The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
None if done properly and can only be beneficial, even if it only makes you feel more restful and rejuvenated.
Can be done by anyone, even if they need some help
Feels so good
Effects every part of your life positively
Can be difficult for some people, but it is doable!
You may have to schedule it
When I sleep adequately, 8 hours per day plus a short nap, my skin looks noticeably better. Plus it doesn't cost anything but your time. But it's time well spent! You have almost nothing to loose and much to gain.
Cycles of hormones is largely effected by circadian rhythm, sleep well = hormones are well.
Less stress, cortisol aggravates acne.
When you sleep too much I notice my skin looks worse, 9HRS+
When I sleep in irregular patterns, like long naps or irregular hours, my skin looks worse.
helps lots of things, not just acne
i never get a good nights rest so i rarely get to see the results of this method.
1. Something you must do, already do, whether properly or improperly, anyway, which is to say the regimen can be activated anytime you are ready to begin
2. Free
3. Can be done virtually anywhere
4. No (expensive) products required