Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 10, 2013


Consistently clear skin
Eliminated severe menstrual pain



This completely cleared my skin in approx a month. I suffered from acne which would become dramatically worse the week before my period. My skin is clear, smooth and more vibrant. Also needs very little maintenance to keep it clear. No negative side effects for me, and it also has the benefit of birth control. Completely eliminated severe cramps and pain from periods as well.
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January 6, 2013


Very Clear Skin
Less body hair
regular periods
weight loss
bigger boobs


mood swings
mild stomach pain

Diane combined with my topical skin routine cleared up my acne for the first time ever although has started to give me anxiety
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December 28, 2012


I had terrible acne as a teenager probabky starting when i was 13. I had some everywhere on my face, shoulders and back. I tried every type of cream and anti-biotics....except for accutane. I was put on Diane 35 at 16 and have been on it for the last 12 years. I did not get a single pimple since then and i had no oil on my face (like zero oil) not the ton of oil that i used to get. This pill is a life saver.


The pill works great while you are on it. I am now trying to get pregnant and my acne has returned (not as bad as when i was a teenager but its still pretty bad). So this pill is not a cure. It will work until you stop taking it. I had no side effects except clear skin, no oil production, no cramping during periods. Even if my acne is now back, it gave me 12 years of peace. I need to make a sacrafice at this point to have children. Will be going back on after i have a baby. CANT WAIT!

You need to try this pill if you have hormonal acne. Give it at least 3-5 months before seeing results. You will see your face will start getting less oily before your acne decreases. I did not have 1 pimpke for 12 years. I call it my miracle pill.
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December 24, 2012


cleared acne
reduced oil production
regulated period


Acne came back worse than ever after I stopped using Diane due to mood problems

Diane did the job when it came to reducing acne and oil production however the trade-off is that I constantly felt uneasy, anxious, paranoid when I used to be a generally a cheery and passive person. In hindsight, I would not have taken Diane in the first place because I'd rather have bad skin than being an emotional wreck all the time. On top of that, now that I am off the pill my acne came back even worse than before, it's even on my chest and back where I never had a problem with before.
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December 9, 2012


The clearest skin imaginable which in turn boosted my confidence and self esteem


Nothing but a slightly decreased sex drive

I was on this pill for about 5 years and it was the best decision I ever made. I had porcelain skin with so many comments from my family and friends about how good looked. I thendecided to get off it as I didn't want to keep pumping my body with hormones. It didn't help that at the time I had the stress of starting a new job and the break up with the boyfriend. That worse the worst decision I ever made, my acne came back with a vegence. So after 6 months of trying to fight this off with new cleansers and vitamins and constantly crying myself to sleep I've gone back on it. I've been on it for 2months and I haven't seen any major improvements, there has been a slight reduction in the pimples I'm getting, instead of waking up with 5 new pimples everyday I'm only getting 2 or 3 a week, but I still have tons of red marks that I know will face. Bottom line is that this will work trust me, but don't expect over night miracles, give it at least 4 months and you will be so happy and confident in your own skin again
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November 19, 2012


Period flow greatly reduced
Reduced Acne


You still get your period (as opposed to some other contraceptions)

I have been on this drug for 15 years with no issues. I have tired other forms of contraception but none suit my body like Diane 35. Compared with other contraceptive pills I have been on it reduces my very heavy periods the most, helps with my acne, gives me no breast tenderness or swelling and I have no weight gain. I am currently on Depo Provera (a 3 month contraceptive injection) and I can't wait for it to leave my system so I can get back on Diane 35. Compare with being on Diane 35 I have gained weight, my sex drive has disappeared.
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October 25, 2012
So I have only just now started my 2nd pack of Diane 35 but am already a huge fan. I highly recommend this BCP for those that have Hormonal Acne! I am 25 and have been struggling with sever and consistent acne since I was 14. I am one of those people like many of you out there that have literally tried every acne product known to man. Again, this is a great pill for those with hormonal acne...acne and cystic acne on the chin, jaw and even the upper neck. I get two or three breakouts a year on my cheeks/forehead. I also had a hormone test done and was found to have elevated levels of free testosterone. Again, I have only been on this pill for a month and can already see major differences. I would sometimes wake up with 2 or 3 new zits a day and am now getting 2 or 3 a week. My horrible cystic acne that I would get has completely stopped...I am only getting random small whiteheads now. Reading about the other girls weight increases I can understand, I have noticed an increase in my appetite and an increase in dry skin on my entire body not just my face, but nothing lotion can't fix. If you have hormonal acne like me give this a chance! I have to order it from a Canadian Pharmacy that obviously doesn't take American insurance but its still only $20 a month so so worth it. I literally spent so many weekends of my life not wanting to go out and have fun because I was embarrassed of my acne, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! Will update in a few months when I'm sure it will be even better!
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October 3, 2012


Cleared skin (but only as long as you take it)


Extreme mood swings
Total loss of libido
Increased appetite (gained at a rate of 1 lb per month for 24 months)
Sharp pains in my calves
Inability to focus
Crying spells

This medication pretty much ruined my life for the past two years. When I stopped taking it all of the above symptoms really decreased. I didn't get my period for 6 months after I stopped taking it. When my body finally clued in and started producing hormones, it was predominantly male hormones. So I developed terrible acne 20x worse than I had ever had in my life. Not only that but I also began growing facial hair, ON MY CHEEKS. It was like a peach fuzzy all over my face that made it look dirty. To h*ll with this stuff. What a freaking nightmare. Before Diane-35 I was athletic, happy and pretty. After Diane-35 I had gained 25 lbs, was depressed, hated myself and was starting to look like my brother. If you're acne isn't severe, don't risk it. It fosters dependency on this medication. For anyone giving this drug a good review and hasn't tried to get off of it yet, I'm willing to bet that most of you will eventually change your tune.
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September 5, 2012


- none!


- caused me to breakout everywhere
- tired
- moody
- nausea
- over priced

I was originally on diane 35 and was switched to the generic brand a few months ago. I began birth control when I was 15 to help control my cramps and of course my acne. I did notice a big difference when I was 16 however now that I am 21 and have been put back on the actual diane 35, I have been through hell. Nothing but breakouts everywhere. I am getting breakouts on my chest, my back, and even down my arm! Just last week I had no pimples and now I have pimples everywhere. The hormones that are in this pill actually cause breakouts before it corrects them. I would not recommend this product unless you can deal with the breakouts before it gets better, and that's IF it gets better. This is not the product for me.
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August 26, 2012


-Fewer pimles


-Sore tender breasts
-Uncontrollable moods swings
-When you stop taking acne comes back way worse

My doctor put me on this for 3 months it did work at first but then I stared getting ance all over my face instead of just my forehead, I started getting really mad and upset all the time, When i did get my period I was in so much pain, It made me loose my appetite and i was always nouseated and foods I would even just smell would make me sick I would not ever reccomend theese pills.
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