Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 31, 2008


wonderfully clear skin , great haelthy hair



never had better skin but im a lil sick of the weight gain, but because ive had acne for the past 10 yrs and tried everythin possible on earth i dont mind lil weight gain for that perfect clear skin. i dont have to cry anymore cos of havin acne all over!!!!
March 19, 2009


Actually I haven’t tried it and don’t intend to.


Most afraid of possible development of breast and cervical cancer and also liver tumors.

I have acne that hurt. That brought me to my gynecologist who found polycystic ovaries and prescribed me Diane-35. I was supposed to start taking it today, but I won't do it, after reading the package leaflet. I've made a little research on my own and I want to shear it. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome usually have at least several of the many signs and symptoms associated with PCOS, including: Irregular or no menstruation, Signs of excess androgen, Enlarged ovaries with multiple cysts, Infertility, Obesity, Skin tags, Prediabetes.. [link removed] [link removed] The exact cause is not totally clear, but it is most likely that the body has much more insulin that it needs. Here is another helping link. [link removed] I'm gonna try the homeopathic way. I have acne for 12 years and I can wait for little bit longer to get rid of them. Support
April 29, 2008


My skin improved a lot after a couple months of using it. 80% of my acne disapeared, and what's left is less worse.


Costs a lot more than the pill I used before.

It can be a good help.
April 7, 2008





I am very abset I used it because I want my breasts grow but until now nothing happen
September 15, 2009


not yet trying...


waiting for miracle

I suffured of acne when i was 20-25,after taking doxyline,it been cure,i am 36 with 2 kids,but since april my face brokeout,doc recommamed diane 35 to me but i haven't take it,can anyone let me know the benefit of diane 35,
September 19, 2011


* Made boobs fuller
* Less PMS
* No baby


* Also made boobs very tender- don't be fooled
* Made skin A LOT worse
* Emotional effects

I have been on the pill for two months. My doctor told me that despite what a lot of people say your skin is NOT supposed to get worse before it gets better. Before I got on the pill, I had one or two pimples on my face at a time. Now, I constantly have clusters of about 5 pimples in several areas of my face. They aren't small pimples either- they are big and extremely red. This has decreased my confidence a lot and I have subsequently developed a hate for this pill. I am fairly sure that the pill has effected my overall mood also. Before I got on the pill I experiences severe emotional outbursts as a result of PMS around the time of my period. After going on the pill I do not experience severe out bursts of emotion around the time of my period but I do experience a lesser emotional stability in general throughout the entire month. I find that I am more easily irritated or upset. I would not recommend this pill. Run while you can, now that I'm on it- I'm scared my pimples will be EVEN worse if I get off and I am reluctant to change brands. I will ride this hellish ordeal out for another couple of months to see if my symptoms subside. But if it's birth control you are looking for- get an implant in your arm or your tubes tied. PLEASE, Just don't get this pill!
December 7, 2009


None yet. Just started today....


It cost me a lot, I don't have insurance at work!!!

I am a 28 year old and I have never taken any oral contraceptives before, my gyno put me on Diane 35 to control my acne, which is awful for someone my age. It caused me so much embarrassment and depression. I did a lot of research before starting my pack today and see that Diane 35 is either really good or really bad. The side effects that concern me the most are weight gain...I already weigh enough thank you very much and the blood clots...(thankfully I don't smoke) As we speak I developed the most awful headache! Can I take Motrin or Advil or Tylenol for this??? HELP!!! Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
November 9, 2011


Im using the generic Estelle but apparently it's the same. My doctor also put me on epiduo for my acne as well.
-With both of these my once terrible acne is now 50% clear.
- The severe redness my skin once had is 50% better as well which is good :)


-My acne did have a really bad breakout at the starting few weeks of this.
- If I don't take the hormone pills before I go to bed it makes me nauseous.

For me it's something I'm sure will continue to work and clear up my acne completely but for now I'm happy with its progress.
May 28, 2011


Got rid of all acne
Regulated period


Worsened period pain
Weight Gain
Feeling of depression/mood swings

I started taking Diane at 14, after 4 years of periods that were inconsistent, but usually about a week apart. I was also having painful acne. I have been taking Diane for over a year now. Initially the results were great, but gradually I had put on over 10kg. Also, I had not had much period pain before the pill, but now I am in pain up to 24 hours before my period and lasting for the remainder. I have had times of depression, ranging in severity, and have actually pinpointed it to a particular point in my cycle, which never happened before. The results do part, especially with acne ( I love my skin) but as for the rest of it :( I am soon changing to another pill.
November 11, 2011


Clears up acne
Provides contraception
Lighter periods


Only temporarily solves the problem

I've had problems with acne since my teens and am now in my 30s. I have tried Diane 35 in the past for teen acne without much success.This was the last resort before taking roaccutane and has worked brilliantly, even after 5 weeks. I would definitely recommend it for anyone suffering from hormonal/adult acne!