Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 14, 2009


- brings down spots, gets ride of redness, prevents future zits...my skin is not bad and i get the odd pimple but after going for a facial the girl recommended i try it and this oil works i love it if u have acne try it you will be happy you did!



- SIMPLY AMAZINg - WILL TREAT & GET RID OF ACNE QUICKLY - try it if you have not yet give it a week to work:) for me it worked over night the first night i tried it but if you have bad acne i say give it time i truly LOVE IT soooo worth it!!!!!!!
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May 7, 2009


it works wanders i have tried almost everything i dont have acne but do get the odd spot/pimple and i found this is the only oil that works for me i would higly reccomend tea tree oil.


Smell Is quite strong but i have actually got used to it.

Well Worth The Money Improves Appearance Of Spots In Hours Amazing.
May 3, 2009


Clears acne fast and clears red marks/scars from previous acne!


Strong smell, but not so bad!

A cure-all for scars, acne, and preventing new acne!
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May 2, 2009


Eliminates acne/pimples better than benzoyl peroxide for me. Helped balance combination skin, reduced redness. Also eliminated a fungal skin infection better than medicine given by my doctor.


Smells a little weird.

I used Benzoyl peroxide on a bad pimple for a few days, it actually got Worse! Tried Tea tree oil and it faded a lot by the next morning! AMAZING. Also somewhat helped to balance my combination skin. I have VERY oily areas with some very dry areas, it made it all really even, reduced redness. My skin hasn't ever looked this good before.
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April 26, 2009


its allll good. it clears up acne everywhere. you can feel it working.


none!! i like the smell..

its worthhh it all.
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April 26, 2009


- very quick -- results in a few days
- new zits stick around only for a day or so
- seems to be fading discolorations; has evened out my skin tone and reduced the size of my pores


- at first it made my skin feel tight, but after a few days that went away
- slightly drying, but not as bad as Proactiv or similar treatments
- strong smell, but I've gotten used to it -- better if you don't use too much to begin with

This is the clearest my skin has been since my acne started a dozen years ago. I hardly ever get any new pimples, but when I do the tea tree oil turns them around overnight and they go away quickly. It also seems to be fading old discolorations faster than anything else I've used. It's getting to the point where I don't feel like I have to wear any kind of foundation or concealer anymore. I wash my face with castile soap morning and night. At night I put a few drops of tea tree oil on a wet cotton swab and wipe it all over my face. If I have a bad zit I might use a q-tip to get it in the morning too, but usually just using the tea tree oil at night is enough. I don't really need moisturizer anymore, but if I have a dry spot I treat it with calendula cream. I recommend getting an eyedropper...keeps you from spilling and using too much! You really only need a few drops.
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April 22, 2009


dries out acne... QUICK


the smell isn't pleasant at first, but believe it or not, i've learned to like it!

IT IS WORTH TRYING!! Some people find it expensive (about 5-10 dollars for a few ozs) but it lasts a pretty long time, therefore I don't find it expensive at all.
April 21, 2009


Natural, and makes my skin feel fresh and tingly!!


none :)

I love it!! My acne has been clearing up. Im a female so around my time of the month, I get big cystic acne. I noticed its really good. If u have very sensitive skin dilute it with water :)
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April 20, 2009


I love this oil. I have the acne kit which is called ZAP IT! by Melaleuca. It is awesome. I have very bad and nasty acne and it worked for me. Try it!



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April 17, 2009


CLEARS ACNE FAST!!!! ive used proactiv, clearasil, neutrogena, noxzema... u name it ive used it and this is the only product that has worked wonders. i use to have combination skin with breakouts all the time n scars with this it all cleared up!


the smell but u get use to it.

if u battled with acne for years and have used everyhting under the sun try this and it will work. evens out skin tone and rids u off scars and stops break outs. In the morning i wash my face with dove regular soap n hot water and put some cocoa butter lotion on and then make-up and thats it. At night i wash my face again with dove regular soap and hot water and dilute the tree oil with water and apply to my face with a cotton ball and once a week i do an exfoilating scrub with just warm water and sugar and then apply the tea tree oil. and the most important thing try try try not to touch ur face and keep ur hair out of ur face ur skin on ur face is open to germs... think about it any other part of ur body doesnt break out bc ur not touching it all day long! good luck ppl!
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