The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
I love sugar and fatty foods I can't eat. =( I love to party and I can't do that a lot either because alcohol converts to sugars as well.
Delivers everything it promises!, completly cleared all acne, also made me more energetic
Diet may be hard for some people.
inflammation started going away after the second day, no more pustules, had 3 cysts and they were gone by the 3rd day! My skin is clearing up nicely.
If you slip up, you'll probably get a small breakout
It helped cleared up my red acne face in about 4 weeks. You feel better and have more energy.
Really hard to maintain. Strictly no carbs and no coffee. Takes a while to see the difference. For people who like cardio, his regiment will be hard to follow.
This system does work! My skin looked different in a matter of DAYS.
Very rigorous, if you have a taste for good foods, hard to stay on this diet. Just use Perricone topical kits, they work great.
Works extremely well for me. If I eat the low GI, anti-inflammatory foods Perricone prescribes, and I also do the yoga and use topicals, my acne and redness reduces considerably and I get very few or no new lesions.
The problem is that it is extremely difficult to maintain. It's hard enough if you're preparing meals at home with all these obscure ingredients, but if you're out it just won't work. One hamburger/pasta dish and it's all over.
Overall health & energy level improved dramatically. Felt terrific! Skin definitely brightened and looked a bit better, however the diet really did nothing to improve my acne condition.
Had no impact on my acne at all. Continued to get terrible cysts all through the diet. The diet is impossible to mantain; spent waaayy too much time in the kitchen prepping these fresh meals, and really started to hate salmon to boot.
MY SKIN IS ALMOST COMPLETELY CLEAR!!! It's only been a week and my skin is freaking glowing this beautiful orangish red tent, I only have 4 spots right now, and no new spots! My skin no longer itches and my spots are healing so quickly, im loving this! Nothing has ever worked like this for me.