
16 Reviews

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April 23, 2015
my experience...
actually i started using steam for my acne 2weeks b4...and i must say that is so usefull andwill make u happy!!!...What i do is squeeze about two spoons worth of lemon juice into a glass. Then dab the lemon all over my face, not too much though because lemon is very acidy and it may sting. I boil some water, pour it into a bowl and steam my face with a towel over my head. This way the pores open up wide and the lemon's magical vitamins are absorbed into the skin. The following day my skin is virtually clear.
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June 22, 2010


fresh feeling
glowing face
no cost
opens pores
helps remove acne


none that i can think of

How can there be a down side to one of the simplest things to clear your acne. Steaming helps to open your pores so you can clean them out, and remove all the bacteria. I just wash my face with a simple cleanser (not made for acne its just to remove makeup and dirt) then i boil up some water and add some sea salt; you can also add essential oils and.... for oily skin, lavender, peppermint, and rosmary for dry skin, chamomile, fennel seeds, and roses. After the water boils put a towel over your head (if you have long hair pull it up) and steam for 5-10 minutes. I like to play some music in the background (listen to about three songs for a 10 min. session.) After steaming i splashsome water on my face and then mix a paste out of baking soda and water and apply it. I then wash that off, and apply some diluted apple cider vineger. Then I'm done an left with a fresh face I love. Don't steam to often, because it will lead to dry skin, and then you will get more acne. About twice a week is good unless you have oily skin then maybe more often, but no more than once a day. You dont have to break the bank to clear your acne. Do simple things, with an open mind. Just relax and use a little steam. For some fun you can always do a facial after. my facial is... 1 tablespoon eggwhite whipped, mixed with a little bit of lemon juice apply this for 10 minutes then rinse off. I've found that this fades those horrible marks that stay for way to long after your acne goes away.
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July 18, 2012


it good way to hydrate your skin
get rid of dirt and oil



if you have asthma or breathing problem do not use it and if you do be careful you should only do this once a week because doing this too much will not help your face at all HOW TO STEAM YOUR FACE 1.boil some water make sure it hot 2.get a mat or book and put the pot on it 3.(optional)get you favorite essential oil to put in the water add a few drops 4.get a towel and a tent like think and put you head under the towel you should do this for ten to fifteenth minutes after that splash cold water on your face to close the pores and put on BP and or moisturizer to your face as usually
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June 7, 2012


Cleared up my skin really good at first
Very relaxing


Gave me cystic acne

I steamed my face about once a week for a month or two because it would clear up my skin really good for a few days. But I noticed that I would get 1 cystic acne spot a few days later every single time. And they were huge and horribly painful. Once I stopped steaming, I stopped getting a cystic acne spot weekly.
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February 20, 2012


Relaxing, moisturizing, makes products more effective, easy, healthier skin (glowy & soft)


Won't clear acne alone.

I use a face steamer, and I must say it works fairly well with my acne pron skin. I had got my face clear, but started slacking off, and u know what happens next. When I started back on my face regimen; my products did not seem to work that well like usually. Just a couple days ago I started back steaming my face along with my regimen, and its working very fast again. I now know that the steam makes my regimen work wonders. STEAMING WILL NOT CLEAR YOUR SKIN ALONE. Some tips I can give is to not pat your face dry with a towel (let it air dry), wash your face LIGHTLY (use a very small amount) with a gentle face wash (ex. Noxzema) before steaming; to let the steam penitrate, and after to remove the impurities that come out. After this put on your fav. acne treatment, and you'll see how much better it works. Not to mention that the steamer is very moisturizing. I never moisturize my face in fears of breaking out. If u suffer from dry skin (probably from harsh products); you'll love this. Not to mention u don't have to steam that long (maybe 5-10 mins). That's all the tips I have, if u do any of them make sure to wash your face after steaming (I recommend not just water, but a wash). You want to get all the impurities off your skin. Hope this helped. O and if u want to know a good after treatment (leave on); look into de la Cruz sulfur (its cheap and awesome). If not yogurt works great 2. I did not put a price because u don't have 2 pay for it. U can get a pot, fill it with water, let it boil, and steam that way with a towel over your head to trap in the steam.
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August 11, 2014
Shrinks spots well and quickly!
I have my own facial steamer that I brought from Argos for less than £15 and I have to say its money well spent! I use it once a week for around 10-15 minutes and it really is affective! It makes your face drip like hell, but once the sessions over clean your face with a gentle cleanser and you can see results of calmer looking skin after just one use! Sometimes youll notice you may gain a spot or two the next couple of days, but thats the spots coming from the inside out so there out of your system for in the end cleaner healthier skin. I highly recommend steaming for anyone, thats why they have steam rooms in Spa's and make you spend £15 a session!
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February 24, 2012


-gives a nice glow
-clears acne


-only do it at night, because it makes your face really red once you're done.
-Break out BADLY the first day or two (because the steaming makes you sweat, which gets rid of any gunk in your pores but also brings any developing pimples to the surface)

This is the best thing I've ever done for my face. I have combination skin, and light-moderate acne. What I do is wash my face with a gentle cleanser (I love Cetaphil!) plug my sink, and then fill it with water as hot as it will go. My sink (as well as most sinks) has a hole towards the top so the sink can't overflow. I leave the water running, and put my head about an inch away from the water. I put a towel over my head to keep the steam in. I do this for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, I use St. Ives Green Tea Scrub, apply salicylic acid spot treatment (currently Clean and Clear advantage) and then my Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture for Combination Skin moisturizer This cleared my skin SO much. I wouldn't say I'm totally clear, but a lot clearer than I was before. If you start breaking out really bad, just remember it's normal. It'll only last a day or two, and you'll be happy you tried!
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May 29, 2015
Yes, that is indeed a huge waste of water. I just put some water in a bowl, heat it in the microwave oven for 4-5 minutes, then carefully bring it to the kitchen table (wearing oven mitts to carry it), then sit in a chair at the table with my towel over my head.
May 21, 2016
I'd just like to say to the other commenters to shut up because it is none of your business that she runs the tap for fifteen minutes and it is t the end of the world. It's not even your water nil! Leave her alone.
July 31, 2016
water is everyones f**king problem but im glad your skins clear bro
June 23, 2010


Clears acne
Gives skin healthy glow
Opens and cleans pores


Can get uncomfortably hot

Twice a week or whenever I'm having a really bad breakout, I boil some water, add one table spoon of pure lemon juice and green tea, put a towel over my head, steam my skin for 10 minutes, while my pores are still open I apply a mask, leave the mask on for ten minutes, wash off mask, and rub ice all over my skin to shrink my pores and to close my pores, then finally I pat dry my skin with a towel. Steaming my skin does make a big difference, but I add lemon juice and green tea to deep clean my skin even more. The only con about steaming my skin is it can get too hot. Overall, try it! It's free!
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January 14, 2011


healthier glow
smoother complexion
clears pores and removes whiteheads
chemical free
you can do this on a daily basis


may aggravate existing condition if you're also suffering from fungi infection so be wary and keep a close eye on skin condition after several sessions

I join a local fitness gym that has a steam room and a sauna as well which makes it very convenient for me to regularly steam my face after my daily workout sessions. I usually apply a thin layer of jojoba oil infused with lavender and geranium essential oils on my face before I get into the steam room and sit in for 15-20 minutes max. Right after that, I take a cool shower and thoroughly cleanse my face with a salt soap bar. I follow up with a gentle mechanical scrub and pat dry. I apply toner and moisturizer and dab over acne spots with tea tree oil. I have noticed that my acne has started to clear up. I have less red botches and old acne scars are disappearing much quicker too. Complexion has improved a lot and I've noticed fewer whiteheads, especially around the nose area. If you can join a gym near your area that has a steam room, make full use of it. Exercise does help to clear acne. Otherwise, a simple steam towel and bowl of hot water method will work.
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September 20, 2011


feels good after
good for face
smells good ( i add stuff to it)


it really hurts for the first like 5 min.
cant get rid of acne on this alone, but it is still very good for your skin

i think that steaming is very good. it opens your pores (so u can remove gunk) and i think that if u wash or put acne stuff on ur face right after it can penetrate faster and help acne. what i do is i put in sea salt and mint leaves in a big bowl, then i boil some water and i pour it into the bowl. i put a towel over the top of my head and the bowl so no steam escapes. then when the water is no longer doing anything i take my head away and i put on a home made mask of lots of natural stuff u can find at home (if u add oil to it, tea tree, lavender or olive oil is good, then that makes your face as soft as a babys butt and that is not at all an exaggeration. i let the mask stay on for a while then i wash it off and my face feels and looks amazing. i do this every sunday and wednesday night so i am fresh and ready to go at school :)
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