
756 Reviews

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April 21, 2008


It's tingly.
It dries the pimples out.


It kind of burned when i was washing it off.

I applied on most acne affected areas, and left on for about 10 minutes. It brought out a comple of pimples, and dried a few. I didn't see much of a difference, although I do FEEL fresh and clean.
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April 12, 2008


Shrinks pimples, Smells good, a little Tinglie


i rubbed about a quarter size amount of AiM toothpaste (GEL) all over my face. i left it on for about 5-10 minutes then i washed it off with warm first my face was really red but it went away in like 4 mintues.

Works Great!!!
April 2, 2008


Dries pimples out and shrinks them


hard to wash off
burns skin

Toothpaste is good when you have one or two pimples. However, when you have acne, avoid it. Since it takes a great amount to cover all the acne, it also burns the skin under it and leaves you with brown spots all over your face which then turn into ugly scabs. :(
March 28, 2008


Nice tingly sensation, dries out oily skin, reduces pimple size


sometimes the burn is too much to handle

great to use if you can stand the burn, dont leave on longer than 15 minutes or you'll get red spots on your face. don't freak out if your skin is a bit red after rinsing off the toothpaste, it goes away after about 3-5 minutes, if it stays on longer then you probably shouldn't use it again. I haven't had any severe acne for a while because of this, and I have rather acne prone skin.
March 23, 2008


1. Pleasant tingling in most places, no different than an acne wash would.
2. Some swelling seemed to go down, oily pimples dried somewhat.
3. It doesn't cost at all because you can just use whatever you normally brush your teeth with.


It stings only on open or really bad (ready to burst) acne.

- I applied Crest Whitening Plus Scope toothpaste (you should be able to use whatever you have laying around as long as it isn't a gel, so there's no extra cost) as a spot treatment and left it on for about 20 minutes. - It doesn't sting on normal pimples and blackheads. - Avoid open wounds (pimples you've already popped). Those WILL sting, obviously. - Also avoid all extra-sensitive skin areas (around the eyes, etc) and avoid getting it in your hair. - Wash toothepaste off with soap and water, or a regular facial cleanser (I use Clean&Clear Oil-Free Daily Pore Cleanser). I reccommend testing it on a single spot first to see how your skin wil react. Use it over a few days and just apply face lotion (with an SPF - it's just good for your skin) to skin that dries out because of the toothpaste. Also, depending on your toothpaste, the time varies. Next time, I'm going to leave it on longer.
March 18, 2008


Gets rid of blackheads and acne
Makes skin shine
Prevents more acne


Burns a few moments after use
If stayed on too long will leave you with more black heads and red blotches

In a soft, circular motion i applied some Aim toothpaste - not the gel kind, THE PASTE. I left it on my face for about 5-10 minutes before giving my face a clean scrub with some soapy water. I did this once a day, and after three days, i noticed the black head on my forehead had started to brown in with my skin, and the acne had started to shrink right before my eyes, while my skin has a radiant shine...
March 8, 2008




doesn't do much

Well some people swear by this but putting toothpaste on my zits has done absolutely nothing.
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March 7, 2008


Shrinks pimple for sure. Make sure you use PASTE not the gel or anything else.


I left on my face overnight.. bad idea. I would recommend the most 25-30 mins. I woke up with big red blotches. Dry skin im guessing, didn't go away for acouple days.

Use paste, nothing else Don't leave on for long. Works for shrinking pimples, reducing swelling. lifespan of blemish. Also, don't use a lot, only on the spot you need to
March 6, 2008


Kills active acne and decreases size


If u put too much on one area it burns skin and gives u temporary red spots or areas where applied

Burns the face and stings eyes

I have used a lot of acne products and all of them seem to aggravate my acne, make me breakout more and have a lot of side effects. Toothpaste was the only thing that worked for me and i will continue to use it. It has no side effects if used a normal amount in one area. If applied a lot, the worst thing that can happen is leave temporary red spots which go away within one day. It can leave your skin alittle dry, not too dry. BEST OVER THE COUNTER PRODUCT FOR ACNE.
February 29, 2008


This caused my acne to shrink in size and made some blemishes almost disappear after only one night


It makes your skin just a little dry if you apply too much

I applyed toothpaste to my acne before i went to bed one night when i woke up some of the zits had gone down in sized and become less pussie my skin became a little dry in some areas though but it works better and quicker than proactiv solution