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March 14, 2012
Learning curve
High startup cost
Takes longer to shave
I've really enjoyed using a straight razor both as an experience and how my acne has been while using it. Razors nowadays pull up hair and slice it underneath the surface of the skin, causing irritation. Straight razors are very sharp and slice very close to the skin- I've read in numerous places online about how you get an exfoliating/ microdermabrasion effect from shaving with a straight razor.
Since starting with a straight razor my skin has been pretty good, the notable exception being when I was in a rush and shaved with my old 2 blade safety razor and had a breakout over the next few days.
There's much more to enjoy than skin benefits, and a brief look at straight razor enthusiast websites extoll the numerous benefits (less waste, pleasure of learning and using a skill regularly, better shave, better for the skin, a connection with the past, etc).
Anyways, I have the luxury of not having to shave every day for my job, so it's a pleasure when I do and I can take my time and use a straight razor which I have found my skin really likes. I'm sure not everyone will go for this, but those who do and are patient with it may really enjoy it so I thought I'd recommend it. Enjoy!
Less irritation due to shaving
Better shave (once you get the hang of it, I still have to clean up patches I miss with my old safety razor)
A very pleasurable experience
Cheaper in the long run