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September 5, 2015
paleo diet
This diet will work but you must be very strict and you should see results within 30 days it's hard to be strict but in the end it's a great diet to live by, it cleared my skin and regulated my hormones! Remember even if it feels like it know you're not alone!
April 18, 2015
so Ive been on this diet for a month now , and i now i have close to clear skin i have a few red marks and one small pimple but my skin improved amazing due to this diet.Also as the weather got good i did a ''1 week no make up detox'' and this also helped it got rid of red marks , killed the bacteria in my skin and left me with a nice tan.I do suffer with eczema and that did put my confidence down a bit but its going down and soon i will have clear skin.The feeling have not having to wear make up everyday is great , i am so happy i found this website its helped a lot. I know how self conscious people can get over acne but just let the fresh air and the sun get to your face and balance out your diet and i can a sure you it will improve i am really happy about my skin improvement.
November 13, 2015
Clear on the paleo diet. You need to stick to it, a couple of weeks isn't enough.
March 2, 2015
Focus on the cause not on the symptoms
On this diet for 1,5 years and my skin is completely clear. You really have to address the root issue, al creams just focus on the symptoms. C'mon people, don't spend your money on symptom treatment, focus on the root cause. The cause of your skin breaking down is in what you are fueling it with from the inside. Kick the sugars/grains and dairy and I promise your skin will be 100% healthier.
August 24, 2015
GREAT DIET! but difficult to keep up with
I became paleo in February. I was at first gluten free and still constantly breaking out... I got tested for allergies and my results were a slight sensitivity to all grains! Which explains the inflammation of my skin. Besides DIGESTION is everything when it comes to acne and overall health. Being paleo helped my skin tremendously. (As much as I hated eating healthy coming from an Italian family and living off pasta) kale smoothies and sweet potatoes became my best friend at helping my skin. (Also having a nut and coconut allergy made it much more I still had to keep dairy in my diet) but I was CLEAR! Unfortunately, I turned 21 this summer and basically got caught up in having fun and staying out. Therefore, I found myself eating pizza. TONS OF PIZZA. Fries. Donuts. So much delicious crap and beer. That being said I'm not the clearest right now, but I also didn't want to deprive myself. I still want to live a little . I LOVE FOOD. So yes, this cheat summer was def. worth it. But I'm getting myself back on the paleo track now:) my advice is...instead of depriving yourself and finally giving in and eating a whole box of Oreos. A home cooked pasta meal and a donut here and there won't hurt. LIFE IS ALL ABOUT BALANCE;)
June 23, 2016
So I have only been eating paleo for about two weeks now but my skin has never been more clear, face and body. I use no acne products anymore just eating the paleo diet. It is a little hard because you can't eat processed foods but maybe just cutting out grains and dairy would work too. I suggest trying this out if nothing else is working for you. Definitely worth giving up all that food.
February 16, 2015
Worked for me!
Right now I am not on this diet because I seriously do not have time to cook so much Paleo food. BUT I was on this diet for 9 months, and i gotta say, my skin was 99% clear then. It was great. It really did work for me, i don't know why, and i don't know how. But i know that if i want clear skin as soon as i go back into doing this diet, it will surely clear up.