Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 22, 2015
Loved it, stopped it and acne came back, back on it!
I went on diane 35 when I was around 15-16 and it cleared me right up. I still got the occasional break out when my period was coming or if I left makeup on but honestly what I mostly dealt with was scars which I didn't mind because bb cream could cover those. Anyways I am now 19 and I stopped it maybe December 2014, and June 2015 I HAD to visit my doctor and get it prescribed again because my face was just at its worst in years. I am now about to start my third pack and my face has gotten better than two months ago for sure. Still not great tho, and for those two months I broke out kinda bad. It's looking up though and I will stick with it because I know it works from experience, and why give up after two months? Just stick around for another two and hey you'll probably have clear skin! I started to pair retin-a with it about two weeks ago, every other day first week, and then moving up to everyday this week, at night. So far I haven't broken out more and I am hoping they make a good pair and that helps me with my scars and helps with the acne as well. I have a forum or whatever you call it where I am posting my results. Feel free to check it out if any of you wanna get on diane 35, or you are on it like me and wanna see progress compared to yours and discuss stuff!
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April 2, 2015
Work in Progress
I'm 18 years old, female and just finished my 3rd month of a generic brand of Diane, same thing though. If you're reading this you're either: A) Thinking of getting on Diane B) Already on Diane and wondering when it's gonna start working! or, C) Looking to see if your side effects are normal. MY ACNE:- I have had moderate acne for about three years now, generally my pimples are big and blind (underneath the skin), take ages to surface and then ages again to repair so when I get one it's almost kind of devastating. After that I usually get a cluster around the initial mother pimple which sucks too. RESULTS SO FAR:- I'm posting this just to let you know (whoever may be reading this) that I'm not one of the lucky ones who has achieved perfectly clear skin after only one to three months of using this drug. Since being on Diane, I honestly think my acne has gotten worse, not a crazy amount, but it hasn't improved just yet. This doesn't mean however that it won't start working very soon! Most of the reviews I've read only notice a difference between the second to fifth or sixth month. After all, it is a hormonal treatment and your body must adjust to it. This may involve random breakouts that aren't like the ones you've had previously, they may be in different areas or of a different volume. Don't freak out! it's pretty normal and they will clear. SIDE EFFECTS:- Personally, I have experienced some of the common side effects such as trouble getting to sleep (not too bad or often), mood swings and breast growth/ soreness. I honestly do believe that the mood swings I've been having can be controlled with a mind-over-matter mentality, take a deep breath and calm down or watch a sad movie and have a cry! It's okay to be a bit temperamental unless it's leading you to harm yourself or others. If you're looking to try Diane but are nervous about the side effects, just try it. You can stop taking it at any time if the side effects (if you have any) become too much for you. I haven't even had results and I'm not bothered by the side effects! THE TRUTH ABOUT OTHER REVIEWS:- Don't freak out when you read reviews that seem incredibly bad, everyone reacts differently and many are very quick to not only slam a drug that didn't work for them, but they're obviously going to exaggerate their story to sway the minds of those who are interested in taking Diane because they're angry with their result after spending time and money for it! Acne can be exhausting, frustrating but also expensive. All I'm saying is that if you're at two or three months with no result, persist. I'm going to update this review when I finish my 6th month of Diane because I feel it's important to share my story. Good luck, I know how tough it can be but you're not alone x
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June 12, 2015
Hey! I'm on my second pack and my skin is worse than ever! First month was fine but second is not fun at all. I'm 8 days in and on the worst day break out wise. But I've been on this pill before and it actually did work for me, I just didn't remember my skin ever getting worse before it got better but I guess thats the case here. I heard 4th pack it gets better, then by the 6month mark it should start having noticeable results, which is what the info in the pack says anyway. Hang in there!!
February 26, 2015
perfect skin, no side effects
Years of antibiotics and topic products could not do what this product has done for my skin, which is to remove not only acne but blackheads. Pros: perfectly Clear skin reduced PMS reduced period pain thicker hair slightly fuller chest Cons: 1 kilo (2 pounds) water weight gain
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December 8, 2014
So happy!!!
Here is my prestory: I had perfect clear skin all my life. When I turned 20 I started breaking out in little bumps on my forehead then on my chin...by this time I started trying different acne creams like differin, tactuo, clindamycin,azone you name it. Even though I noticed my skin would regenerate faster and the pimple would not live as long (because my skin was peeling and red all the time thanks to the creams) my acne was getting worse...I was starting to get cystic acne on my cheeks, very deep painful ones on my chin. Tactuo actually gave me a very bad allergic rash on my cheeks. Its very harsh, wouldnt recommend using it. My skin was also getting to be veeery oily. Then i started trying different antibiotics like tetracycline....then when it didn't work after couple month i tried doxycycline.....I was dong different facials, peels, microdermabrasions..... I also went on birth control - Aviane. As months went by and i was trying everything including carefully watching my diet and my acne kept getting worse. My self esteem was going down so fast where it got to the point where I was so depressed I was crying all the time and I would skip classes at university just so I don't have to go out in public. I was seriously about to beg my doctor for Accutane when I read up that Aviane is actually not very good birth control for your skin because it doesn't have any antiandrogens and Diane 35 even though has lots of side effects and an elephant dose of estrogen has promising results for people who suffer with hormonal acne (which I concluded was my case) so after a year of suffering with acne i decided to give it a try. Diane 35 results: First week I took it I broke out very weirdly in unusual spots and more then usual. During second week one day I woke up and I am not even kidding - MY SKIN WAS NOT OILY ANYMORE! It was very sudden and felt like a miracle. No shine at all. My hair wasn't getting greasy as fast either. I was very happy even though I still broke out like usual before my period, I finally felt like there was hope. Then for a few months I would still break out but definitely not as much and my old marks had time to heal. I had one week where I would not have even a single pimple and another week get a usual amount of acne - deep painful ones. But my advice - don't get discouraged!! Just keep taking it. 4 months in, my skin drastically improved! I was getting may be 4-5 pimpels a month and the quality of my skin wasnt rough and bumpy anymore it was sooo smooth and I was finally getting some even skintone. I stopped taking all those useless antibiotics and topical creams that just gave me rashes and made my skin super sensitive. My depression went away, I was still obsessed with foundation and a bit self-conscious but I felt normal and healthy. Right now it's almost a year since a started taking Diane 35 and I can say that i am 100% acne free! I could go a month without having even 1 zit and im sooo happy! I can go outside with no make up at all and feel good about my skin. I think everybody deserves that! I am still very careful with my skin regime though. Side affects; Yes I got very moody first month or two while taking Diane 35 but I was already very depressed so I can't say that it influenced my life in a negative way. And yes I gained may be 5 pounds since I started taking it, my appetite really went up and my boobs got a bit bigger...and I still carry that weight. Yes for the first bit my sexual desire was almost non existent ....but now that I think about this it was all SO WORTH IT! I was very unhappy my family doctor wanted to put me on antidepressants and I would even avoid seeing my parents and my boyfriend. This pill saved me and I recommend it to anyone with hormonal acne. Oh and my moodiness and libido is back to normal...I guess the body just needed sometime to adjust. As far as coming off it to conceive a baby I am really scared because of all the reviews that acne comes right back :/ But please give this pill a try before taking accutane! It might be just as much as a miracle for you as it turned out to be for me :)
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November 20, 2014
Life Changing
I have to say that this drug changed my life. I had had severe cystic acne from the time I was 15 years old. I had tried antibiotic (too numerous to name), Accutane (horrible, horrible drug), Spironolactone and U.S. made birth control pills such as Ortho Tri-Cyclen. Done of them did anything, other than cause awful side effects. I was finally told by my doctor that there was nothing else they could do for me and that I would just have to learn to live with the problem. But, in my 30's I started searching the internet for help and found out about Diane 35, which you can't obtain from doctors in the U.S. I ordered some from on-line and was somewhat fearful of taking an unknown drug with no medical advice or monitoring, but by this time I was at my absolute wits end. I have to say that it started working almost right away and it helped me so much with my PMS as well. I found that my skin would clear up for about two weeks per month and then break out again with my period. Eventually I hit upon taking the pills for five days out of the week for the entire month rather than having a seven pill break once per month. That did the trick and my skin is so clear and pretty that strangers stop me and comment on it! Never before in my life had someone told me I had nice skin. NEVER... I had suffered through so much pain, depression and isolation due to cystic acne, I never thought I'd ever have a normal life. Truly, this was a miracle drug for me. I know that everyone won't have the same experience with it that I did, but for me, it was life changing. The best years of my life were ruined, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel for me. My heart goes out to anyone suffering with this. Just don't give up trying to find a solution, don't ever give up!
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December 13, 2013
What can I say? It works.


No negative side-effects
Cleared my skin completely
Lowered oil production and made my skin smoother


Increased risk of blood clots while on medication
Can cause depression or other negative side-effects
Takes a while to work

I have to give this medication 5 stars. I'm aware that there are risks with this medication, just as there are risks whenever you take any birth control or medication of any kind. I was prescribed Diane-35 because I went to see my doctor about my acne. He determined that it was hormonal acne and told me to give this medication a try. That was a year ago. I had skin so oily that I couldn't wear make-up (it would melt off my face in oily patches throughout the day), but so much acne, redness, and irritation that I felt I couldn't leave my house without covering it up. I tried everything - every kind of acne cleanser, cream, gel, spot treatment...I was so fed up with spending so much time and money on a perfect skin care routine, only to see no results. Benzoyl peroxide helped a little bit with the pimples, but more always appeared and the amount of oil that my skin was producing was just horribly excessive. The texture of my skin was bad too; it was bumpy and rough. After I went on Diane-35, I expected something to happen. Nothing did, for three months. I didn't experience any negative side effects, but I didn't see an improvement in my skin either. Then, around month 3 or 4 of taking it, I started to notice that my skin was producing less oil than before. I could wear make-up on my face without it completely melting off! After 6 months of the medication, my skin truly started to clear up, the acne faded, and my skin became more smooth and soft. I've been taking it for a year now, with no noticeable negative side-effects. I truly believe that it is the only reason that I have clear skin today, and I am so grateful to both my doctor and this medication. I have so much more confidence now, and I highly recommend discussing this with your doctor if you believe that you have a hormone imbalance that is causing acne. I realize now that I must have had an excess of male hormones, which Diane-35 helped take care of. While I understand that some people have experienced negative side effects from this drug, I truly haven't. It's worth a talk with your doctor to find out if it's something you might want to look into getting.
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November 11, 2013
Diane 35 + androcure worked great


smooth, clear, flawless skin
bigger boobs


put on weight (4 kilos)
headaches, fatigue, and low libido at first (get better then)

I started a treatment on the 25th of July (1st day of my cycle) - I had severe acne (chin, cheeks, jawline, to the ears, forehead, etc.) - 1 tablet of Diane 35 a day for 21 days - 2 tablets (100mg) of androcure a day the first 10 days of the cycle - 7 days of rest I did that for three cycles and saw my skin clearing up from the very first cycle, after getting worst the ten first days of the treatment. By the third cycle my skin was completely clear, only with scars to treat and the odd very small pimple. On my fourth cycle I reduced to 1 tablet of 50 mg of androcure instead of 2 (still only the ten first days of the cycle), and my skin is still amazingly clear and smooth. I am going to reduce again to half a tablet next cycle, and go on reducing until I am only on Diane 35. I LOVE this treatment, it really saved my skin and self-confidence. I felt terrible with very severe acne, couldn't get rid of it.... Felt very self conscious, etc. I am back to my real self with a normal skin and that's amazing. There are a few side effects but honestly I don't mind, I have my dream skin now and just have to heal the scars. The sides effects I noticed are: at first, very tensed boobs, put on weight, increased appetite, headaches, fatigue, dryness downbelow, low libido, but it settled down, (I think it's due to androcure but the aim is not to stay on androcure forever but to reduce it progressively once the symptoms disappear). I made the mistake to give up healthy diet as I knew my skin would heal anyway (no need to stick to healthy food anymore) and that's why I put on weight I think. If you fight the appetite at first and stick to healthy diet, you'll be fine, it will settled down. I truly recommend it, it's amazing. Pr Eden in Australia did research on this treatment for severe acne on women with or without PCOS and found excellent results in virtually 100% of the cases. So no situation is desperate, we are very lucky to be women and be able to access these kind of treatments. Men can't take it.
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September 15, 2013
Worked for me


No acne
Facial hair loss
No clots or cramps during period


Weight gain when coming off it

I was on Diane 35 since I was 17 (am 35 now). I was put on it due to acne and also a little of hair on face. It definitely worked for that as I have always been commented on my great skin and having had acne problems since. The hair on face decreased. I used to suffer from lots of clots during my period since I first got them but in this pill that stopped. I didn't have any issues with hair loss on my head and my moods were always good (eg didn't ever have PMS and no cramping either.) I went off Diane 35 in January this year after I heard of the deaths and health risks after being in it do long. I went to my GP and whilst she wasn't concerned as I was we changed me over to Levlen. After two months on that I had to go off it as it turned me into a complete bitch (my poor husband!) and I was always depressed and crying. In the end we decided it was best for my health to go off all pills and just be careful. Finally after 6 months my body feels like its back in balance. A us was my periods were regular from the start and this hasn't changed. The only negative of going off the pill is that I have put on a good 10kg. Not good as I have been trying to lose weight so that we can start for a family. I have been eating healthy and better than when on the pill. Not sure why this is happening, the only thing I can put if down to is my hormones are still not in balance. I have had my thyroid checked twice as well as general check up and blood tests for other possible causes. Nothing wrong there at all. We have decided to start for a baby now as being 35 turning 36 this year and after being on the pill so long, we don't want to wait any longer before trying. Fingers crossed it doesn't take long!
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April 22, 2013


definitely works! just have to give it time. you can't expect clear skin in a few days.
less oily skin



the bottom line is that it worked for me. (i'm actually on estelle, which is a brand of diane, it's just cheaper!) i was skeptical, i'd tried everything, i had also tried loette, another form of pill for acne. i have been on it for just over two months now and my skin has drastically improved! i had terrible hormonal chin acne which was really, really red, and now i have no new noticeable pimples, only the bit of scarring that's going away now :) couldn't be happier! give it a go!
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April 6, 2013


Clear skin
less oily


horrible initial breakout
takes a lot of time to kick in

So for all the girls taking this bcp all I have to say is please be patient and look forward to the positive end result. It may be bad now but if your acne is hormonal this is a great solution, coming from someone who has tried everything. My doctor had even prescribed me accutane but I wanted to give this one last try before i did and I'm so happy i took the chance. My acne was absolutely horrible but finally after 10 years I'm beginning to feel confident in my own skin
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