Erythromycin : Oral Antibiotic

345 Reviews

Erythromycin Product Pictured:
Active Ingredient:
250 mg of Erythromycin Base.

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose NF, povidone USP, FD&C Yellow #6 and other ingredients. The capsule shell contains gelatin NF, titanium dioxide USP, FD&C Yellow #6.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 18, 2010


It actually worked! Must say got a little doubtful after a months of use where acne seemed worse, and skin oil levels were quite unstable which is probably what led to the worsened acne. However my persistence paid off, where after 3 months of taking 250mg 1 hour before breakfast and dinner, im completely clear! Was using in combination with Quinoderm5 which were both perscribed to me by GP for free.
Also off dairy & chocolate, and am using Oxy Wash and anti-oil balm.


Made acne worse for the first month, and extremely oilly, but don't care anymore, im spot free!

You MUST try this if benzoyl peroxide by itself isn't properly working for you
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November 17, 2009


Clears up acne, didn't irritate skin, not harsh.



I swear, I've had the most horrible acne ever since I was 13. It was horrible because no one else had every single spot on their face covered with cystic acne and horrible acne scars. I'm now 15 and I'm so proud of how my skin has become. My dermatologist has prescribed me the pill type erythrocin. It took 2 months but my skin is MUCH better now. I still have little bumps in places but they don't have pus in them and they're not huge. I have a lot of acne scars due to those 2 years of popping pimples all over my face, and I'm working on them but this stuff CLEARS ACNE. When I feel my face it's super smooth. Give it a try I'm serious. this stuff is amazing.
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May 10, 2010


WORKS GREAT,For mild to moderate acne,wont dry out skin, pimples disappear in 2 days


Sticky, smells weird

This stuff has changed my life!!!! It only took a week for me to notice a difference, my self esteem is higher than ever because of this stuff , I am no longer afraid to go on dates and this stuff has really changed my life. It didn't take a month either it worked right away, i had moderate acne , mainly on my cheeks and for head till i was introduced to this product by my aunt.My skin is looking better than ever, i use the 2 percent topical solution.
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December 11, 2009




got more break out.

This product is hard to say... because i took 230mg orally for a week and didn't see any major change. the redness and pimples on my forehead continue to maintain. Then I upgrade to 530mg oral antibiotic and it still didn't make no mayor change.... So now I'm switching to AZELEX (AZELAIC ACID CREAM) I heard tremendously good reveals for this optic... so i'm crossing my finger it'll help. beside... takin long time oral antibiotic is not good for you.
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November 20, 2009


- Price was 2 dollars for the pills.
- minor to no changes. Maybe smaller bumps? Bumps weren't that big to begin with.


- Solution can spill easily don't give you much.
- Pills did absolutely nothing!

I've been on the solution for a little over three months and it hasn't done much for my skin. Maybe make them a bit smaller than before but my bumps aren't huge. Some people say they aren't noticeable but their noticeable to me and I want clear skin. I still have blackheads and the occasional white heads. Doctor switched me from tetracycline pills to ethromycin 333mg delayed version pills and these did nothing for my skin. Requesting a new derm and a new medication next time I see him. I have to pay for my prescription in cash so when my money isn't well spent its a problem.
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October 26, 2009


The first 2 weeks i used this, it cleared completely. About 30 spots to nothing.
Has stopped me from getting cysts completetly


Makes skin really greasy.
Acne is coming back worse than before - no cysts, but loads of red pimples.

Short term - brilliant Long term not so good. However very few antibiotics have had an effect on me - im on isotretonoin now. Im fed up of the war with acne
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April 8, 2010


works like MAGIC and the solution was cheap (if you have insurance)


my skin was a little dry after i used it a couple times but i incorporated lotion into my regimen and the dryness disappeared :)

i never struggled with acne until this year (i'm 21). my skin was flawless so even when two or three pimples popped up, i freaked out. i went to the doctor and he prescribed me the erthromycin solution and i've only been using it for less than a week and it's already worked wonders. 90% of my face is cleared up. i had broken out really bad along my forehead last week due to my period and my entire forehead is mostly clear now (minus a few small pimples). i know everyone's skin is different and this might not work for everyone, but i think that simply trying this is worth it! good luck!
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July 14, 2010


-almost completely cleared skin
-didn't dry skin out
-pills are easy to take for me


-must be very consistent
-must be patient

I used this in the beginning of 6 grade (I am starting 7 grade this year) and they almost completely cleared my skin. I was so happy and confident. But I was younger and a lot less knowledgeable about acne so i thought once my skin was clear I didn't need to take the pills anymore. BIG mistake. my skin went from very light acne to mild-moderate. I was just prescribed these pills again and i hope they will be as effective. But you must be very consistent and patient with these pills. But they are definitely worth it.
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June 22, 2010


started to clear acne in less than a week
no side effects for me


results didnt last

I took the pill form of this antibiotics for 5months and it cleared me up completely, however, the results didnt last and i developed a resistance to it after 5 months :(
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January 11, 2011


easy to take
insurance covered most of the expense


derm told me that most acne are resistent to this antibiotic

my physican prescrited the oral form of erythromycin to help with the initial breakout of the tretinoin gel he also prescribed along with it. he advised me to take me only one pill each morning and use the tretinoin gel each night. i used it for a couple weeks and i broke out severely (i know this is because of the tretinoin gel's initial breakout, not directly related towards erythromycin). about a month later i had a derm appointment and he informed me that most types of acne are already resistent to this antibiotic. so he told me to quit using this and prescribed me with two other antibiotics. he gave me the oral form of doxycycline and the topical lotion clindamycin. these two medications were also taken along with the tretinoin. please understand that i am not bashing this product because i have read that it does wonders for some people i just thought i should share my story!
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