Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 2, 2007


awesome acne drug


it is expensive and there is a health advisory warning about this drug.

this was the best acne pill i have used out there. i used to it for my skin and i was on it for about 1 year. i noticed a huge improvement in my skin a couple of days after i started using the pill. however, my doctor advised me not to take the pill anymore because of health warnings. i was on alesse for about one year but i found that it had no effect on my skin.
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January 30, 2007


it cleared my acne, but i didnt have much to begin with, still get a zit here and there.


gained so much weight (within 6 months...25 lbs) even eating healthy, and i got blood cloths from taking diane 35.

dangerous, and the weight gain is depressing, wouldnt use it again, not worth my health. I rather be slim like i was, with that occasional pimple and knowing that i dont have any health risks I will sleep better at night. DO NOT USE DIANE 35
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January 27, 2007


Cleared up skin pretty good, no changes in breast size (good!), no cramps really, easy periods,


a serious lack of desire for sex!!! still get zits every once in a while. no improvement with mood swings

i'm very hapy for what it did for my skin. I am planning to go off it though b/c i need a better libido!!! I'm a newlywed (lol) and ya, I feel bad for my man. I'm worried though as to what my skin might go back to....? Anyone know another pill that helps to clear up your skin? I would recommed it though, especially if your not worried about your libido!
January 24, 2007


Regular periods, lighter flow, NO period pain.


Slightly improvement in acne, mood swings, weight gain.

I have been on Diane 35 for 2 yrs and I have only noticed a slight improvement, my acne still flares up, have tried all over the counter products..but what else is there ??
January 23, 2007


gets rid of acne, regular periods


possible weight gain, after about a year I kept getting yeast infections, up to 4 a month.

I would like to stay on Diane 35 but I feel tired all the time and have yeast infections practically all the time. So its not worth it. Im switching to tricyclin lo tomorrow. From what I read you arent supposed to use diane for more than 4 months.
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January 21, 2007


cleared up skin, lighter periods


going off it sucks, when on - decreased libido

For those considering coming off....here are some things that I have been experiencing.. 1. Increased libido 2. Increased acne 3. Highs and Lows - mood swings - awful! 4. Increased anger 5. Increased body oil - everwhere, not just face. 6. Irregular cycles 7. PMS pains - stabbing pains near ovaries
January 17, 2007




food cravings, deeper acne

i just started my second pack. I feel that my acne have become deeper because diane is starting to work. before they were just simple little ones dissappearing as often as appearing. Now they stay longer, but it almost feels like one pimple now is worth many tiny ones and it is sucking all the infection from the area around it on its own. I am a dancer and weight gain is not a possibility for me, but I do get very intense food cravings now. I am used to eat what I like and not have any weight changes, but now I am a little worried as I crave a lot of sweets... my boobs increased in size, but I don't know if that's a pro - I didn't want that really. hopefuly my skin clears up. I do believe that it will. most of my friends are on diane. so I try not to stress about eating sugar and not covering my face with benzoyl peroxide every night
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January 15, 2007


regular periods, weight loss, larger breasts


Acne still there, mood swings, high loss of libido and vaginal dryness

I have been on Diane 35 for 6 years. I originally started using it for irregular periods and acne.I found it didn't help with acne at all & know i have had to resort to taking roaccutane for my skin. Very bad mood swings & high loss of libido. Also very bad vaginal dryness. Now have been recommended to get off Dianne as no longer need it for my skin though am a bit worried at what might happen once i get off????
January 6, 2007


Clearer skin, lighter periods, less period pain, no PMS


Slight weight gain, lowered libido

I don't really give a crap what I have to forgo for clear skin I do think Diane has effected my moods somewhat including libido- but I can guarantee my libido and moods would be MUCH worse if I had acne Diane has given me dependance and confidence I would not have otherwise said I have at least 7 friends also on Diane and we all swear by it wholeheartedly
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January 3, 2007


Cleared up my skin after first pack of pills, bigger boobs, weight loss


Very upset stomach after taking this pill for 4 days. Upset stomach lasted about 4 days.

I have been suffering with cystic acne for over 4 years. I have been on every kind of oral antibiotic my derm. could think of. This is the only thing to work. I have just started my second pack of pills and not only are my BIG pimples gone, the little ones are getting better too. I still get the odd pimple but not like before. I got bigger boobs almost immediately and i have lost 5 pounds. Considering it was the holidays, the 5 pound weight loss is a lot. I only weighed 130 anyway.