money
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December 23, 2011


It works!
It does not flake up like the cream ones
Makes you glow


Medical smell

I have been on the regimen for over a year, using "On The Spot" with good results. I was spending so much money buying those little tubes every week that I decided to buy Dan's huge bottle. I am so glad I did, it took me from good to great skin! I actually cured my acne by making this switch. The gel absorbs quickly and feels lightweight. The only negative thing is the smell, which is something I can live with if it means I can have gorgeous, smooth skin!
December 22, 2011


Dries Fairly Quick, Works!


Dries skin out if you don't use a moisturizer

This stuff really works, dont know how or why it's different from other bp products but it is. I use it with the cleanser and moisturizer from and my skin is perfect for the first time in many years. The regimen can be somewhat exhausting because you have to apply then wait, then apply but it really is worth it if you want to get rid of your acne. I would tell you to follow the guidelines to the T, my girlfriend sometimes uses the cleanser or the moisturizer by themselves and wakes up with a zit or 2. I would recommend that if you want to clear up your face, buy all 3 products and use them 2x a day 12 hrs apart and do it religiously. It will take about 2 weeks for everything to clear up and a month or so for it to be gone for good! This stuff really really does work if you do it right!!
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