Saline Injections

8 Reviews

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September 21, 2009


Quick and relatively painless, no downtime, very effective on shallow pitted scars


Not really my definition of "cheap"

Saline worked much better than I expected or could have hoped for. The pitted scars are about 85% better. I just finished treatment (it took me 9 treatments) and I would recommend this for anyone with shallow acne scarring. You can barely see any depressions, even under intense light.
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March 30, 2010


works! you will notice results after 2nd course of injection. It's permanent results, not temp (i.e fillers)


works well with shallow rolling scars and will give you 40%-70% improvement on each rolling scar (depending on your skin).

does not help with the pigmentation from scar

one of the most effective treatment out there for now. probably will give you even better results if you add in laser treatments after a series of saline injections. You will need 6 treatments of injections to see optimal results.
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April 10, 2009


Cheap, effective and easy... Have one (now) extremely shallow rolling scar that has greatly improved. About 90% filled in now with 5 treatments. 4 months since last treatment. 75.00 per treatment.


Injection site can be red for a while (10 days max in my experience) required 5 injections 2 weeks apart. Only performed in Southern California

Incredible treatment. Only Dr. Sire in Fullerton does the procedure. Am able to look in the mirror without obsessing or cringing!!! A life saver- truly. Saw results after 3rd treatment. Since I only have one scar he charged me only for the small area he treated. Otherwise full face treatment is 150.00 or so. Awesome facility.. awesome people.
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July 17, 2018
Thank you for sharing. Did this procedure give you permanent results or do you need to go back occasionally for touch ups?
April 23, 2008


Very little down time, more affordable than most other treatments. Best of all is that it works if you have shallow scars to begin with.

Give it at least 6 treatments. It really works well with more shallow scars. I'm so happy with my result. I only wish that I tried this route sooner, instead of wasting time and money on other stuff. Dr. Sire is a honest doctor, he doesn't push anything that won't work on you.
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December 15, 2010


Cheap, Effective


Can be difficult to obtain, takes a long time to achieve permanent results

If you have suffered from indentations as a result of cortisone injections, saline can help. I have noticed an improvement of about 75% over the course of three months. It seems to work best on indents that have more recently occurred, as opposed to those which are several years old. I purchased medical bacteriostatic saline .09 and used Easytouch Insulin Syringes 30 G, 5/16 to administer.
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December 21, 2009


Temporarily plumps up the scar, making your skin look even for about a week,


Made my scars worse

I've been doing a combination of microdermabrasion, needling, and copper-peptide treatments for my scarring, which was slowly but surely helping. I tried the saline injections on myself and it really seemed to work at first, but after three or four treatments, it almost looked like the area in the scar wasn't filling up and almost looked like it stretched out the skin. So now my scars looked worse than before I started this treatment.
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September 4, 2010


Cheap, cheap, cheap!
results can be permanent


Can possibly cause more damage
does not work on all scars
can be a tedious process

Do research on the boards on saline injections, that's how I learned to do it. I believe it works by inducing collagen to be built. Proceed with caution though, if you are some one that tends to be compulsive and go overboard you might end up damaging healthy tissue. Also if you are picker, then this might trigger it because it requires that you get really close to the mirror or use a magnifying mirror. I didn't use any numbing cream, because I wanted to be able to tell if I was sticking in healhty tissue vs.scar tissue. Scar tissue does not have as many nerve endings so the pain is not as bad as when you prick normal tissue. Scar tissue is what you want to stick the needle in. It definitely helped to fill in some scars that I have. It worked on some new and even old ones (over 5 year old) scars. Now there have been some scars that for some reason showed no changes, or showed some improvement initially but never progressed beyond that.
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