Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 22, 2013


Clears acne with repeated application
Significantly reduces inflammation
Decreases visibility of scars

Tea tree oil is a fantastic product. Personally, it has not cleared up my acne, but if used as a spot treatment repetitively throughout the day the pimples diminish very quickly. My greatest success is with my redness and minor scaring. I applied tea tree oil to my splotchy red patches of skin and it reduced the inflamation like a charm! I had to keep using it for about a month for noticeable results, but It was well worth it. Now my face is no longer red nor are my minor scars visible. Awesome!
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April 21, 2013


Smells nice
easy to put on
does not irritate skin
works effectively
no 'new' acne spots since using this


The small bottle does run out very quickly

Ive used so many products from creams to tablets and nothing worked. So i thought to give this a shot and im glad i did, I used sudocrem when i had big acne spots which decreased the size then i used tea tree oil which made the spots smaller and less visible. good product! worth a try!
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April 2, 2013


Dry face the first day, then skin adjusted
Not irritating
Prevents new acne
Non greasy
Nice smell


Can become ineffective the longer its exposed to air. So close container tightly and store in a dark place.

I first tried 1/2 tsp TTO with 1/2cup water in a cleaned out glass baby food jar and use a cotton ball. It mixes nicely with water as long as you shake or swirl the jar before opening it. It is important to close the jar tightly after and store in a dark place. The first week of use I had ZERO new zits. Absolutely amazing. Now I mix 1tsp of TTO with 1/2cup water and make sure to feel that strong minty tingle on my face after application, or else its time to mix a fresh batch.
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March 29, 2013


Dried up pimples quickly
Natural product
Cheap and effective


Crusty skin

I love using natural products. Before I started the regimen I used tea tree oil day and night to dry up breakouts. It worked but dried it too much in the end. The best natural product I have found for my acne though.
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March 10, 2013


All natural
Not expensive
Lots of uses
(I liked the smell)


My boyfriend and family could not handle the smell. Load of complaints.
Didn't work

It didn't work for me. It gave me lots of new pimples. It will bring deep painful blemishes to the surface. I mixed it half and half with witch hazel and used it as an astringent. I gave up on after 4 months because my mom and boyfriend complained so much.
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February 21, 2013


reduces pain, redness, inflammation



My skin was currently breaking out pretty badly from new cleansers, so I was praying this would work well. After a shower I dabbed some tea tree oil to my acne spots.. the huge zits around my jaw line, the smaller ones on my chin. No joke, a couple hours later its reduced to a third of the size and the redness has drastically decreased. The acne spots are less painful too. I'm hoping this is the type of situation where you'll learn to love the smell of it when you realize how effective it is.
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February 8, 2013


Heals existing pimples quickly
Clean feeling



I first started using Trader Joe's tea tree oil all over my face only to realize that it made my face a little red. I then only used it as a spot treatment and found great success. It dries existing pimples quickly and just flakes off. It isn't ideal for wearing under makeup, so I suggest using this as a night time treatment. You get used to the smell, but it'll always be there when you first apply it.
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February 2, 2013


All natural antiseptic


Did nothing for my acne
Burnt my face

Make sure to dilute it!
January 31, 2013


Less acne
No pain, itching, peeling
No sensitivity to light

Bottom line, tree tea oil on acne works. I was sick of all the medications my dermatologist put me on, so I went online trying to find all natural help. I bought it, tried it, and now after just a week my face looks a lot better. I use Yes To Tomatoes to cleanse, witch hazel to tone, and tea tree oil (straight from the bottle.) I know you are supposed to dilute, but I want the full strength help. It'll burn your eyes and kill that nasty acne.
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January 11, 2013


quick acting
works even on cystic acne


Drying but nothing a little good face lotion didn't fix.

I have suffered from cystic acne for over 15 years. At first my birth control (depo) kept is somewhat in check for a long time. I recently got an IUD and stopped depo and the acne came back with a vengeance. I've tried everything except accutane and I figured I was screwed till I had health insurance for it. Not true. I finally tried this and while I'm still getting small breakouts, it's not the huge boils I usually got.
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