Stievamycin Tretinoin and Erythromycin Gel

237 Reviews

Stievamycin Mild Gel
Active Ingredients:
Tretinoin (.01%) and Erythromycin (4%).

Inactive ingredients:
BHT, ethyl alcohol, and hydroxypropyl cellulose.

Stievamycin Gel
Active Ingredients:
Tretinoin (.025%) and Erythromycin (4%).

Inactive Ingredients:
BHT, ethyl alcohol, and hydroxypropyl cellulose.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 22, 2007


* my pimples are gone, only to be replaced by a BIG, RED PATCH OF FLAKY SKIN on my forehead..
* very easy to apply
* is not greasy; does not leave my fingers sticky after applying


* it literally BURNED my old skin away for new skin to grow
* feels tight after aplying
* very noticeable redness and flakiness, not to mention rough skin.

I already posted on June 29 however, after using Stievamycin for about two months now (inconsistently), my opinions have changed. I haven't been using this product every night like I'm supposed to mainly because I can't stand looking in the mirror to a big ugly red forehead. The trick to using this is by applying a *oil-free* moisturizer during the daytime - one that works really well is Clinique's Moisture Surge Extra Thirsty Skin Relief. It penetrates into your skin and provides you with soft skin. You can also use an exfoliator once a week to replenish skin cells. This definitely works to BURN off your pimples, but these are the side effects. Oh, and I wouldn't use it everyday consistenly especially if you have sensitive skin unless you want big red blotches..
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July 13, 2007


Clears up mild/moderate acne


a bit of burning at the start of treatment, this can be thwarted by applying it less frequently than prescribed if burning/redness occurs. always check with your doctor before doing this though, there is a chance your acne could become worse.........

it works, apply as directed or less frequent than directed for only a little bit (use just a little amount a thin amount. so if the box says apply every night, apply it every other night if extreme burning/dryness happens to happen. if it doesn't improve, check back with your doctor. works excellent for me.
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June 30, 2007
My doctor gave a sample to try. I have developed quite a lovely bunch of pimples only on my forehead in the last 3 months. This is only my third day with it. I read that a lot of people are experiencing with a burning sensation and my doctor warned me about that too, but I don't feel anything at all. When I stretch my skin looking up, it feels tight but otherwise, all is well. My forehead starts to flake a little but after I rinse it off, it's gone. I don't apply a moisturizer during the day, because I am hoping to dry the area out. The rest of my face is really dry though because I have photosensitivity. I will look for a moisturizer that can help my dry cheeks and oily forehead. I don't see a difference yet, but I'll be patient. Keeping my fingers crossed!
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June 25, 2007


-reduces previous scars(red blotches)


-minor dryness
-tingles your skin when applied

Ive been using it for about a week and im staying patient because i heard it takes about 8 weeks to see an improvment.
May 23, 2007


It works for me! It helped me clear up my severe acne.


Makes your skin look shiny

I had severe cyst-like acne about 7 years ago and I tried a lot of different acne fighting products. But none of them worked. My acne was so bad that a doctor suggested that I take Accutane. But since I am quite anti-pill, and the side effects to the med seemed endless, a doctor recommended stievamycin since his son had used it and it worked for him. The results were amazing. Within a year, my acne had cleared up by 90%. My t-zone area, which use to be covered with ugly, red pimples, now looked like it was under control. A couple years later, people were even complimenting me and asked me how my skin was so clear! Today, I still use it and my skin remains under control. When I dont apply it for a few days, my skin actually breaks out more. I still do get break-outs even with usage but they are far less often. I would rather have my 3-4 pimples than my 90-100 7 years ago! I definitely recommend it. It has changed my life!
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April 17, 2007


I had mild acne on my forhead and cheek area, and it worked very well at drying up the area as well as the acne.


May sting a little, area will feel tight. Moisturize well after!

It's a great product for someone who has mild - not severe- acne.
April 17, 2007


I've been on it for about 3 months now... people say that my skin is clearing up, but I don't really see it


Takes a while to work

My dermatologist said that Stievamycin is the topical form of Accutane. I think it works best for people with oily skin and clogged pores. I've been told it is supposed to shrink the size of your pores and heal scars. I used the mild form of it in the fall, but I didn't like the feeling of it so I rarely used it (bad choice). I was put on the regular strength in January. I learned that using harsh cleansers (which are actually everywhere) make your skin produce more oil, so I'm using Spectro Jel for Oily Skin. Although your skin does not feel clean, it is actually slowly reducing the amount of oil your skin produces. Stievamycin doesn't really irritate my skin, so I'll keep on using it until my dermatologist tells me not to.
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April 5, 2007


less redness on my back


tingly burning feel after application

My derm perscribed this for my back mixing back and forth with clindoxyl gel. Don't over apply as you would visibly see it dry on your back. I never used it on my face and couldnt imagine what it would feel like =.
April 2, 2007


-clears mild acne
-reduces cysts bumps
-removes scars


-caused dry, flaky, itchy,red skin
-burns when applying, especially on open pores
-still does not clear up all my acne

A doctor gave me this gel, started with regular, and still using it. I tried it when i was 14 when my acne was bad but not that severe, maybe 3-5 cysts and a hell lot of whiteheads and blacheads. This gel was a burden to use, because my acne was random all over my face, so i had to put it everywhere causing it to be like a mask. i saw a difference in the first 2-3 days, then it got worse, but that was part of the process. Flushing out all the bacteria out and washing it off of the top layer of gel. Well the bottom line is, it does work but never really cleared up my acne, my scars have faded but i still get cysts, but no whiteheads? Well anyways it did nothing for my blackheads, they just sat there clogging my pore and i also found that the gel seemed to make my pores mor visible, and i'm pretty sure its not from popping any zits, cuz even if its hard to believe i've never popped a pimple. I've been on the gel for more than a year and my acne is still not going away.
February 16, 2007
I've had constant breakouts since about my second year in highschool (15-16) and I'm 21 now and it hasn't stopped. My face isn't horrible but I'm so frustrated with ALWAYS having to wear makeup. Anyways this is the first time I've been prescribed any kind of medicine for my face. My doctor wanted to put me on some oral antibiotics but I wouldn't allow it because of some horror stories I've heard about extremely dangerous side effects. I've been using the gel for about a week now and I have to agee, my face is REALLY dry and itchy and I do have red spots. What I've noticed so far is that it has reduced the number of pimples I notice on a daily basis so that's a bonus. But I'm also wondering if this has to do with the point I'm at in my menstrual cycle as well since over the years I've noticed my breakouts are closely related to that. I'm going to continue using it, I know it will take some time. Got my fingers crossed! Anyone know what kind of moisturizer I can use during the day?
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