Sodium Sulfacetamide

208 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Sodium Sulfacetamide (10%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Purified water; propylene glycol; lauramide DEA (and) diethanolamine; polyethylene glycol 400, monolaurate; hydroxyethyl cellulose; sodium chloride; sodium metabisulfite; methylparaben; xanthan gum; EDTA and simethicone.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 22, 2009


works well; noticeable changes
doesn't dry out skin



Good product so far have seen a dramatic change within a week. Hope this continues.
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November 9, 2009


A nice creamy formula that has pretty much abolished my cystic and comedonal acne :)
No medicine smell (or at least it is not strong to me)


Drying for the first few days but drying does subside
Must make sure to avoid eyes and mucosal surfaces since it is an antibacterial.

Compared to some of the facial washes I was purchasing for my face, this item is comparable if not cheaper! I am
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April 18, 2011


smells really nasty, says on the insert and online that "long term studies in animals have not been performed to evaluate carcinogenic potential"

is anyone worried about the long-term effect of using this product?
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November 23, 2009


works miracles, my skin was clear in less than one week.


it does have a slight weird odor but nothing major.

This product worked a miracle on my face. I have battled acne for 10 years and this product along wtih Epiduo at night cleared up my face. I had the cystic acne that was painful and new ones sprouted daily. i have not had one single break out in 2 months.
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May 4, 2015
Only thing to actually work
I have had moderate acne for 7 years and the pain and embarrassment constantly plagued me. I now use a sodium sulfacetamide lotion prescribed to me by a dermatologist, and I have been using the product for 5 months. After about three months I had little to no acne and currently my scarring is greatly diminished. I still occasionally get one or two pimples with stress or hormone fluctuations. PLEASE try this out if you struggle with moderate acne I cannot believe the success that I have had with it. My current day and night routine is using a gentle cleanser (Dove, Neutrogena, it doesn't really matter), then the sulfacetamide cream, and then an eye cream. I usually a gentle washcloth for some light exfoliation to lighten acne scars. Please consider this product, I used to have no hope for my skin. Before, I tried salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and tretinoin with no success. This is the only thing that has worked and has left me comfortable with my skin. My life has not magically changed since I got rid of my acne, but it is one less thing to worry about and stress about. I hope others can find success in this product as well. Best of luck to anyone struggling- You are not alone, and you are an important and beautiful person with or without acne.
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September 4, 2009


I'm allergic to benzoyl peroxide and I had pretty bad acne. So I went to the dermitologist and they told me to try it. I did and WOW!! Amazing results!


None At All!

It really works and my face looks great! And because I have great insurance I got it really cheap!
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August 4, 2009


Really good this stuff works!! I have been using it with Epiduo & Solodyn for almost 2 weeks and the results are amazing!! I used to have about 12 pimples (more new ones everyday!) now I have about 3 with no new ones! Even the dark spots are fading!


I had some drying for about a week & 1/2, but the dryness is mostly gone now. Especially if you moisturize, the dryness isn't a problem. I don't really even notice a sulfur smell at all. And it's prescription.

This stuff is great!!! I had no side effects and my acne started clearing up almost immediately! It's a miracle lol because I have had acne for a good 2 years and nothing OTC worked for me! The only downfall would be it could be exspensive, but my family's insurance covered it.
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July 22, 2009


It works wonderfully!
Slight sulfer smell, but it doesn't linger


Prescription only
Expensive without insurance

I've had acne for years, along with Rosacea, so my skin is very sensitive to scrubs, etc. I am so amazed at how well this works - i'm finally happy with my skin for the first time in a long while. Tip: the form i use is on packaged cleansing cloths, and i cut them in quarters so they last longer and place the unused pieces back in the pkg until ready to use. Even the 1/4 size has plenty of cleanser on it.
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April 17, 2010


No peeling, itching, etc. A great alternative to oral antibiotics!


Did not eliminate acne completely. There was an initial breakout period where things got worse but thats the way it goes...

This is a GREAT product. I dont want to jinx myself by saying so (because then I think somehow it will stop working) but its really helped me. I had a sudden break out of cystic acne at 27 and I didnt even want to leave the house. The first doctor I went to rudely asserted that my skin would never clear up without antibiotics and a retinoid. I am really hesitant to take oral antibiotics so I went to another doctor. This combined with a 4% BP wash has really helped my skin. I still get about 1 zit a week but Im fine with that compared to what it was. Doctor just prescribed me a 5% BP wash instead and thinks this will get everything under control. Heres hoping!
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July 11, 2009


Really does work. I no longer get any cystic breakouts and the tiny pimples are barely visible.


Kind of drying but not to the point where you feel that your face is craking. A mild sulfur smell as the lotion melts more into your face over time due to your body heat

I used to use sodium sulfacetamide 10% and sulfur 5% in an actual lotion formulation (cream based). It didn't see THAT much improvement. But then again, I used it when I first started the treatment so there was a lot of work that the prescription had to do on my face. But later on switched over to the liquid formulation and it is soooo much better. I feel that the liquid formulation is much more effective. And the liquid formulation has a slight sheer pink tone to it, so I feel that it makes my skin tone look more even. I was given tinter drops along with the lotion so i could match the lotion to my skin tone, but I chose not to use the tinter. I no longer get ANY major breakouts. No more cysts. The tiny pimples sometimes do flair up, but they're not big and red the way they used to be. And the tiny ones heal very quickly.
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